It’s not often I talk about my daily beauty or cleansing routine, that’s because it’s normally ‘same old same old’ but recently i’ve been trying out a few new products which over the last couple of months have become staple products in my routine. If you’ve read any of my other beauty posts you’ll know my routine is pretty simple, I have a couple of favoured products when it comes to skincare, my Dermalogica cleanser, microfoliant face wash, anti-age primer & a few other treatment based products I use as and when I need to, as well as my simple face wipes and bioderma cleansing water for those days when I just can’t be bothered, and then a few moisturisers which I rotate between (Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit, Apivita moisturiser & few luxury ones which I use on a special occasion). Aside from this staple cleanse & moisture routine, I don’t tend to venture out or mix my products up that often. Partly through fear of irritating my skin, but also because, well why fix what ain’t broke.
But there are two new products I’ve been using recently which i’m absolutely loving, one was a gift and the other a recommendation by my sister which I thoroughly rate. The two newbies are my Elemis Cleansing Balm & La Roche Posay Effclar AI.

I’ll start off with the Elemis Cleansing Balm which I was lucky enough to receive as a little present not long ago. I was skeptical initially as I didn’t really understand the whole balm concept and least not how a waxy balm could cleanse my face and remove makeup effectively. But boy was I mistaken, from the first time I gave this balm a go on a whim, I was sold. Whether it’s the gorgeous texture, the ease of removing makeup (like nothing else i’ve tried) or in fact the gorgeous, relaxing, sensual smell of the product which whisks you away to a spa the moment you get a whiff, it had me at first try! This product has become part of my staple evening routine, I can be pretty lazy when it comes to cleansing et al in the evening, but this product gets me excited to wash my face. The whole experience of using the balm makes you totally ready for bed, it’s a really simple process & the smell just sends you into total relaxation. Definitely something i’d recommend trying and keeping by the side of the bath ready for a pamper session.
My second new product is my La Roche Posay spot treatment cream. Now i’d heard of the brand before now, but never really believed it would help my sporadic out breaks, after trying god knows how many fad spot treatment products and none actually working I gave up hoping anything other than a doctors prescribed cream might work. I was wrong. After my sister bought herself the entire cleansing kit whilst we were in France, I decided I should give it a go after all (motivated by the french prices versus the cost in the UK of course). I’m so glad I did. This little treatment cream set me back around £10 and has been used consistently since I bought it. Every time I feel a little spot breaking out (usually the hideously uncomfortable deep under the skin bastards) I apply this product religiously before bed (even as soon as I get in sometimes) and let it works its magic. Obviously nothing gets rid of a spot in 4 hours, but what this does do is ease the pain, reduce the swelling and generally minimise the deep red colour my skin ends up going. On average I would say it get rids of any spots in around 2 days, unless it’s a particularly bad one in which i’d say it’s nearer 4 days. It sounds a long time, but other treatments i’ve tried can take up to a week to rid me of the buggers. The product is really small, but actually you only need a tiny bit, so despite using it religiously for a couple of months, I actually still have loads of product left which is great & makes it’s cost less of an issue!
So there you go, two newbies to my skincare routine & two products I’ve thoroughly enjoyed using. Have you tried either brands or products? I’d love to hear your thoughts?
That looks like a good routine! Loved the photography!
My Blog: Blueberry segmentS
My Youtube Channel: Blueberry segmentS
If you have red and irritated skin problems, bioderma has really cool line to solve that problems
Very good products :)
Love the pictures <3
Really love the way you’ve set up your photographs in these shots! Nice post x
I am so interesting in cleansing balms, especially since my favorite cleansers have always been on the more creamy side. Thanks for the idea! Great photos too.
Kindness is the best accessory,