. OMGFashion Coral Skinny Jeans* . H&M Floral Peplum . New Look Coral Wedges .
WOAH THERE, yes these jeans really are amazingly bright. but I LOVE IT. Seeing as May is semi failing us in terms of weather so far, I decided to go against the grain and go all out summer brights. Coral floral print peplum teamed with some extreme orange skinnies … oh any my cute coral wedges. Colour bomb right?
This peplum blouse is an utter bargain, £12.99 from H&M’s Conscious Collection. I’m really impressed with the new range, I picked up an amazing pink lace skirt too for £20 – coming soon ;) I teamed the jeans with my new coral / orange skinnies which I got sent from OMGFashion which are a total summer dream. Not forgetting my coral wedges from New Look that I picked up not long ago too – J’adore.
I was super fortunate to go to the Oasis press event last night celebrating the launch of their new scarf print range (literally). I must say I was totally inspired. The session was more press event and exhibition than party, and was focused around a discussion led by Grazia Fashion editor Mel Rickey, with the designers of the collection Clive Reeve (Oasis Designer) and Nicky Albrechsten (Stylist / Scarf Curator).

As someone who’s always aspired to be a fashion magazine editor / journalist, I found the session so inspiring, the way that Mel and the guys spoke about designers they’d worked with and the history of the fashion industry was so intriguing. Nicky has worked with thousands of designers who come to her warehouse on Brick Lane to source some of her millions of vintage peices as inspiration for their new collections. Chanel’s new ice blue trend coming next season was inspired by one of her collectors pieces. The way they spoke about designers, as best friends ‘Lee’, ‘Stella’, just seemed another world away but made me all the more interested. Their predictions of the upcoming seasons trends AW: Beading and Bling, 2013: Embroideries and ‘Craft. Keep your eyes peeled :)
The Oasis collection itself is styled off Nickys huge collection of scarfs which she’s archived for years, there are some stunning prints within the collection and the way they’ve incorporated the prints and made them modern and unique is so clever. My favourite piece from the collection is the floral scarf print shorts (above). So cute :)
So yeah, a brilliant inspiring evening for me, and I also got to meet some ace new bloggers too (piccie above) which was lovely. Not to mention the goodie bag – we got 25% discount cards, a silk scarf which is just stunning, some earrings and nail wraps. Lucky us hey :)
What do you think of my bright OOTD look? I also have a little favour to ask, if you are a fan of my wee blog, i’d love for you to vote for me for the Next Newcomer Award for this years #CosmoBlogAwards … you can click here to nominate me :)
* Gifted but chosen by me
I Like you jewelry and jeans a lot!
Looks like i need to get to h&M x
I adore your coral skinnies – have you discovered a little pot of sunshine somewhere though? I haven’t seen any for weeks! :) I love that H&M top too, I’m not usually a fan of peplum tops but I really like the floral print, might have to pick one up myself!
So sad to have missed the event really wanted to go. Love the top!
i really love that top, love the peplum trend!
Those jeans are great, love how bright they are! Quick question, are those wedges high? and how comfortable are they? I’ve been looking for something similar for my holidays but want them to be easy to walk it…
Those jeans are amazing! I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to wear them myself but they look fab, hopefully they’ll encourage the sun to come back!
Oasis is a shop I haven’t been in for so long, I used to shop there a bit a few years ago but it has fallen off my radar lately.. maybe I’ll have to revisit soon xx
Love your jeans! http://tillysstreet.blogspot.co.uk/ xx
love your outfit, especially your jeans!XXX
those jeans are freaking gorgeous! x
Those jeans r ammmaaahhhhhhzzziin!!!! X
those jeans look lovely :) xx
LOVE this floral top. So fun and feminine!
looking so lovely in florals and coloured jeans! Have a lovely bank holiday weekend x
Love the coral pants, NEED THAT PEPLUM TOP! Is it h&m trend or not? I’m amazed by it! :-O
I love this outfit, the top is so pretty and a really flattering shape :) xx
Adore this outfit! Brightens up your mood in the horrid weather that the UK is having right now!