I bet you a tenner that one of the main reasons you started your blog was because of a passion, a love and a keen interest in something like writing, photography, fashion or beauty? You made a decision one day to make your own little mark on the old www dot, to create your own little space to share your interests, document your life or just to express your love for writing or photography. Whatever the reason I suspect that most of you, like me, started your blog as a little hobby, with no idea it might become a daily (bi weekly, weekly, monthly etc) project which you’ve now ended up spending years writing. A little hobby that you never intended or dreamed might become something more than a little online diary that only you and your mum read, you never dreamed that people would come along to read your content, share their thoughts & come back again the next day, you never dreamed your simple blogger template might one day turn into a fancy pants website, and of course you never ever knew it might become a little business in it’s own right which your favourite brands wish to collaborate with, because they like your style or the way you write!
I think its fair to say none of us ever started a blog with any intention of it being anything more than a simple online diary. Something that might last a month maximum, if you could even be bothered to keep that up?
I for one can relate with all of this. I started mediamarmalade.com back in November 2011 on an absolute whim, I loved shopping and loved clothes and one day was encouraged to start writing about it on my own blog. I didn’t really know what a blog was at this stage, but I felt spurred on by the opportunity it would give me to write. Having always loved the idea of being a fashion magazine editor (I mean who doesn’t) I thought this could be my own little magazine just for me! After a few months of blogging I started to realise there was a huge community out there, of completely like minded people who also loved to write about clothes, style, food and beauty and all shared similar interests. This new found social community made my enjoyment for blogging double and kept me motivated and spurred on to continue my blog, working harder to make great content. In line with this I started to get more and more readers, more lovely people commenting on my features and more and more brands wanting to work with me … and before I knew it i’d blogged every day for nearly three years and had made something that i’m really quite proud of.
One thing I have noticed over the last few years is how much blogging has changed. How blogging has moved from a little hobby for a small amount of people, to an industry critical to advertisers, fashion and beauty brands & the consumer market. Bloggers are no longer amateur writers hidden behind a computer screen, they’re established journalists making money from their content and being included in the marketing plans for huge global brands. Companies have launched off the back of the blogging industry, creating networks and revenue streams from bloggers across the continent. Bloggers are photographers, web designers, public speakers, freelance writers & not to mention fashionistas. It’s absolutely incredible how the industry has developed over time, the opportunities we’re exposed to, and the collaborations we get to partake in. But with this world of opportunity sometimes also comes pressure, stress, competition, self depreciation and a whole ton of other anxiety inducing emotions.
What I wanted to write about today, was how to not let those negatives affect you, i’m sure we’ve all experienced times when we feel hard on ourselves or our blogs, compare ourselves to those blogger millionaires who’ve achieved incredible successes or even feel like giving up. But we should always remember why we started our blogs … I doubt any one of us started a blog for commercial reasons, and if you did, then i’d argue you’ve missed the whole point of blogging in the first place! It’s not easy to keep positive all the time, but I have 5 tips and reasons for why you should keep your blogging morale high.

My biggest tip to help keep your morale high and combat any periods of negativity is to get some perspective. As i’ve already mentioned, I suspect that you didn’t start your blog for commercial success, you didn’t start your blog knowing people would actually come and read it, and you didn’t start your blog to collaborate with the fashion industry. You started your blog because of your passion for whatever it is you like to blog about (food, fashion, beauty, writing, shopping etc). And you started your blog for you. Not for anyone else.It’s really good sometimes go back to that, remember why you started your little online hub. Going back to those roots helps put in perspective your worries & probably unnecessary self depreciation. It brings back some humbleness, and reminds you that anything other than your own words on screen is an absolute bonus.

