The art of being happy
Being happy sounds simple, but the pursuit of happiness is something many people find them selves seeking, opposed to just being. Happiness can be hard to find, it can be challenging to focus on and it can be exaggerated to an extent that it feels impossible to grasp fully. But finding your happiness is so important, finding your joy and your content in my opinion is the ultimate life goal. What’s money, experience, people or success without happiness.
I’m personally a happy person, I am optimistic, opportunist and generally content in my life. But it’s not through luck per c’est, it’s because I decided to choose happiness over pessimism , stress, and over a lack of self belief that diminishes any kind of happiness.
Happiness is yours for the taking. So embrace it.

Developing perspective
Often when we think of moments of sadness, stress, dissatisfaction or discontent, they’re momentary, they’re in relative terms small scale, and in the scheme of life they’re an impact that you can choose to disable you or build you. When it comes to living happily, in my opinion perspective is your biggest weapon. Being able to combat the issues and dramas life will of course through at your is your biggest chance of success, and having a rounded and open perspective will enable you to deal with these things far more easily than if you let yourself obsolve into them. The difference between an ordeal and an adventure is perspective.
Gaining self belief
For me, happiness really came from gaining self belief, accepting myself, supporting myself and believing in myself. We can be our own worst enemy in life, but actually gaining some self confidence, self belief and some self love will transform your happiness. Trust me.
Focussing on the positives
It’s easy to focus on negatives, it’s easy to forget to be grateful for the small things in life, it’s easy it ignore the positives your surrounded by. Too easy. But it’s up to you to change that, and it’s incredible how your happiness will be transformed by simply shifting your point of view, your energy and your focus from the negatives on to the positives. If you need a little help shifting your mindset then start a grateful diary where you can jot down the 2-3 things you feel grateful for each day, and I always find starting the day thinking of 5 positives an immediate way to start the day right.
Balancing your drive
As a drive person I’m always pushing myself to achieve more, to have greater success and to please myself and my friends and sanity as much as I can. And what can come with this overwhelming drive can of course be stress, a fast paced life and a lack of work life balance. Finding ways to create balance in your life, to enable yourself to achieve the things you want (and dedicate time to working hard) balanced with time to enjoy the things that bring you happy outside of work is critical. There will naturally be times in life where work out weighs your social life, but it’s important to try and find an overall balance in your life that helps you achieve the overall life happiness you want. Sometimes that means practicing a little #notsorry.
Finding content
And of course, happiness is at it’s peak when you are content, content with your life, your prospects, your career, your social life, your future. Every minute doesn’t have to be a movie worthy moment, that’s not normal, but finding and having an overall feeling of content is the most liberating and rewarding state to achieve. A satisfaction, a safety, a wholeness that leaves you feeling deeply content, and happy.
Such an uplifting post! Thank you for sharing your tips :) I’m trying to build on my happiness day by day and look at moments of stress more as adventures.
Ella xx
I couldn’t agree more with all of these points, Melissa. It’s definitely true that the more you believe in yourself the happier you are. I also only started a gratitude journal when I was unhappy in a terrible job and it was the best thing I ever did!
Lovely article. Stunning photos. xx