I’m having one of those weeks (two weeks actually) where everything seems to be going a little bit tits up, you know the kind of weeks. Last week I was working out in Denmark, but came down with a bad cold the weekend before which meant I felt rough the whole week and came home absolutely exhausted. My camera lens broke the day before I was due to fly, I managed to get that in to repair and in the meantime bought myself a new camera lens (which i’d been debating for a while) but delivery got delayed twice which was just a general stress. I suffer with migraines and spent Monday bedridden by one, Tuesday I smashed a boiling glass of water all over my leg which is now all red and blistered, and today all my trains were cancelled meaning I missed an important meaning! I mean none of these are big or actually really bad, but I mean seriously, whats going on! Bring on Friday I say, red wine & a chilled weekend!

Anyway, in weeks like this all I want to wear is a cosy jumper and my Ugg slippers, tuck up on the sofa and drink buckets full of tea! Obviously being a working lady that’s not quite possible, so i’m adapting my pyjama look for work by swapping my pyjama bottoms for a little leather mini and my cosy slippers for a chic pair of ankle boots. I’m not letting the comfort totally go though, i’m keeping the big cosy jumper on because there’s nothing like a nice warm snuggly jumper to perk up your mood! It’s a pretty good compromise, suitable for work but still comfy for me!
What’s your go to style when you’re feeling a little down & wanting to be cosy and comfy?
Beautiful outfit. Love the hat.
Minimalistic but comfy and stylish outfit = perfection!
Lovely outfit. The sweater is great!
I think it’s just been one of those weeks hun! I’m having one as well :/
Fab outfit though, and I love the leather mini with the oversized jumper! xx
Little Miss Katy | UK Lifestyle & Fashion
Lovely outfit! The cosy jumper is amazing :)
Lauriane xx
Oh man, sounds like a crap week! Hope things start looking up for you! I still looove the look of that jumper, this outfit is the perfect mix between cosy and professional!
Gorgeous, perfect outfit as always! Still lusting over that hat!
Those boots are absolutely GORGEOUS! I love a classic ankle boot in the winter months, there’s nothing more comforting to wear when wading through the elements! xo
LJLV | UK Personal Style
Love this outfit on you! I would wear exactly the same thing, except with leggings as pants instead of the skirt, if I were having an off week. I know what you mean about not everything being huge problems but all together they feel monstrous. I’ve had that happen to me way too often.
Kindness is the best accessory,
Such a fab hat, haven’t seen one this colour before! Looks gorge with the grey 😙👌 curiousaliceloves.wordpress.com
Perfect oversized jumper, and I love the blue/green hue of your bag – so pretty!
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty – http://www.brittonloves.blogspot.co.uk
Lovely outfit :) My “comfort style” looks a lot like yours, except that I don’t rock oversize sweaters as well as you do!