Well it’s been extremely well documented, over hyped, and heavily rumoured … but if everything we’ve heard is right today is the last day of google reader! I’m not really sure what this means, as far as I’m aware google reader is barely used anyway – for those of us following via GFC, most of us read in our blogger dashboard right? And that’s going nowhere!! But anyway … it’s best to be on the safe side so below is a list of lots of different ways you can follow mediamarmalade to keep up with the latest …
Probably worth off saying GFC ain’t going nowhere, so if you read blogs in your blogger dashboard and like it that way, then you carry right on (I sure will be). You can follow mediamarmalade on GFC HERE.
No. 1. Bloglovin
Probably the most popular of all the blogging networks, bloglovin is a great and easy way to follow all your favourite blogs, keep up to date with unread posts and also a super way of finding new blogs, either popular blogs or ones similar to those you already love and follow. I’ve always been on bloglovin but in the last 3 months have really started using it loads, on my mobile and laptop, i find it really easy to keep up to date with my favourite blogs. You can follow mediamarmalade on bloglovin right HERE.
No.2. Facebook
Facebook is another super easy way to follow a blog, it instantly seeds bloggers content into your usual facebook feed, making it a really simple way to keep up to date on posts. As a blogger I find it a great platform for posting lots of other little bits and bobs outside my actual blog, like photo’s, instagram feeds, general status’s and sharing things I like. I actually follow most of my favourite bloggers across all GFC, Bloglovin and Facebook – as I tend to find different content on each platform. You can follow mediamarmalade on facebook right HERE.
No.3 Twitter
This is the social network I use most often to post whatever it may be that I’m thinking about all throughout the day. I also post my blog links on to twitter, so it’s another easy way to keep up to date on my blog posts. My instagram and pinterest feeds also link to twitter … this is a super way of getting to know other bloggers too. You can follow mediamarmalade on twitter HERE.
No. 4. Instagram
Slightly separate to my daily blogging is my instagram, which is another social platform i’m addicted to. Expect to see a lot of outfits and a lot of food here. I love instagram and follow all my favourite bloggers instagram feeds to see what they get up to in daily life. plus just day dream looking at lots of pretty pictures. You can follow mediamarmalade on Instagram HERE.
No. 5. Pinterest
This is the site where I store most my inspiration, whether that be style inspiration, outfit ideas, food porn or home decor ideas – pinterest is my hub for it all. I have multiple boards on my pinterest page and I think in general it’s a great way to share and get inspiration for all different things in life. You can follow mediamarmalade on Pinterest HERE.
No.6. The rest of the rest
As a fashion blogger, I don’t only post my outfits on my blog, I also post a snapshot of each daily outfit on a number of different fashion sites, if it’s the outfits you love the most then you can also find mediamarmalade on: Lookbook . Chictopia . Look . WIWT . ASOS FF .
I hope you find these links useful, i’d love to know how you keep up to date on your fave blogs?
i prefer using twitter to keep up to date with my favourite blogs as i’m on it all the time, but i’m a sucker for a pretty instagram feed! ox
I usually read through my blogger dashboard but made the switch to bloglovin’ in the last few days!
Just learnt you were on Facebook! Brilliant, I can share your posts with my friends now :)
I normally view your blog through your twitter posts but I love to re-pin outfits on Pinterest too! x