Its Saturday, a week before Christmas and I still have only purchased 3 presents. HELP. Naturally I woke in a panic and have turned straight to the computer to start frantically browsing for potential gifts to give my little sister, boyfriend, dad, nan, friends… ahh the list goes on. But here’s my problem … I end up on River Island, Topshop, Miss Selfrdige, Asos etc etc, just checking the ‘New In’ sections incase there’s anything i’ve missed in the last ummm 10 hours? ha!
So whilst on my distracted ‘Christmas shopping’ online browse I’ve come across these fab colour pop wedges from River Island. Now I know its about 3 degrees outside (in some places snowing), and we’re all in a fur coat and winter boots mindset, but seeing these cute shoes has started making me dream of warmer climates and the summer fun in 2012 we have to look forward to.
So I know its early, but clearly I need to start being a little more organised with my seasons shopping. Perhaps now is the time to start ;)
We’ve left Christmas shopping drastically late too but if the outcome is the discovery of shoes as lush as this… we aren’t complaining!
JS xx
I’m shockingly disorganised when it comes to christmas shopping. These wedges are beautiful! The red ones are my fave x