Let’s face it, we like consistency, stability and routine. We’re creatures of habit and we like to know what to expect. As a result change can feel daunting, unwelcome and even fearful. But actually in many ways change is good, it helps us evolve, brings new opportunities and equally keeps us motivated, engaged and inspired. Change doesn’t have to be big either, change can be small like taking a different route to work or trying a new recipe, but regardless of the scale or size of change it can be a really important and beneficial thing to embrace into our lives.

Today I thought I’d inspire you to make change, by sharing 20 small & simple ideas for how you could make change in your life. You never know, you might discover something excellent as a result.
#1 Try a new recipe
#2 Take a different route to work
#3 Talk to a stranger
#4 Change your usual coffee shop
#5 Sleep the other side of the bed
#6 Write about a new genre on your blog
#7 Read a new magazine
#8 Watch a boxset you haven’t heard of
#9 Update your linkedin
#10 Follow someone outside your box on instagram
#11 Clear out your wardrobe
#12 Say YES all day long.
#13 Try a new restaurant
#14 Explore a new city
#15 Sign up to a team sport
#16 Merge friendship groups over a dinner party
#17 let your friends pick you a new outfit when shopping
#18 Change your usual hairstyle or makeup
#19 Buy a board game you’ve never played.
#20 Have desert first. Because, why not?
Change doesn’t have to be big. Change can actually be exciting. Change can bring creativity, inspiration & exciting new opportunities into your life.

So why not add a little change to your day, and see what it brings you. Don’t forget to let me know?
Some great ideas for simple changes!! It’s amazing how change can refresh our perspectives…loving the tips posts!