I bought my first pair of GHD’s about 5 years ago, and up until this point they’ve served me well and helped transfer unruly hair into something far more tamed & styled. As sad as it is to admit, it’s hard to imagine life without a pair of GHD’s. As Aussie called it, ‘There’s more to life than hair, but it’s a good place to start’ and a good set of hair styling tools is an essential part of that hair styling process.
. GHD Eclipse Styler £145 .

I treated myself to the white GHD’s when I first moved to London and as with most stylers, you don’t tend to invest in new variations of the product unless yours breaks. However i’ve been fortunate enough to get the opportunity to try out GHD’s new ‘Eclipse Styler’ which is their latest product range designed specifically to style unruly hair quicker and with less heat (185 degrees). A rather helpful notion when you also sport bleached blonde locks, anything to help save my hair from more damage is worth a try (all hail Moroccan oil).
I’ve been using these new styling tongs for a few months now and am currently in ‘adaption mode’. As you can see from the images, they’re a lot larger than the usual GHD straighter and definitely a step up the design steaks (you push a button which makes a noise and lights up the GHD logo – flash). For straightening they’re a big improvement on my old GHD’s (which in fairness are a bit tired now), they certainly straighten my hair a lot quicker and effectively tackle a large chunk of hair in one stroke (opposed to 4 or 5) which is so handy.
Aside from straightening my hair (which I revert to out of default when I don’t have time to do anything more), I also like to curl my hair when I have a little more ‘me time’ to play with. I have naturally curly hair but I prefer to use straighteners to create a more perfect curl look. Sadly over the last 2 years I seemed to have drastically lost my hair curling technique (sob) so I have been determined since receiving my new flash straighteners (Stylers) to learn the technique again and sport my curly locks more often (as I prefer my hair this way).
I’ve already been curling my hair a ton more since I got the eclipse styler (you may have noticed in my recent outfit posts) and given all the fancy technology it does help help with styling, the plates glide through my hair more easily and keep my hair looking glossy and not totally dried out. I’m still trying to perfect my technique, especially as the new Eclipse styler is larger so takes a bit of adjusting to.
I’d love to hear your tips for curling hair with straighteners and hear what products you use?
I love the look of this, my hair is naturally curly but I always have to straighten it then curl it again if I want sleek curls instead of frizzy ringlets!
I love GHDs too and like you said would be lost without them!! They do seem to last forever though (touch wood!), these ones look very sleek and good!
GHDs are amazing and they do tend to last forever and leave your hair looking pretty much fabulous the entire day! *bonus* : )
Molly x
My GHDs have lasted me YEARS
Georgina at itotallypaused.com
I’ve always wanted a pair of GHDs.. I’ve used them at a friends house before and know they are great, but I just can’t get myself to save up for them. These look great though!
i really need some new ghd’s because i can’t live without mine either and mine are being a little temperamental *sobs* i may have to take a look at these..!
hannah @ http://hansaddiction.blogspot.co.uk/