… should I be a DSLR owner? I love taking photos, love love love it. I have a Canon IXUS85 digital camera and an IPhone which I am always using to snapshot my life. I continuously use my IPhone apps to liven & jazz up my photos, I use Hipstamatic, Instagram and also Camera+ which are all fab.
There are so many amazing photography apps and gadgets available nowadays, there’s even a book sharing all the trade secrets … http://www.artofiphoneography.com/. BUT I do wonder, can anything really beat a proper SLR camera? The pictures are always so vivid and captivating and now I am a blogging addict and have started sharing my photos with you, I’d love to use a proper camera and start taking my photography a bit more seriously.
At this stage I’ve done a little research and am really loving the look of the new Nikon 1 J1 range … they offer the camera in loads of colours (which I LOVE, especially the pink and white versions) and it’s basically a combination of a compact camera and a SLR, which seems spot on for my needs!
I don’t know that much about the technology available, so would LOVE all of your advice on what you use, or what you’d recommend I should get (or should I stick with my apps)?
Right now though, I think a DSLR will be going on the top of my Christmas list :)
mines a sony, reasonable price, v good quality. nikon are also really good but have a reputation above what they are if that makes sense? maybe wait til jan, bound to be some deals! xxx
I’m on a mission to find a good compact dslr for my blog and job. I’ve got an slr too but find I hardly ever use it. It’s a shame as it takes aweosme photos.
The Nikon you’ve spotted is the one that I’m thinking of going for but I’m not sure yet. Let us know if you go for it!x
I’m on a mission to find a camera too – this is so super pretty, I love it I love it! Does it do vids? I adore it!
I really want an iPhone… *sigh* xxx
I’ve been considering a DSLR too but decided against it for now. I think unless you have Photoshop and a good knowledge of how to use a DSLR they can be tricky to get good shots on, so I’ve been told.
I did A-Level Photography but don’t remember much of it, so I plan to do an evening refresher course where Photoshop is included too, then I’ll invest! When I get around to doing an evening course though, who knows?!
So in the mean time I bought a Samsung PL120 and a tripod as a cheaper alternative.
Also the Picnik website is good for editing if you don’t have Photoshop like me!
Do let us know if you get one, I’d be interested to know if you get on with it easily!
Sarah XxX