A little while ago I started a Thursday routine of sharing life round ups on my blog, e.g. a few instagram snaps & some content around my life. Today’s post will be no different, but has a little twist to it. It’s actually about my bedroom. Now a little bit of context, I have a LOT of stuff (I’m talking 3 wardrobes of clothes, 50+ pairs of shoes, general mass volumes of ‘stuff’, i’m very organised, but due to the sheer volume of the things I own (and hoard) my room can look very busy (an organised mess).
Now a little while ago the lovely Trisha from Fashion For Home (an amazing fashionable furniture store) contacted me about some of their beauty / fashion focussed furniture pieces – think beauty cabinets, designer chairs, fashionable wardrobes. I am an interior design lover, I am always looking to revamp my room, and find new ways to store my ‘stuff’ so this offering was totally up my street.

I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to choose an item from the collection (eee excitement) and as my dressing table area was completely unorganised and a total mess (think a table covered in products, makeup, jewellery, with boxes of camera stuff, hairdryers straighteners messily piled up below) I decided that my best bet was to pick a stylish set of chest of drawers that could be used as a beauty table (or if I changed my mind, a clothing chest of drawers).
Now I was thinking this amazing set of drawers would take a good month or so to deliver, take hours to set up and generally require some DIY skills. Think not, delivered a week after I confirmed my pick, fully made up, and delivered to my house. It was literally the biggest surprise and treat coming home from work on Monday to find this amazing cabinet waiting for me. So Monday night became my night for room organisation / spring cleaning, luckily my netball match was cancelled so I got to spend the whole evening setting up my new beauty station – yeah i’m totally calling it my beauty station!

I’m hoping to move out with my boyfriend in the next couple of months so this is going to be a perfect addition to our house :) It’s inspired me to get my wardrobes in shape too, and invest some serious dosh in a proper 6 door wardrobe (you know the ones) ideally in this same style.
Overall I am so chuffed with it, and so grateful to have been given the opportunity to review a Fashion For Home product. If you’re looking for bedroom / flat furniture to home all your clothes and beuaty products then I’d really recommend checking this site out. I’m definitely going to be saving up now to get myself some matching pieces to house my thousands of clothes :D
What do you think of my new beauty drawers & how I’ve organised my bits and bobs? How do you store all of your makeup & beauty products? I’d love to hear your ideas?
wow I want all your bedroom, amazing pics!!!
I absolutely love that dresser, the distressed wooden doors are amazing and your jewellery collection is quite impressive!!
I love that dresser, wish I had space in my room to fit one in! It’s so pretty
Daniella x
Oh it’s such a lovely dresser. I’m always interested in everyone’s storage ideas, as I never have enough storage space.
Impressive collection of clothes & jewellery!!
The chest of draws is absolutely stunning, congrats on getting the freebie, its such a nice addition to your room
wow, so much jewellery! I could really do with some more drawers in my life, my room is like the size of a cupboard so I need to save on all the space I can!
louisejoyb x
This looks amazing, i love all the personal touches, i wish i had the space to create something like this(:
Your room looks lovely & you have a great shoe collection
What a great shoe and jewellery collection!
And love that dresser!
I love how you’ve organized your jewellery! :)
– Victoria
Mel, your room is like a treasure cove full of clothing/jewellery goodies! Look at all your shoes and bags haha. That chest of drawers is lovely. I’m short on wardrobe space so my room is definitely sporting the overflowing look of late.. I like to think it makes it cosier ha ;) xx
your so lucky, I love the chest of drawers- I’m having my bedroom re-decorated at the minute and a smaller version of this would be perfect to go in my new en-suite. Definitely checking out the site:)
P.S. I think the river island leather dress you were looking for is in the sale:)
OMG your room is so COOL! Cosy and girly, I love it!