As you all well know, I’m absolutely no make up professional. Genuinely I’m actually a little useless at my makeup, I use good products & have the ambition to use them to their best, but typically just do it ‘my way’ instead. It’s really the base makeup i’m no good at, I just didn’t ever really learn as a teen how you’re meant to apply primer / foundation / concealer / powder et al as I never really had a need to. As an adult i’m unfortunately experiencing skin issues and rely on my concealer and foundation quite heavily now. I’m learning as I go, and have gradually built a really super collection of products – but the one thing I was always told growing up, was buy quality makeup, “It’s better for your skin, lasts well & really do perform at a better standard”.
i really want this too but just cannot justify the price, especially when i never wear eyeshadow! i just secretly want everything kate has to get skin as amazing as hers!
It’s gorgeous. I wish I had more money and I’d buy it instantly! Sophie at Sophie Rose x
Great post :) This looks like a lovely product, I may be adding this to my xmas list!! x
I bought this palette at BB counter and I’m not impress with it, as the pigmentation of the glittery eyeshadows isn’t too great. I also agree the palette is so tiny! Wish they had a palette on display so I could swatch it. xo
I’m in the same boat as you. I never really learnt how to apply makeup and it was only as an adult that I really started to wear makeup so am a bit clueless when it comes to applying it. I’m also really scared of bright colours on my face and prefer to stick to natural tones – but this palette looks perfect for me.
This looks lovely :) Although Im still in the process of a filling a MAC palette so I may just stick to that:P
Beauty for Biochemists