Seeing as it’s New Years Eve 2011, I thought it was best to share this with you before the year was out. So here it all is, in it’s naked shining glory, my Christmas treats from my lovely family. I should add this photo does exclude my brogues from my Nan and my mountain of chocolate and little treats from Santa (books, hair stuff, little trinkets etc). I was a super lucky girl.
Given that it’s New Years Eve, It only seems right to reflect on all the good fortune that 2011 has given me too. I must say I’ve had some fab highlights (and of course a few lows too, but they’re not worth dwelling on), this year I traveled to NYC, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Turkey, Oslo and of course Val D’Isere (my annual ski trip). I have Madrid, Skiing and Barcelona already cued up for Q1 2012 too. I got taken VIP to IOW festival, had many a crazy & pretty elite media night out (including awards shows) and eaten in a variety of London’s top restaurants (all part of the job hehe). I’ve celebrated yet another anniversary with my boyfriend (4 years in May 2012). I got promoted in January, we won Gold at the Media Week Awards and hopefully I’ll have another great career year lined up. I have spent many fun times with all my friends & family this year, too many to even list. And of course … I started my blog. I really can’t believe quite how addicted I’ve become. Despite everyone initially thinking it’d be another of my fads (even me) it’s become the complete opposite. I only wish I started sooner. I have been overwhelmed at how well it’s taken off, winning British Style Blogger, getting more and more lovely followers and of course getting to know all the fab bloggers out there too. It’s my own little fashion journalism dream come true. I really hope you all enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it :)
I’m sure there are tons more things this year I should have included as my highlights, but there really has been so many happy times it’s hard to remember them all. Have you got one favourite memory from 2011, I’d love to hear it?
Anyway Happy New Year everyone … here is to a fabulous 2012 and may you, your family and your friends be healthy and happy. Cue champagne cork pop!