I’m rather devastated that i’m even having to write this post. As a teenager I was one of those lucky girls who had flawless skin, I don’t think I even ever had a spot. Ridiculous I know. Then I went to uni, drank myself into oblivion, lived a crazy lifestyle, but … still no spots. Then I met my boyfriend (yes that’s right, I’m about to blame him haha), and decided to go on the pill. Because I get migraines, I am on the pill cerezatte which is a progesterone pill (mini pill), which you take 24/7 with no breaks. I find the pill fine, i’ve been on it for nearly 4 years now, but the one thing it has absolutely done … is DESTROY my skin.

So my view – get it. If your suffering from spots or bad skin at the moment then I think this product does help. It’s expensive, but worth it & I received a couple of tips from the origins lady which I think are useful to bare in mind:
1. Use a cotton bud to apply (I originally ignored this and regretted it)
2. Apply up to 3 x a day
3. (this is my own tip) once the spot has largely gone, stop using the product in case you begin scarring the skin
4. Keep moisturised as it dries out the skin
5. Keep it with you, as you can apply it over makeup (this didn’t work quite so well for me as it made my makeup flake, but I am rubbish with makeup so this may be my own fault).
Anyway, that’s it, a long read but I really hope some of you suffering from the same thing may get some comfort and useful information from this.
Have you tried Origins Spot Remover, or any other products? What’s products do you recommend for bad skin – i’d really appreciate your tips.
I bet it is awful going from perfect skin to a few hiccups that turn into monstrous red sore spots and little white and black heads! I hate spots.
Hope this product makes a difference.
I love this stuff too! You can use fingers, just use a different one for each spot!
I’ve always always suffered with spots and I’m finally on a pill that helps me. I get god awful migraines too and tried the pill you’re on for that reason but I bled so much! I’m now on Dianette and my skin is bloomin’ amazing. Well, not amazing as I’m still scarred but, NO SPOTS. For the first time in my entire life!
As well as that though, Avene’s cleanance range is a godsend. Get yourself some of the triacneal and you’ll never regret it :) xxxx
I went on the pill Yasmine as I had a similar situation (got to third year of Uni, hello breakouts)and it’s made all the difference for me. I discovered a little trick when my skin was bad. I was a bugger for picking or squeezing spots (sorry!) so I’d dab a blob of cold cream on any sore or scabbed spots before I went to bed and they looked nearly 80% better the next morning. You could always try that? xx
i’ve suffered with bad skin for years. I think most products work when you 1st start using them, but then it’s almost as if your skin gets used to the treatment and it stops having any effect. Lately I’ve started drinking green tea instead of my usual cuppa and find that helps! good luck in the battle!
Christy x
P.S I love how angry you sound in this post haha
Poor you……I always use Origins Spot Remover, and I love it.
But the main weapon you need is….Retin-A (on prescription). That really helps.
Oh, and Clarisonic is a lifesaver too.
Synthetic hormones are a bitch and should be banned!! If only there was a decent alternative :)
I love your reviews Mel, you always go into so much detail! I’d been considering purchasing this as I’ve been suffering with a lot of breakouts recently and it’s starting to get me down a bit, going back to having skin of a 15 year old is not ideal! I’m probably over exaggerating here, but it’s still a pain.
I’ve used a clean and clear product, which claims to do the same sort of thing as the Origins one but I’m not sure whether the effects are quite as dramatic/fast working? Think I might have to try this when I run out xx
Your not on your own, i’m 32 and i’m having constant brake out on my chin. It’s only been since iv;e been ill (on a lot of opiate medications). I have had creams, now on an antibiotic, its not helped so far. I would like to try the Origins spot remover. Please can you do an update on how your getting on with it.
I cannot recommed the REN clearcalm 3 cleanser more, it has been truly amazing for my skin – it has helped amazingly with hormonal acne and really takes down those underskin red throbbing buggers. It’s £18 i think but so worth every single penny.
I’ve never really been ‘spotty’ but I’ll get the one huge evil bastard in a prominent place like my nose chin, or around my mouth which looks and feel horrible and takes a week to budge. I really want to get rid them, so will give this ago, as othing before has worked that well. Thanks!
Daniella x
Super post! Merci pour l’information!!!
Angela Donava
I’ve recently just come off the pill. I was on yasmin.
I never had any spots before I went on it, now my face is literally covered in them. Mostly my chin and forehead. It really sucks :(
I’ve been using Zineryt which I got at the doctors. But I’ve also been looking for something I can buy just to tone down the redness!
I should definitely give this a go :)
x x x
i’ve never used this product, but i’ve heard so many good things recently! i use alpha h liquid gold to heal up spots really quickly and fade remaining scars/marks that they leave behind, it works like a dream!
from helen at http://www.thelovecatsinc.com // @thelovecatsinc
ps. enter my new giveaway to win a MAC lipstick and 5 models own nail polishes!
I’m in exactly the same situation as you – I had okay (not perfect) skin and then all of a sudden I get big under the skin spots that hurt like hell. I’ve also been using the Clinique Anti Blemish range and they’ve done wonders for my skin but this just did that little bit extra. I’m glad you’ve found something that works for you too!
Oh no there’s nothing worse to be putting up with. I used to have a constant breakout along my jawline/chin due to anxiety/stress and found that by going on to the Yasmin pill has really helped. I still sometimes suffer when I get stressed but the rest of my skin is amazing now compared to before. I’ve been using the Origins Out Of Trouble Mask too, try using it over night instead of for ten mins, best £20 I ever spent!