Now this is definitely not the easiest thing to do, and I for one am guilty of this particularly negative trait from time to time, and it’s so detrimental to our own happiness and success that’s it critical we all nip it in the bud straight away. Comparing yourself to others is also bad in your personal life, career & social life as well as on your blog. It’s not constructive and it’s actually quite irrelevant. But I understand it’s hard not to compare yourself to others you maybe admire or deem a success, and sometimes wonder what you’re doing wrong, or why you don’t have the same ‘success’ that they do (whatever blog success actually is .. see the next section for more on this), why said brand didn’t want to work with you, or why X magazines didn’t feature you in that partnership.
Heavens, i’m forever doing this and going through the age old ‘maybe i’m too fat’, ‘maybe my photography isn’t good enough’, ‘maybe they don’t think i’m pretty enough’ … rah rah rah. All total bullshit and so negative.
When it comes to blog success, it’s all subjective & it’s ever evolving in this industry. Just because you didn’t get to work with X brand, you might have had other opportunities which are fantastic, or that others may only wish they could have been a part of. There’s never any point comparing yourself or your ‘success’ to others, you should keep focussed on your own achievements and ambitions, irrelevant to others.
The reason this is so important, is that (particularly when it comes to blogging) it’s your personality and integrity which actually appeals to people, brands, magazines, businesses in the first place. Integrity is the absolute most important thing to a blog (and a person) and if you start comparing yourself to others and changing to try and fit what you believe to be the ‘success model’ then you will lose focus on yourself, your integrity, your personality and quite naturally your blog content will reflect this and suffer as a result. Think about every person you admire, aspire to or think is fabulous … I bet they’re all their own person and it’s their integrity and personalities which make them so appealing.
Staying true to yourself is key!

Back to ‘blog success’, in my opinion it’s a subjective term when it comes to blogging, there’s no defined end goal, there’s no ‘ultimate’ success measure because it’s a new and up and coming industry, the opportunities are limitless. So there’s really no point concerning yourself over it.Everyday another blogger achieves another incredible high, whether it’s an invite to fashion week, a collaboration with a fantastic brand, fronting a campaign, writing a book, designing their own collection, being featured on TV, having their own TV show, becoming a world renowned DJ. I mean the opportunities to ‘achieve’ are endless. There’s no ultimate measure of this success, and be assured that ‘numbers’ definitely are not a relevant success measure anymore. Some of my favourite most read blogs might have less ‘followers’ than I may have, but they’re being flown around the world with brands, collaborating with my favourite fashion designers & being featured in the top global magazines. If one thing is for certain it’s really not all about the numbers, it’s about the content, the engagement, the personality & ultimately YOU.I also think numbers and follower volumes become even more irrelevant when you hear of companies selling these to people – instagram, bloglovin, twitter. I mean the concept is hideous, fake and actually really frustrating for those who work hard and achieve organic growth.

Following on from my first two points around not comparing yourself to others, and not focussing solely on numbers, you should really set your own goals based on what you want to achieve. There’s no right or wrong, and there’s no ultimate target which fits all bloggers, we’re not a homogenous group of people we’re all individual unique bloggers and so our goals should reflect that.Your goals might vary from blogging every day to spending more time talking to other bloggers, to harder achievements like working with certain brands, getting nominated for an award or driving more conversation on your posts. You might want to have a target for traffic, but you might not.I personally like to set myself a new target every few months, i’m a very focussed and ambitious person and so working towards something really keeps me motivated. But my targets are always relevant to me, my blog and my ability, and will never be based on things I see others achieving.
You might not even want a goal, and that’s fine too. It is a hobby after all !

