. Hair Cut 9th Feb . Sky in January . Staple Jewellery . New Clinique Eyeliner . Plane Reading . Burgundy Jeans . La Folie Douce . Black Cherry Chutney OPI Mani . Brandts Hippy Gold Necklace .

. Michael Kors Watch . Chunky Plait . Champers & Canon Duo . mediamarmalade.com on Lookbook . Snow on 9th Feb . Sweets are my life . Ballet Pumps in Winter . Sequin Dream Boat . Cinema Binge .
. In Flight Entertainment . Sass&Belle Jewellery Stand . Tartiflette Alps Heart Attack . Burnt My Glove on a Heater . Sofa Night Sweets . Champers . 5* Starter . Mint Matchmakers . Val D’Isere View .
I don’t know if any of you follow me on Instagram or twitter, but as you may have seen I’ve started using my Instagram account a little more. Now they say a picture says 1000 words, so hopefully some of these snaps taken on Instagram over the last few weeks will give a quick glimpse at a little bit of the stuff I’ve been getting up to (although there’ll be lots more since these, especially some Madrid a& valentines snaps too) :)
If you want to follow me on pinterest click here and to follow me on twitter click here. I fly back from Madrid tonight (very late flight), so i’m really excited to share all of my holiday snaps and Madrid outfit looks with you all.
Do you use intstagram at all, or pinterest? Send me your usernames so I can check yours out & don’t forget to give me a follow, it’s mediamarmalade.
I am Matchmaker addicted right now.