Cigarette trousers are a fashion garment i’ve been longing to wear for bloody ages, however have found it seemingly impossible to find a pair that actually look ‘passable’ on me. I’ve browsed every high street store imaginable, tried on all the trousers they have on offer, fallen in love with 20% but on trying on, felt fleeting disappointment that I just didn’t work them as well as those I take inspiration off … clearly this then leads to an immediate bout of ‘why are my thighs not stick thin? Life is so unfair’. Cigarette trousers, i’ve found, seem to seriously suit those lucky skinny legged friends – where they fall perfectly, no clinging, no double butt issues. Upping size doesn’t help me, as then they’re too big on the waist … the issue I’ve faced is in having women’s shaped legs. Woe me.
The morale of the story isn’t go on a juice diet and lose an inch off your thigh, it’s persevere … because YOU WILL find that perfect fitting pair … even if it takes you 2 months and approximately 3,456 pairs of trousers to get there.
My saviour was this beautiful pair of Satin trousers (from non less than Topshop) which surprisingly caught my eye (despite semi reminding me of an 80’s swingers look). They weren’t what I had originally gone into buy (I really wanted these and any / all of the above), but I found all the cotton trousers just didn’t quite look right on me (and were a tad see through) but as soon as I tried these on I knew they were the ones i’d been waiting for. I debated long and hard about which colour to buy, or whether to indeed by every colour they come in (once you find something you love, you obviously must by it in every colour feasible).
I’m really chuffed with my purchase … stay tuned for the full outfit post soon.
What are your thoughts on Cigarette Trousers, are you a fan? Have you found any good stores which sell nice fitting pairs?
Perfect! I have the same problem with trousers and I refuse to give up my chocolate habit! Topshop here I come… xxx
La Lingua : Food, Life, Love, Travel, Friends, Italy
Lovely, I love the satin, although I would be dangerous wearing a pair of these as I am so messy / clumsy xx
Gorgeous outfit ;)) you look so pretty :))
I love this outfit so much! those trousers look so great on you :)
Flipping heck, that is one gorgeous pair of trousers! x
I’m so glad you finally found the perfect pair of cigarette pants…they do say the best things are worth waiting for! Major style kudos for picking them in pink too, they look fantastic with the patent black slip on’s and simple white jumper :) Daisy x
I love them. H xx
I totally agree with you. Trying to find a nice pair of cigarette pants for work is the bane of my life! I have one nice blue, soft cottonish pair from New Look that I got years ago but they’ve stopped doing them now, so it’s back to square one :( Yours look lovely!
Rhiannon xx
Love those trousers