This post is actually probably more of a self help post than anything to be really honest, but if you’re anything like me then you’ll frequently suffer from stressful episodes. Usually driven by work and career pressures, but ultimately regardless of where the stress comes from, the fact of the matter is you get ill & find yourself stuck in a situation of total exhaustion which not only affects your mental health, but also your physical health too.
We all know that to be so stressed that you get ill, migraines, sickness, exhaustion etc, is absolutely horrendous, unnecessary and most of all unhealthy, but it’s often hard to banish the stress, especially when you’re struggling through an unbelievably stressful period.
But today I wanted to take a moment to address why it really is so important to get rid of it, and a few little tips as to how you can help yourself through stressful times, and how to banish your stress all together.
Firstly, when we think about stressful times, more often than not you are stressed because you are juggling too much, whether it’s too many work projects and deliverables, or quite simply too many things generally in life. As a driven person, I often find myself feeling under pressure, stressed and exhausted due to the sheer amount I take on, 99% at work, but not least the additional pressures outside of my career such as my blog and a social life.
Sometimes, as much as you don’t want to say NO at risk of not progressing / delivering great work / impressing your boss / being the best you can (insert relevant adjective), actually it ultimately is the best thing to do. Firstly to ensure you don’t break yourself in the process, but secondly because it allows you to focus and deliver 100% on the projects you’ve already taken on. What i’ve found is that often people respect you more in the long run for showing an ability to take leadership, and focus on delivering the best output for the business.
Head space is everything. Seriously, when I’m stressed my head is working at 200 mph (hence my constant migraines) and it’s just so hard to think clearly, actually get work done, and generally concentrate on the tasks at hand. Often to actually make progress on your tasks in hand you need to actually take a break, clear your head, and come back with fresh eyes and fresh perspective. Whether or not it’s a 10 minute coffee break and walk outside, or a weeks holiday.
Take a moment to acknowledge how you’re feeling, accept it, and help yourself back to a positive place by giving your head some space, time and calm.
One way of clearing your head, and allowing your body to unwind and release all the adrenaline it’s no doubt creating is to just do a little exercise. Not only will it help clear your head & but it’ll also help energise you, and give you a little more ‘buzz’ for when you get back to tackling your to do list.
When i’m busy, I always find excuses to ditch exercise, but in reality keeping fit, drinking lots of water and nourishing my body with goodness are three things that will actually really help me deal with my stress, keep positive and generally be able to handle the situation more easily, especially if you use products like tonic cbd oil too, as products like these have been proven to get rid of stress-related issues.
There’s nothing better than a good rant when your brain is buzzing with a whirlwind of stressful thoughts, a million things to do, and generally just in a state of panic. Whilst we may think a rant is negative, actually allowing your brain just to free flow and talk it all out will probably help you make sense of things a little better, help you clear your head, and actually make you feel less alone in at all .. you’ve shared the burden a little.
Best of all, when you talk it out with friends, colleagues or family (or even to yourself, out loud), you usually solve the problems or stresses yourself. Why not finish a chat, with a fresh to do list, and a clear point of view on how you’ll tackle it. Step by step. One task at a time.
You’ll find yourself feeling less pressure almost immediately. Breaking down the tasks into manageable chunks, with a clear and realistic timing approach to how you’ll deliver it will really help relieve some stress and will make things feel more manageable.
I’d love to hear your tips on de-stressing and getting yourself through difficult periods? I hope you found these tips helpful too?
When I’m stressed out, the best things for me are to head to my safe space (my little attic bedroom) and close the door. I’ll light a candle or two, get into my pyjamas, maybe text a couple of friends if I need a rant, and just enjoy some serious me-time. Usually I’ll get an early night, too, and everything feels a little better after a good night’s sleep.
Saying no is always my biggest problem! Great tips :)
Laura xx
The last step is a thing I always try to do – I have some pretty big projects in my job, and they can be pretty daunting as a whole – but as I break them down into smaller bits, they seem a lot easier and more manageable!
What a brilliant post – I’ll definitely be referring to this next exam season. I can completely relate to no.1 – it’s so important not to take on more than you can handle. Quality matters more than quantity after all!
Great tips! As a person who thinks quite negatively (or realistically as I like to call!) I tend to become stressed quite a lot. I put a lot of stress on myself to exceed expectations and deliver everything I do to a really high standard. But sometimes we have to realise we are only human and cannot be perfect at everything.
Toni x
I am always saying yes to everything to make sure I get the most of out everything and I don’t miss out. When really this causes a hell of a lot of stress and I always end up feeling so guilty when having to cancel plans.
Saying No is definitely something I need to remember xx
Abi | abistreetx.blogspot.co.uk