The weekend is always our most lusted for time of the week, it’s the two days of the week where we have time dedicated solely to ourselves, it’s the two days of the week where in the most part we’re relaxed, de-stressed and the pressures of work have drifted away. It’s time when we can escape the city to visit friends and family, catch up on those life chores that get bypassed throughout the week, and a time to just do those small things we love to do, but don’t get time for otherwise. Its a time to do the things you love, a time to boost your happiness & give yourself a little TLC.
Today I thought i’d share 5 ways you can take some ‘me time’ & boost your happiness this weekend, based of course, on the little things that make me happy every weekend.
It’s the only time I get to, and so I always like to make the most of my weekends by having a little lie in. Turning all my alarms off, and letting my body wake up when it’s ready … usually it’s anytime between 8am – 10am, but that extra couple of hours sleep feels like the biggest treat and helps me really unwind from the busy week that will have no doubt passed.
My favourite thing to do at the weekend is to simply take some time to myself to catch up on all the things I love to do but have no time for. Mostly that means reading my favourite mags, enjoying some quiet time at home, and generally just taking some time to do nothing. I subscribe to my favourite monthlies and so it’s always a nice treat when they get delivered each month, and I can take some time out to indulge in this little luxury ‘me time’.
This isn’t necessarily one for everyone, but actually having time to yourself to do a little sweating is always a great thing to do at the weekend. A little morning run, attending your favourite gym class or even playing sports. I used to play Netball every saturday morning, it was my thing and I loved having that time to myself to do something I loved.
One of my favourite things to do at the weekend (or even before work some days), a simple life pleasure than genuinely puts a smile on my face, is to take a little stroll into my village and to buy myself a little coffee. At the weekend I sit in, ponder life, and people watch. On a weekday it’s a takeaway, but even then the treat of taking a leisurely stroll to my local coffee shop & buying my favourite brew makes me feel a little more happy than I would have done otherwise.
It’s a tiny bit of ‘Me Time’ that I really enjoy, especially in Autumn. Getting out to enjoy the crisp fresh air is one of life’s little pleasures.
Another luxury treat of mine is to take some time out to blog. Juggling my blog and a career means that my blogging time is usually pretty limited, I blog daily and so my time is focussed on producing content for my little www, but actually one of my favourite things about blogging is to read all your blogs too, to catch up on all the latest content and spend some time discovering new blogs. At the weekend I always like to dedicate some time to getting my blog content prepared, but also to really relax and read all my favourite blogs too!
“It’s not about having enough time, it’s about making enough time.”
“Ah! There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort.” ― Jane Austen
You might remember this from my post about improving your day, everyday, but taking a moment everyday to count your blessings, to think about all the little things in life you have to be grateful for, is an amazing way of boosting your happiness & appreciation for the little things everyday.
What are your favourite ways to relax & take some ‘Me Time’ at the weekend?
These are my favourite things! But lying in is something I need to stop doing so much haha!
Cant lie in due to having a 5 month old but because we get up bright and every we can sit and relax a few hours and them get ready for the day. After reading a few more blogs I off out in this terrible weather to Costa to get a nice warm Latte whilst listening to the rain hit the windows. Perfect me time
Carrieanne xx
Lovely post (also I have a rug so, so similar to your grey one here haha). I actually found myself nodding along to everything you said here… all five are included in my favorite weekend ‘me time’ as well, as demonstrated by the fact that I’m drinking coffee after sleeping till 9AM and reading your blog right now x Happy weekend xx
Such cosy pictures!
I love taking extra time to get out of bed after waking up. Grabbing a book and reading for an hour or so before I make moves to start the day is the best. I also love just wandering around the city and finding new places to spend time. Especially this time of year, walking around downtown is very pleasant for me.
Ashley | Sunday Brunch