I’m writing this post, because i’ve come to realise that this last month i’ve really been burning the candle at both ends, juggling my work and career, some more exciting blog projects, travel abroad and generally a lot more socialising and drinking.
Work life balance is something i’m always striving to achieve, and most the time I do it well, but sometimes if I end up ‘adding on’ extra activities (like going out, drinking, travelling) that I don’t do all the time, I can find myself getting exhausted, and more often than not the affects of ‘burning the candle at both ends’ only comes to your attention when you’re already down to the bottom of the candle & the wick is struggling to keep alight.
Well that’s sort of where I am now … and as a result of some very busy weeks, a little too much drinking and of course delivering my usual job & blog demands, i’ve worn myself out. So much so that I can’t keep my eyes open, my tummy is sore (I suffer from gluten intolerance and IBS, and naturally when i’m run down this gets worse), and i’ve now woken up with an almighty cold. My first in many many years.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who goes through phases like this, or finds themselves a little run down and needing some serious TLC, right? So today I thought i’d share my 5 tips for getting back to health & recovering from a period of being ‘worn out’.
Sounds obvious right? But honestly the most important way to get yourself back on track, to allow your body to rest and recover & generally give you the chance to recoup, is of course by taking a break. I know we aren’t all able to take a 3 day spa break whenever our body calls on it, but even just cancelling your plans on a Sunday morning to have a proper lie in, to giving yourself a night in after work to do nothing but cook a healthy dinner, take a long bath and treat yourself to an early night. Taking a break, however small or big that break needs be, is essential.
I touched on it above, but sleep is a saint when it comes to recovery, for me, I only really find my body and mind returning to normal after i’ve had some serious sleep, undisturbed, undisrupted, perfect sleep. Sleep for me is the number one way to recover. The last few days I’ve found myself falling asleep on the sofa and noticing how much I clearly need to rest, i’ve decided for the week ahead evening plans are cancelled, and i’ll be prioritising 8-9 hours sleep each night instead.
Whenever I feel a little run down I always automatically notch up my intake of greens and healthy goodness, in this day n age we’re all totally aware how much what we put into our bodies affects how we are (you are what you eat, n all that), and so whenever I feel my health dipping (like it has right now) I make a conscious effort to get my usual healthy routines back on track – green juices each morning, fresh home made dinners and generally just a little more consciousness as to what I am putting in my body.
With my serious collection of cookbooks, I have a few I always turn to when i’m looking for a little health kick start, Deliciously Ella, Helmsey & Helmsey, Pure and The Detox Bible are all great for healthy living & inspiring you to knock up some good food.
As much as you probably feel like snuggling away under your duvet for the next week, actually getting out and lapping up some fresh air, oxygen and of course sunlight is actually a really important step in recovering your body to health, and fighting off those rotten colds & flu’s! Taking a walk to the shop to pick up your veg & medicine, sitting in the garden to enjoy a cup of tea (or better, hot lemon and water), opening the windows to give your bedroom or house a little freshen up.
Even better, if you feel up to it, is to get a little active in the fresh air, sweat out and detox, at the same time as getting some well needed fresh air. Absolutely don’t push yourself too far, but perhaps a little stroll, or maybe a light jog, or little outside yoga. Anything to get your blood flowing helps!
Of course we all know what it is we really need and want when we’re feeling worn out, suffering with a cold or just generally feeling a little exhausted and that is of course being pampered. Whether its a constant flow of home made honey and lemon drinks, having your medicine ready and waiting whenever you need it, or that special treat of dinner in bed. You don’t need to have a doting boyfriend or live with your parents to do all this (although admittedly it helps), you can even help yourself a little by stocking up with all the things you need to feel better, and giving yourself a little TLC.
For me, it’s the simple things like someone checking i’m okay, making me hot drinks & generally just making sure i’m stocking up on the right things.
So there you have it, my 5 little tips for getting yourself back to health, fighting off the colds and recovering after you’ve been burning the candle at both ends.
I for one am embracing all five of these tips right now, especially upping my sleep and my greens and the next two weeks are going to be dedicated to ‘me’ … getting myself fit and healthy again!
Do you find yourself getting run down every now and then too? What are your top tips to getting back to health?
I definitely agree with a break and sleep, and I always feel better with green foods and comfort meals, especially the endless mugs of tea!
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Beauty
I really needed this post. I’m in the middle of my university exams and have been so down (lack of sleep being a major problem). I have been trying to get as many greens and vitamins by blending them up so I hope that and getting some more fresh air will help me boost my health and revision!
x Ilia from http://www.iliascupoftea.com
I needed this! Ive actually had the worst cold ever for the past week and i’ve been sleeping constantly which is helping loads, but i think tonight i shall give myself some pampering and some me time! xx
I’m just getting over a cold too, I need to start taking daily vitamins to help my immune system fight when I am sick, good tips! X