I love quotes, if you read my blog tips posts then you’ll know I always love to back up a point with a rather inspirational or motivational quote. You see I find them quite affective in boosting my mindset and they always fill my mind with all kinds of creativity and ideas. Today I thought id share 5 of my favourite quotes, all of which to me reinforce a way of living or a mindset which I truly believe in.

“What if I fall? Oh my darling what if you fly?” E.H
I love this quote. To me it reminds me of something my mum would say to me, almost word for word, if I was suffering with a moment of doubt or a lack of confidence. Whenever I feel a little anxious about something I want to do or achieve, I think of this quote.
“Never let the sadness of your past, and the fear or your future ruin the happiness of your present”
I’ve never really found the perfect quote to sum up this sentiment, but this one does a pretty good job. When I was a teenager I suffered a lot with anxiety, self depreciation and a lack of self belief, and I remember someone telling me once that to find true happiness i must forget the past, stop worrying about my future and focus solely on living in the present, embracing the moment and finding happiness in the now. It’s so true, and it’s really at the heart of mindfulness. This quote helps articulate the sentiment I try hard to live my life by … living in the present. And in the words of Jack Kerouac “Be in love with your life. Every minute of it.”.
“You can tell who the strong women are, they’re the ones building each other up, instead of tearing each other down”
Call me a feminist, but I believe in equality and I really support female empowerment, it’s at the heart of all my career tips features and something I truly feel passionate about. On our journey to individual success and genuine female equality, it’s so important to bring other women (and men for that matter) up with us, and this quote for me sums it all up. I also really love to bear in mind these two quotes when I think about success; “Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose” & “The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed.”
“Never be so busy making a living, that you forget to make a life”
I’m super driven and super passionate about achieving the things in life I want to, but this quote for me, reminds me to keep perspective, to remain grounded and to ensure I always maintain a healthy work life balance. Life is for living, and we mustn’t forget to live it.
“If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”Roald Dahl
I love this quote, because it’s true. I love the innocence behind the words, but the power they also have. Life throws us lemons, there’s no denying it, but it’s our attitude and positivity that makes all the difference. After all it’s “our attitude that is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure”.
Read all my favourite quotes here.

“Wake up early. Drink coffee. Work hard. Be ambitious. Keep your priorities straight. Your mind right and your head up. Do well, live well and dress really well. Do what you love, love what you do. It is time to start living.”
What are your favourite, most inspirational and motivational quotes?
These are a few of my favourites too!
Hannah | Oh January
Those are some really great quotes, really motivational! This is my favorite quote ever!
“I believe that we are who we choose to be. Nobody`s going to come and save you, you`ve got to save yourself. Nobody`s going to give you anything; you`ve got to go out and fight for it. Nobody knows what you want except for you. And nobody will be as sorry as you if you don`t get it. So, don`t give up on your dreams.”
I love these, they’re so kind and motivational. My favorite quote of all time is “Truth is like poetry. And most people fucking hate poetry.” Sorry for the language, but I find this quote super motivating in that, we all need to be more accountable for being honest and wanting to build each other up. We need a teamwork ethic and that only can be built with honesty. Thanks for making me think!
Erin | http://www.erinelizabethmiller.com
I’m going to add some of these to my favorites! My favorite quote is “You’re a diamond darling, they can cut you but they can’t break you!”
These are so great, I live by quotes too. The 1st, 2nd and last I must copy and keep. You are so honest and inspiring about your life. Thank you for the motivation.
These quotes are amazing and so inspiring, especially the second one. I have this small notebook since the beginning of 2016 to write the most inspiring quotes and it really sets me on fire, every time I read it.
Love this post and your blog <3 Have a great day!!
Edye // Gracefulcoffee