And the most important tip of all is to enjoy yourself. And the moment you’re really not, then stop, take some time out.A blog is for you and as much as you might hear people saying ‘write for your audience’, I don’t necessarily agree. I started this blog for me, so I write and feature all those things which I love, I feel passionate about, or just things I really want to talk about. And I believe that writing those things gives my blog a personality, passion and integrity. If other people happen to be interested in that too, then that’s absolutely amazing. If not, then that’s fine too, but what I won’t do is change to try and please everyone! If I started to force myself to write about topics or post features that I didn’t enjoy or feel excited about, then my blog would become a chore, a pain and something that I wouldn’t really enjoy (plus of course probably be less engaging to read too)!
So number #1 rule, have fun with it, enjoy yourself, keep check of reality & make sure you don’t lose sight of why you started your blog in the first place. Your personality is what makes your blog appealing, so don’t lose that.
Do you ever find yourself feeling a bit hard on yourself and your blog from time to time, what are your tips for keeping your morale high?
Such an honest and encouraging post. I think anyone’s who’s been blogging for any amount of time knows how hard it is to just keep going. In fact, if you can keep going you’ve already lasted longer than most people. I’ve almost given up so many times but you’re so right, you’ve just got to keep yourself inspired and move onto the next day. I love this post and these are all things that are so important for new bloggers to know despite there not being a handbook haha – amazing post xx
I really love this post. I’ve only just started my blog in the last month but will definitely be keeping these things in mind. Just like you said, when I first started I had absolutely no idea that people would actually read it, but now I have a lovely few followers who come and leave lovely comments haha.
I really love all of your posts about blogging, they have really been helping me. Thanks so much! :) x
I love this post. So helpful, thoughtful, insightful and encouraging, just a brilliant post x
I love this post, so helpful. My new blogging goal is to definitely speak to more bloggers and get involved in twitter conversations (etc…)! x
This post is exactly what I needed! Thank you!
Things get a lot easier when you stop comparing yourself to others!
Ana Leote
lovely pictures!
bisou, mirjam
Thank you for this post! I have just started my blog and these tips will come in handy.
Love M
Thanks so much for this post! Like it does become really disheartening when I see people who started their blogs a month ago soar way over the number of pageviews or followers I’ve tried to build up over years but I can work at my own pace, I really do need to stop comparing myself to others! I totally agree with writing for yourself rather than your audience, otherwise the passion can get lost and that’s what really matters, right?
Sometimes I feel my content may not be as good if people don’t share it or stuff, but I remember I’m doing it for me and if I love it, then that’s the best thing I can achieve :)
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty – http://www.brittonloves.blogspot.co.uk
Great tips! Something to definitely remember – that people have different levels of success and what you call success may just be posting things that you’re proud of, not how many times your article was shared/commented on. Good work! xx
I love your post. There are definitely highs and lows in blogging. Like you said, you just got to remember that the reason you started this is because you Love it and don’t engage in negative comparisons. Also, it’s great making new net friends through blogging. It is actually a very warm and welcoming community!
Sylvia | The Outfit Lab – http://www.theoutfitlab.com
Really nice tips. It’s good to have a reminder like this once in a while.
Thank you so much for writing this! I’m definitely going to remember these when I feel bad, brill advice :)
Elma x || PetalGrrl
What a lovely post, it’s always good to keep all the points made here in mind! :)
i had a blog before but then i lost interest but recently i decided to try again so thank you for this! great advice!
Thank you so much for this post, it’s exactly what I needed right now!
It’s so easy to compare followers and how ‘successful’ other blogs are and get disheartened, but I completely agree that it’s subjective. Your series of blog tip posts have made me feel really inspired for my own blog but also remember to stop worrying about the numbers! Thank you for the advice!
Emma xo Wallflower Wardrobe
I love positive posts like this. I am still fairly new to blogging and will often compare myself to other bloggers, or wonder when I am going to ‘make it’ so to speak. It’s good to be brought back down to earth as you say, and remember why I started blogging. Once you lose that passion, this will reflect in your writing and that can’t be a good thing.
Thanks so much for the words of wisdom!
This blogpost is perfect! It is so inspirationa and helpful, especially for people with tiny blogs. I love fashion. My dream is to be a fashion designer but I know hoe unlikely it is that that is going to happen. So I decided to create my own little space where I share what I love, just like you described. It feels great to hear from someone as successful and amazing as you that you’ve once started small aswell! What an inspiration
Don’t compare yourself with others, be inspired by them. Good post, thanks! xo
Thank you for this:) I’m just starting out, but I’m already comparing myself to others. This post is a perfect reminder for everyone
Ariana // Thoughts Through a Teacup
Thank you for this! These tips are definitely things that I will keep in mind while blogging.
Thanks for sharing!
The Mama Gazette
So it turns out I owe you a tenner then! Hehe. This has given me more perspective when I’m hitting a little mini slump – it’s hard being an FBlogger when you need to find the ideas and money to get the clothes to shot/post, but it’s the most enjoyable thing I’ve done so far in my life so that’s only a minor thing. I’m still kind of a newbie so hopefully whilst I keep at it and enjoy it good things will come my way. Thanks for sharing lovely 👌😙
Thank you so much! I have become so bogged down in worrying about my traffic numbers and you have reminded me that I am doing it because I love it, not because I need 1000’s of people to read it xxx
I really needed to read this! It’s hard sometimes, not letting yourself get discouraged. Thanks for this post <3
Hi Melissa….thank you so much for such usefull tips…i can relate to each and everything a new blogger feels and aspires as you have mentioned… i am a newbie too and am so dying to have full and genuine readership that at times i get frustarted. I expect a lot from my blog as i am seeing it in place of my full time well paid job, which i have resigned. It really becomes very hard at times to cope but your post has helped a lot to help me gain that confidence and spirit to get going…..Thanx a lot for sharing your experience….lots of love