Happiness is one of those emotions and ‘things’ that when you’ve got it, its euphoria, it’s what makes the world go round and what makes life so enjoyable. For me it also goes hand in hand with love, most the time when i’m at my happiest i’m with my loved ones and doing the things I love. For many happiness comes easily, which is fantastic, but for us all, on some days, some weeks or even some years, happiness can be a little harder to grab hold of and embrace, especially when life around us is making it a little more tricky to keep positive, have fun and be happy.
i’m clearly no happiness guru, but I like to think i’m quite aware of my ‘wellbeing’ and my happiness, positivity and also my weaknesses that can bring all these things down, i’ve read a lot of books, had a lot of experiences and even had some training which has helped too, so today I thought i’d share my top 5 tips for getting more happy … little things that if you spend a little effort thinking about them and working on them, hopefully will help you have a little more happy time too!
“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” Dalai Lama
okay, so we all have a caveman, the caveman is that little person in our brain who likes to talk to us. A LOT. The caveman especially likes to have a chat when things are starting to go wrong, maybe we’re in a situation that the caveman thinks is a threatening one, or a concerning one. In these situations the caveman likes to protect you … tell you to run, get out, hide, back away, shelter. In reality this is your fight or flight protection … it’s great sometimes (when you see a fire, you run for example), but often if left alone for too long the caveman can start to make everyday tasks into a threat (you shouldn’t be seen looking that fat, you can’t wear that people will think you are an awful person, you can’t do that at work, you’re not good enough – you know the jist). These little things our caveman is doing are only meant to help us, but you know in this day n age, we don’t need that caveman as much as we used to … and so to avoid overwhelming amounts of worry, anxst, and negativity, sometimes we just need to give our caveman a little talking to. Listen to the worries, but reassure the caveman with realism, confidence and assurance. Once you’ve learnt to deal with your caveman a few times, you’ll realise your able to be in a more positive, and happy place more often, and spending less time feeling anxious or worried.
In simple terms, accept your sadness and your negative emotions, but address them, pick yourself up, sort yourself up and get on with life.
One simple and really easy way to boost your happiness is just by getting out, whether thats out with friends, out on a walk to the shops or just out and sitting in the garden. It’s amazing how taking a moment to absorb your surroundings, get a boost of vitamin D and simply just getting out the house can transform your mood. For me going to the beach is a sure fire way to make me happy, just the sea, sand and fun memories immediately bring me to a happy place.
We spend so much time thinking of others, whether that’s our boss, our family, our friends, our clients … anyone and everyone. And whilst it’s lovely to always think of others, sometimes by only thinking about others you can just forget about you. What it is you love, what it is you enjoy, what it is that makes you happy. We often don’t even realise it, until one day we just feel fed up, under pressure and just exhausted from trying to please everyone and do everything we think people want … sometimes you simply need to take a step back and think about you. Spend more time on YOU! That doesn’t mean forgetting everyone else, but why not suggest doing something you find enjoyable, or saying No to that work project, because actually you already had plans. However big or small, just spending a little more time focussing on you, ‘me time’, and what makes you happy will immediately transform things.
Healthy eating, healthy living and healthy mental attitude. These three things are proven to boost happiness, and we all know it really, but often we just neglect health for some short term fun, but looking after your wellbeing and health will help to keep you happier in the long run … feeding yourself the right things, keeping active to get those endorphins flowing and just making sure your mentally in a positive place (refer to point 1) will help you lead a much happier life.
Finally, dream, dream big, and don’t just dream, do it. We often spend so much of our time wishing for things to happen, hoping things will change, dreaming of that career, that home, that holiday we want. But nothing happens without you going out and getting it … so if you truly want to feel happy, you have to be happy in the NOW, not in the future and not in the past, the NOW, and so there’s no use in having dreams of the future, you need to working towards those dreams right now. No matter how big or small it is … accept it, work towards it, and celebrate it when you achieve it.
You’ll find that living in the present, and working towards something you want to achieve will transform your happiness more than you could imagine. Happiness is yours for the taking!
“Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door. ” Coco Chanel
I hope you found this post helpful and also good to read, i’d love to know if you have any other little tips or tricks for getting more happy, or whether any of these you’ve tried or think will help?
I can always count on you for inspiring words.
This is just what I needed! I love these types of articles that you do.
Silly Medley: Lifestyle and Travel
Inspiring words. A tip from when I personally suffered stress and depression to spend more time on you is to create a happy book. Just photos and some annotations of your best memories in a nice little scrapbook. This is fantastic to look back on when you’re feeling down. X
Aw! I love Your tips posts! I’ve always wanted to have a huge tips section on My own blog ^_^!!
SJay // The Chronic Dreamer | A Lifestyle Blog
Happiness is such an important factor in life, and I totally agree with getting out there and grabbing it for yourself. Seeing friends or being active in your search for a better quality of life, it’s all good!
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Beauty
I really loved this post. I’m currently working really hard on my personal happiness, and it’s really worked, and so many people have noticed a change, especially those that haven’t seen me for a while.
I cut some ties with some negative people in my life, and focused on what was great about my life. It was such a simple thing to do, but has had such a positive effect on my mentality. It’s quite amazing how much a negative person can change your personality without you realising.
Rach // illustrated-teacup.blogspot.co.uk
helpful advice and honestly am so in love with your celineeeee <3