I fell in love with the shorts due to the unique print & subtle shimmer, they’re my most dressy short & believe me or not, I was lacking on the smart short front! They look fab styled with a simple camisole & pumps, but equally dressed down with a pair of converse & a loose tee. I’m so chuffed with my purchase i’m already in the process of getting an outfit post featuring them live on my blog (sneak peak in the top pic).
I mentioned that I actually bought two new pairs, this Navarre pair were my first splurge, but I also finally gave in and treated myself to the Reiss short suit i’ve been harping on about for months now. It was a leap of financial faith, but it arrived yesterday and I am SO excited to wear it. Swoon. Stay tuned for the debut of that beaut soon.
Are you a fan of shorts? What do you think of these dressy shorts, how would you wear them?
fantastic shorts x
CLUB AVENUE | BY ELZA BEATRISE http://club-avenue.blogspot.com
Wow, Beautiful shorts!
I’m not so much into shorts and don’t wear them often myself, but these shorts are so, so cool!
The print is so gorgeous! I think I would wear it with a black or white top :)
Oh golly gosh, those shorts are just spectacular x
Wow I LOVEE them!
Shot From The Street | Fashion Blog
These are great! You made me realise that my wardrobe is seriously lacking on the dressy shorts front – oh well, an excuse to go shopping I guess.
These are beautiful, you look lovely in them :-)
Christine, x