Today’s post is quite a funny one really, as daydreaming is normally something we’re deterred from, especially at school where it’s seen as a distraction, but today i’m encouraging us all to do it. I’ve been feeling a little poorly this week, and whenever i’m feeling run down I always end up daydreaming about sunny days & all those things I wish I could be doing. And it got me thinking, daydreaming actually has lots of positives too, it can help creativity, boost inspiration, help with career planning, keep you ambitious and ultimately help get you in a positive mood.
So today I thought i’d steer away from the hard career advice, and go a little more whimsical on you, and share the reasons why I think daydreaming could help you and your career and life ambitions, and also some things that you should start daydreaming about now, to help you on your journey to success.
One reason I think day dreaming is really good and a positive thing to do, is that it can help encourage ambition, thinking about all the things you want to do, want to achieve & want to experience is a really positive way of working out what your overall ambition is. Whether you are thinking about career, life generally or simply things you want to do this year, letting yourself daydream a little about the future can help give you a little ambition and something to start working towards.
Daydream Tip: Why not start thinking about where you’d like to be in life in 5 years time?
Naturally when your mind is wandering and you’re letting yourself go a little, things can get creative. Often we get a little stuck in our day to day routine, bogged down in the mundane tasks that fill our lives & forget to spend a little time embracing our creative sides.
I went to a really inspirational talk a few weeks back, run by a company called Upping Your Elvis, and they talked in depth about the varying stages and different types of mental activity (brain wave activity), from Beta through to Delta, and how in each of these stages our ability to think creatively changes. Most of us spend much of our time in Beta, which is a really small part of our brain and deals with the more rational and functional brain activity … but it’s when we relax enough to reach Theta and Delta that the creative magic starts to happen, and often where the best ideas arise from. To get into these types of brain wave activity, you have to be relaxed, very relaxed, and this is where daydreaming comes to play! In fact, many famous artists were renowned for meditating / sleeping / or finding other ways to really relax so that they could begin work in Delta or Theta, and this is when their most successful creative work was developed.
So, daydream, to encourage creativity.
Daydream Tip: Think about briefs or tasks in a more creative light? Consider home decor changes or the more creative areas of your life?
I find that when i’m most relaxed and chilled out, I am the most inspired and susceptible to inspiration. It’s quite closely linked to creativity, but giving your brain a little freedom to roam and explore will most likely end up giving your a whole host of ideas or thoughts of things to do! It’s that age old saying, that your best ideas come whilst you’re in the shower or on the toilet (for me driving or travelling) … and the reason is because you’re relaxed, you’re giving yourself a moment to think, to day dream.
As a blogger getting inspired is really important to me, getting inspired with content ideas, photography and imagery and even longer term ambitions for my blog! I find there are tons of ways to seek inspiration for blogging in particular, whether it’s browsing pinterest, reading magazines or other blogs, travelling … or simply daydreaming. The idea for this post came out of me sat on the tube daydreaming about blogging! Et voila!
Daydream Tip: Why not start thinking about your blog, what you want to write about, what you like to read yourself or simply what’s caught your attention this week?
Daydreaming, whilst whimsical and not necessarily founded in process, can actually be a really great way of allowing you to identify and set yourself goals. In allowing yourself to get ambitious, to get inspired and think creatively, you can start to define those things that really get you excited, what it is you want to achieve, and from there you can start to think more practically about what your goals and milestones may be. Perhaps you find yourself constantly dreaming about New York (ahem), well if that’s what it is that you want to do, travel to New York, move to New York, Work in New York, then embrace those daydreams and start thinking about how you can make those dreams a reality. You only live once!
Daydream tip: Think about what you want to achieve in your career? Think about what you want to do before you turn 30? What is life success to you?
Finally, another reason daydreaming is so great, is that if there’s one thing that daydreaming does, it sets you in a positive mindset. And as we all know, being positive is so important in not only making you feel happy, but also helping you deal with situations better, being more open to new opportunities, dealing with challenges more easily and of course being more attractive person to other people – positive people attract positive people!
Daydream Tip: Let yourself daydream about holidays, fun times with your friends, exciting opportunities
There you have it, a little bit of daydreaming can do the world of good, so next time you find your mind wondering off to tropical beaches, or running your own business, living in your favourite city … don’t stop it. Embrace it. And most importantly … do something about it afterwards.
Let yourself get creative and inspired, think ambitiously, set yourself goals and be optimistic and positive. The world is our oyster, so lets go after our dreams!
What do you always find yourself daydreaming about? Are you a daydreamer or a more rational thinker?
I’m always losing myself in a daydream – how I want life to be, how I want an outfit to be styled, or how I want my blog to go. It also helps me visualise the person I want to be and how to act in certain scenarios :)
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Beauty
Nice read :] I always find inspiration in my dreams and day dreams
The Fernweh Wolf / Travel & Lifestyle Blog
I finally can tell people that my daydreaming is useful! Thank you.