I’ve been documenting my quest for red lipstick for a long while now. I’ve made some progress on route, and have gradually increased my confidence and ability to wear and apply bolder colour lipsticks. This lipstick here is my latest venture into the world of the deep, rich, glorious world of red lipstick.
I actually bought this lipstick for the NABS Big Bash event I went to a month or so ago. The theme of the night was heaven and hell, and rather than fancy dress it’s mor about the subtle touch. I wore my fail safe French Connection studded dress and decided red lips would knock me right into the ‘hell’ remit perfectly (you can see my look here). It was a mad lunch time rush pre the event to find my lippy, and I tried so many that I ended up heading back to work looking like i’d been snogging the entire of London behind the bike sheds.
Anyway, I came out with this bad boy, Rimmel No. 400 in Berry Red. It’s a little bit of a cheats red lipstick as it has such a strong berry undertone that some people may argue it’s more of a deep / rich dark pink. But I felt this was a brave move in my red lippy quest and so invested the very reasonable £6 it cost.
My biggest issue with applying red lipstick is my inability to keep the lipstick on my lips. I’m truly useless. My lipstick always bleeds and I always end up smudging it and what not. Anyway, this lipstick holds itself well and actually bleeds very little due to the matte texture of the lippy. I would say the only downside that comes hand in hand with this, is that it does slightly dry out your lips, I find after a few hours (2/3 hours) the lipstick starts to dry out a little and you can end up with a few dry flakey bits of lippy. Eww right.
I think a bold lippy like this needs some maintenance and care. It needs reapplication and you need to keep your lips well hydrated to pull it off. Overall I’m so chuffed I took the next step towards red, and i’ve worn it a lot lately for nights out and dinners etc. It just makes you feel all the more glamorous having vampy lips :)
Have you tried this Rimmel N0.400 lipstick? What’s your favourite red lipstick? I’ve had some ace lipstick recommendations from you ladies before, so keep them coming.
Beautiful colour, loving it!
Lucy Loves To Blog
Lovely colour, I really like the kate moss collection of Rimmel london lipstick :) xx