. YSL Touch Eclat . Dior J’adore Au De Parfume, Diorific Lipstick & Mini J’adore Parfume .
. White Company 100% Cashmere Socks . Daniel Wellington St Andrews Watch . Harvey Nichols Mulled Wine .
Love From Bear x

. Zara Shearling Fur & Suede Gilet . Topshop Clutch Bag .
Love from Ma & Pa x
Love from Liza x
. John Lewis Dressing Gown . Smashbox ‘Try It’ Kit . Chambord . Impulse Set . M’ Pen .
Love From the Davis Family x
. MAC Pigment Pots . Marmalade Candle .
Love from Dad x
Love from Nanny and Nana & Grandpa x

. Topshop Snakeskin Leather Skirt . Alexa Chung ‘It’ . Topshop Lip Butter . Essie Nail Polish .
. Bath Bubbles & Lemon Pretzels . & A stunning home made Cushion (not in pic) .
Love The Peas (H & Lil) x
. Homemade Hamper .
. Nougat, Champagne & Chocs, Snowdonia Black bomber, Homemade Caramelised Pecans, Homemade Candied peel, Toffees, Pillow, Tea Towel, Hugs Tea, Toffee Waffles, Homemade Florentines, Coconut Ice, Mint Imperials, Oatcakes, Chutney, Shortbread, Strawberry Truffles, Candy Cane, Crackers, Hand decorated Spoon, Thornton’s Chocolates .
Love from Soph x
… Not also forgetting my Sack of treats from Santa which was full of goodies and treats … sweeties, socks, books, makeup, Christmas leggings & lots more <3
I thought for today’s post I’d share some of my Christmas presents from this year … my family have spoilt me and I love everything I received SO much <3 Christmas is a time for giving and my family have definitely done just that, i’ve been utterly spoilt and love all my presents so much. I was super pleased that all my family loved the gifts I chose for them too, I was really excited to give them all the presents I’d been planning for months and thankfully they were absolutely loved. One of them even caused tears of delight (a sign of real success in my books) and another a gobsmacked look of delight as it was so unexpected. I absolutely loved Christmas, as I do every year … i’ll be counting down until Christmas 2014 now.
What wonderful gifts, hope you had a lovely Christmas! xx
Looks like you got some amazing gifts! x
I’d love to have received the MAC pigments set or Smashbox try it kit – although I definitely got enough beauty gifts! You really did get some gorgeous things :)
I’ve just put up my ‘what I got for christmas’ blog post if you wanted to take a look!
Love, Rebecca-Louise – Autumn Leaves: UK Beauty/Lifestyle Blog
Some lovely presents here…you must have been good for Santa this year……
http://vodkaandarose.blogspot.co.uk x
Wow that hamper is such a treat! Such gorgeous presents mel!
Wow you got so many lovely gifts!! Can’t wait to see you rocking that shearling coat and topshop clutch!
Gorgeous presents, the Topshop clutch and tartan scarf in particular are stunning!
Lovely lovely gifts you lucky lady, hope you had a fabulous Christmas. Really enjoying your blog, if you’d care to check mine out you can do so here Linzylabellevie No pressure :)
Lindsay xx
Whoa! Many things here I’d love to snag…