I’m not one to really brand swap or try tons of new products when it comes to my makeup, I have my faves, the things I know work, and I tend to stick by them. If I do try something new it’s usually because i’ve been utterly sold in and seen some great effects (plus heard lots of good things in the first place to even make me want to try it). Laura Mercier is one of those brands …

. Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturiser – Nude .
As I was on holiday I quickly decided that this impromptu purchase was just what I wanted and invested in the very effective Laura Mercier tinted moisturiser. I surprisingly got stung by the exchange rate and think I ended up paying around £47 which is almost exactly what it is in the UK. But I didn’t regret the purchase, the product lasted me well into March and really helped improve the health of my skin too …. turns out my skin does NOT appreciate being caked in foundation after all. I loved the product so much I repurchased in April (with birthday money) from Space NK in Bath, again it cost around £47 but worth every penny.
For me this product is brilliant because; it matches your skin tone, absorbs into your skin like moisturiser and by no means at all looks cakey like some foundations, it’s extremely light and barely noticeable, it seems to even out your skin tone all over but without changing your natural tone, it’s super easy to apply (a dab in the middle of my palm, evenly applied all over, like a moisturiser), it fits perfectly into my makeup bag, AND has 20 SPF. Phew …!! I don’t really have any negatives of this product other than; when travelling it bursts / leaks a bit (i’ve been stung 4 times with this), if you’re going on a night out or having a seriously bad skin day you may want heavier coverage.
All in all though, this is a must have base product for me. I love that it’s tinted moisturiser but does rival the coverage and colour blending of a foundation. The primer is next on my list of things to try …
Have you tried Laura Mercier products? Are you a fan of the tinted moisturiser? What’s your go to base products?
I love a tinted moisturizer, never tried Laura Mercier but may have to give it a go. My skin doesn’t like being caked in too much either! Can I just say, loving the quality of your pics – have you got a new camera? x
looks lovely! would love to try it some time :)
I would love to try this once my skin gets better.
Laura Mercier products are lovely!
Celina | The Celution
I have never tried this product but it sounds great.
Style Without Limits
I really want to try the tinted moisturiser. It’s so popular and so many bloggers seem to love it- I can’t not give in to the hype! :s
Daniella x