The sun has come out and my mood seems to have totally rocketed, it’s amazing what a little sun does to your mood and general well being. On the wellbeing point, it’s something i’ve been thinking about more and more lately, particularly following a series of inspirational talks at work yesterday from the Huffington Post & Arianna Huffington herself. As a very ambitious and career focussed female, it’s great to hear from other successful women but also be reminded of how important it is to maintain your well being on the road to success. After all the more physically and mentally ‘on form’ we are, the better we perform. So i’ve vowed to spend a little more time looking after myself, getting an extra hour sleep at night, praising myself for my achievements, looking after my tummy & cutting out the things I know makes it worse, spending time with my loved ones & generally focussing on the happy things in life (Thanks to Susie Pearls talk, i’m now already feeling bubbly & more consciously happy).
Happiness is infectious too, so if we all spend a little more time being grateful for the little things in our lives that make us happy & spend more time celebrating happy moments and channeling positive thoughts, rather than dwelling on the few things that really piss us off we’ll all be more positive … and healthy with that too. As you can tell, yesterdays inspiration talks seriously rubbed off on me and actually it was a really pertinent time for this to happen. There’s been lots of ‘chat’ amongst the blogosphere about the way our ‘industry’ (yes we’re now an industry!) is progressing and whilst the opportunities are endless right now, it does seem this new ‘business’ mode can give us a whole world of contradicting emotions – happiness, excitement, pride, the feeling of being overwhelmed, tired, and sadly self depreciating. This emotional rollercoaster can take it’s toll on us bloggers who maybe don’t do this full time or haven’t rocketed to the same success us others, and whilst we’re nothing but delighted for the success of others, there’s no point denying it does become a new benchmark for us to compare ourselves to, and if you’re anything like me (ambitious and constantly striving for perfection and success) then this new benchmark can make us a little self deprecating and in my case really hard on myself.
But in light of my new ‘mindfulness’ i’m changing my attitude to this, I work so so hard on my blog, and I juggle my full time career, family, friends and boyfriend with it all, and sometimes that’s nothing short of a miracle. So rather than spending my hours woe-ing that I wasn’t featured in X magazine article or involved in X collaboration or that I don’t have 27,000 followers and 100k subscribers to my instagram, i’m going to spend more time celebrating how bloody hard i’ve worked, all the fabulous brands I do get to work with, the incredible magazine features I have been included in, the events i’m invited to and every single one of you readers that do tune in, leave me comments, like my posts, as well as the fab people i’ve met and the great hobbies i’ve developed throughout my 2.5 years blogging (photography & journalism). If I was to ask my family, friends and colleagues about my blog, they’d do nothing but rave of all that i’ve achieved. So it’s about time I, and you, do the same.
I’ve read and heard a lot on this topic, and I think it gives us a good moment to take check of what we’ve achieved, where we’ve come from but most importantly WHY we blog. It’s a time to go back to the roots of why we even started our own blogs, for me it was a place to talk about my uncontrollable shopping addiction, love of clothes and my space to share how I like to style my looks with people that actually cared (clearly this was just me for a long while). Any ‘perks’ were exactly that, a perk, and definitely not the reason I started mediamarmalade.com. One of the best things about blogging is the fact that we’re a like minded bunch of people who share similar passions and hobbies, and in my mind that’s what it’s all about, and it’s important we all remember it and stop being so hard on ourselves if we don’t quite ‘match’ one another. We didn’t start for commercial success and there’s no point setting benchmarks based on other people, if there’s one thing to keep in mind it’s that integrity is what makes a blog, there’s no point trying to conform to how others do it, because that just defeats the entire purpose, plus it doesn’t debut the real ‘you’ which is what we all tune in for isn’t it? It’s absolutely easier said than done, but from here on in, we all need to spend more time congratulating ourselves than beating ourselves up. Success in the blogging world is subjective and undefined, so there’s no point chasing an intangible measure. Instead get back to your roots, blog what you love and write what you feel . A blog is about you, whatever you may be!!
I have to say I didn’t intend to write all this (this was originally a Friday outfit post …) but there you go, it’s what a blogs for, and it’s what I felt like ;)
You go girlfriend ;) love you pea xxxxxx so proud of you <3 xx
Hooray for such an honest and refreshing post Mel. I did spot the Twitter chat last night but thought I’d look a bit cray favouriting everyones tweets! I too started my blog for me and I still absolutely love it but I’d be lying if I said it isn’t disheartening sometimes when no one comments or a post isn’t as well received which when you think about it is madness because I started Cagney and Lace for me, and me alone.
As ambitious ladies we want it all but at what cost to our health and wellbeing like you say? At the end of the day your blog is absolutely fantastic and you should be proud of what you’ve achieved, not what you haven’t. I think we all need to cut ourselves some slack, reward our dedication to working full time and blogging & relax!
Hannah x
Love love loveeed reading this. I have been blogging for one year and sometimes feel down and defeated by the fact I haven’t achieved what I had hoped in that time. This has reminded me to look at my own blog and be proud of the posts I write, the outfits I put together, and the time and dedication it takes to maintain a blog.
I only recently discovered your blog and it is fast becoming one of my favourites, I hope you are filled with nothing but pride when you look at it!
Best wishes,
Lizzy x
Shot From The Street | Fashion Blog
Woop Woop!! Such a positive and life affirming post! I have always enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your photos but I have to say this has to be one my most favourite posts you have ever written!!! :) It’s about time we were all a little happier and continued to blog in the way we feel is true to ourselves and not because we feel we have to fit in with everyone else who is more popular than we are!! Blogging is not a competition, if you’re true then the magazines articles, the brand associations they will all come because you are being genuine. Plus it’s all too much effort to actually try to keep up a false bravado, sooner or later you’ll crack and then what are you left with??? Not much !! I have a little blog which I’m very proud of and yes I may not get as many readers as perhaps you do or some of my other blogging friends, but I love it and it’s a place where i can be me and write about who I am, or what I’m doing and I love how people respond to that. And yes i have been lucky enough to work with some brands which I’m very excited and chuffed about as they think I’m worthy of testing their products or writing about something they make. This is what makes me happy and I shall endeavour to spread this into other areas of my life as well. So Thank You for this Melissa, you really have brightened up my day and encouraged me to be more positive in my life and work. :) Keep it up, you know it’s working so don’t ever change! xoxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxo
Amen to that!
It’s so important to look after yourself and be happy, and celebrating your achievements however big or small they may be, we are what our mind thinks after all, and the more positive you are about life as a whole and everything you do, you can’t go wrong – it’s something I’m learning to do at the minute too!
Em xo
Mel, I take my hat off to anyone who can dedicate the time and energy needed to run a blog, especially while juggling a full time career. You should be super proud of your achievements x
Great post hunny. Your right its so easy to focus on the bad and miss all the good. I always compare myself to other people and beat myself up because my photos dont look as good or I didn’t get invited to that event but when I think about what I do have and what I’ve achieved I am really grateful. Here’s to focusing on the “What I Have’s” and not the “what I Have not’s” xxxxxx
I really enjoyed this post! We so often need to reflect on that we have achieved and find happiness in that, alongside new goals and achievements. I don’t know how you manage to do it, there don’t seem to be enough hours in a day! Congrats, hun. Hopefully the sun will stick around a little longer as it sure does wonders for the happiness levels :)
Life’s a highway
Such a beautiful colour/style coat! lusting big time!
I hope to continue blogging as long as you have as I have just started! Thank you for the post~
Love the pastel colors of your outfit and that lipstick you are wearing by the way. =]