I keep talking about Christmas party season … and there is one very important, fundamental accessory to a Christmas party.
The morning after cure.
Now I know everyone has their own tipple of choice to cure the nausea, migraine and usually still drunken-ness, bacon sarnies, coca cola, Mc Donalds breaky, full blown fat boys… but mine is farrrr more sophisticated darling. AND it works EVERY time :)
My secret weapon … The Bloody Mary
I feel qualified to write this post as I can assure you I have had my fair share of bloody mary’s, I am a huge fan (and not just when I am hungover). I know the good from the bad, and let me tell you … some can be BAD. It takes a skilful master to create this delicacy and there are 3 places I know I am guaranteed to get a top notch bloody mary.
1) Gaucho I recommend the house bloody mary, there is nothing like it
2) Jamies Italian Mr Oliver knows how to serve up this classic drink, don’t hold the horseradish!
3) Tsunami Their bloody mary is perfect teamed with a larger than life japanese banquet
If you can’t get yourself to these three restaurants, then the local pub usually do a pretty good bloody mary. Just make sure they have all the essential accessories.
But if you really can’t leave the house … then make sure you stock your fridge with this genius invention … All in One, Blood Shot Vodka
Bloodshot vodka is cleverly infused with Bloody Mary ingredients so it’s ready to drink … just add ice ;) You can buy this from Selfridges for £19.99.
Happy Hangovers