Today I went on a rather spontaneous, and unbelievably fruitful shopping spree. It was an unplanned venture out, but I ended up picking up some amazing Autumn Winter purchases, and some real classic gems that i’ll get so much wear out of this season, and seasons to come I’m sure. Whenever I have a little spree like this, I always end up getting home & feel ashamed at the state of my wardrobe … too much jammed in, too many clothes I never wear & just generally a bit of a jumble sale. It’s not a place I want to put my shiny new clothes …
So tonight I got in, and I spring cleaned my wardrobe. It took a good few hours (hence why my post is so late) but It felt so good to sort through everything, clear out clothes I don’t wear, and make space for my new purchases, organise myself & give my wardrobe a good (and very well needed) spring clean! Not only has it transformed my wardrobe, it also inspired me to write todays post & share my top tips for spring cleaning YOUR wardrobe.
“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” William Morris
When it comes to sorting out your wardrobe, your best to start totally from scratch, in my opinion there’s no point dipping in and out & clearing through things bit by bit, if you’re going to clear out your wardrobe your best doing it all at once … getting everything out and starting a fresh. Just make sure you give yourself enough time so you can start and finish the job in one go!
Once you’ve cleared out your wardrobe(s), work through your clothes section by section, working on a specific section (like tops, dresses, jackets, shoes etc) it’ll help give you a better idea of all the things you have and help you prioritise items to keep versus those you’ll get rid of.
It also means you can start organising your wardrobe into clothing sections, which will make things far more organised and easier to navigate each day.
I have a few tests which help me decide whether or not to keep an item or donate it to friends, family or charity, but the main one of course is ‘have I worn it recently’. Given i’m a massive hoarder, my test is have I worn it in the last 2 years, if I haven’t then I seriously debate keeping it or not. If I don’t ABSOLUTELY love it, then i’ll most likely put it in a pile to review at the end & ultimately give away!
The main thing to bear in mind when you’re working through your wardrobe & giving it a little tidy and spring clean is ‘quality over quantity’ … there’s no point having tons of clothes, and tons of similar clothes when you’re only going to wear a few items in reality. So when it comes to prioritising, pick those items which are classic, timeless, and of good quality. Those are the items that will work the hardest for you, that you’ll get the most wear from & of course get the best CPW (cost per wear) for.
And the final tip, is of course once you’ve sorted through your piles and piles of clothes, organised things into keep, review & charity, you then need to start putting things back int your wardrobe & drawers systematically, not only so things look nice and neat and tidy, but also so that your wardrobe is easily navigated. I’d suggest keeping dresses together, tops, jumpers & jackets in one place, and organising your trousers and skirts into a section too. You can always take it one step further and organise by colour, length, sleeve style too.
With the clothes you’ve chosen not to keep, be sure to donate them to another loving home, just because they’re not for you, it doesn’t mean that someone else wouldn’t love them! If you don’t want these clothes in your wardrobe, but still want to keep them until you find the time to give them a new home, maybe opt to put them in vacuum packed bags and keep them in storage.
I always give my clothes to my friends and family … it’s an annual ‘help yourself’ party & everyone leaves with a happy face. If you’re feeling savvy then of course Ebay is another option, you can earn a few pennies to help buy some new season, quality, classic purchases.
Do you regularly clear out your wardrobe? What are your tips & tidying processes?
This post is perfect timing as I seriously need to do this! My clothes are everywhere at the moment and my wardrobe needs a drastic refresh!
Love this post, great tips!! Living in London is hard especially going from have 3 double wardrobes to sharing one with my boyfriend, need to find a way to squeeze things in! haha
Infinity of fashion// Lucy Jane
Great post and really helpful tips!! Iv’e been wanting to clean out room for a long time now too!! :)
Louise | http://www.thestylewalk.com
Quality over quantity is really a mantra I am trying to focus on more with my wardrobe. I feel like the French do that often. They invest in good quality and buy 2-3 investments pieces per year.
You might really like the Maria Kondo book about organization. It was pretty life changing for me with my wardrobe. I also started doing a capsule wardrobe with 33 or so items per quarter. It has been fantastic because I only wear clothes I love now.
This is perfect timing, I so need to do this. You’ve inspired me to tackle it, ideal for a day when its wet and I’m not distracted by the garden.
I finally found a blog worth looking at. Wonderful :)
xo, Mila
Great post! Thanks for sharing!
Alexandra ~ ArtMandy.ro
Loved your tips! I’ve been meaning to do a bit of cleaning for quite a long time now. Normally I just throw stuff I don’t like into a pile that keeps growing in the back of my closet, but I think I’ll try your method this time!
I’m constantly sorting my wardrobe after buying too much Topshop when I was 16! Wish I could sell it all and create something more capsule and HQ
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Beauty
I need to do the big season switch up in my wardrobe! However someone needs to top up my bank account so I can get some new things!! haha
Ivy xo