It’s Christmas Eve, ahh I am super excited now. My day is going to be a very casual one, so my outfit of choice is matching this theme. I’m spending most my day wrapping presents, watching Christmas films and knocking back gallons of baileys. I can smell the most mouthwatering aromas wafting from the Kitchen, my stepdad is prepping his nutroast for tomorrow (we’ll have Turkey, don’t panic) and I must say it looks unbelievable. Mum’s popped out to do the last of the Xmas shopping, so me and my sisters are just chilling out :) Jase (my boyfriend) has just driven back to Bristol to get ready for Xmas day with his family, luckily he’ll be back on Boxing day for Christmas #2 at my dads house. So that’s my Christmas eve so far, we may pop to the local pub tonight for a few drinks but I must say in my household it’s all about Christmas day, so Xmas eve is usually cosy and tucked up in doors :) Suits me just fine.