Well the answer to this question is subjective of course, there’s quite obviously no right or wrong answer (and i’d never dream of trying to say there was) as ultimately it’s all down to personal preference and taste. Given how personal, unique and bespoke blogging is, and how important personal integrity is to an engaging blog, no one blog is the same so there’s no one formula fits all. So there is no accurate answer to this question … but it is a question we all ask ourselves constantly.
If you’re anything like me you’ll forever be striving to do better, to figure out what works and to achieve your personal blogging goals. And part of that strive for success comes a hell of a lot of testing and learning trying to work out what works, what’s that magic combination?
Well I don’t know. Else, hell i’d be running this as a business not as a little hobby. But what I do know is what I like and what I strive to deliver on my own blog. Whether it’s a formula you think works or not is totally up for debate, in fact, i’d love to hear your thoughts, your opinions and your tricks for creating a great blog post. But today I thought i’d share my top 5 factors which ‘make’ a blog post for me!
As with anything, first impressions count. The same goes for your blog, not only your design and layout, but when we’re thinking about individual posts it’s that first image & blog title which will really win or lose your audience.
Given this, I always like to make my favourite or ‘best quality’ image my lead image on a post. This is even more important on a blog design like mine where each post is a ‘read more’ style … so if you don’t like the look of that first image or blog title, i’ve pretty much lost you then and there.
It’s also worth bearing this in mind if you use or feature your blog on sites such as bloglovin. For every blog post featured on Bloglovin, they will feature your main image and your post title to lure in readers. So it’s that opening image and title which will initially get someone to click or keep them scrolling past.
The main image and post title are also key because they tell your reader what’s to come – style, food, beauty, lifestyle content. Whatever it may be, your opening content should summarise & build up interest. With that in mind, and assuming your images are naturally linked to your content (more to come on that), it’s the title that can be the challenging factor. Do you go for something descriptive, catchy, cryptic or interesting. I’m not sure what works or not. For me I keep my style post titles relatively linked to what i’m wearing / the topic of my post, and for my how to series & lifestyle posts I tend to go a bit descriptive. I’m not sure what the winning title formula is, and I won’t even start on how it affects SEO … that’s a debate for another time!

Going back to images, for me they’re a hugely important part of a blog post. Whilst editorial is critical, it’s the photography which really draws me in, keeps me reading and keeps me coming back. I personally have a real love for photography and imagery so always find it a favourite part of blogging and reading blogs.With blogging and the blogging industry becoming ever more developed, vast & professional, personal and quality images are becoming increasingly necessary to stand out, drive engagement and ultimately make your blog unique and interesting to read. Now this doesn’t mean you need a fancy pants camera, you can pop over here to read my tips on creating great images for your blog, but what it does mean is that you should really think about the images you want to create and use.
I personally have a very unnecessary and quite bizarre frustration with blogs which don’t use their own images. I actually find it quite frustrating that other peoples work and vision is providing them with content which will draw in readers. For me it’s so important for every image on this blog be my own, a picture i’ve taken specifically for the post or the topic I want to write about, and an image which is reflective of me and my life. The only time I would deviate from this opinion is wish list or inspiration style posts.
A blog is meant to be a unique content hub full of your musings, for me the most important thing in a blog is personality and integrity. And I don’t believe using someone else’s images delivers that.
Like I said, this topic is utterly subjective, you may totally disagree with this, but for me using your own, quality imagary is so so important.

Hear I go again, harping on about integrity and personality, but its just the most engaging, exciting and lovely thing about blogging. Every blog has it’s own personality, you. Make sure that shines through in every post. Don’t write about things you don’t want to for commercial reasons, it’ll show. Write and create content based on what you love, what interests and excites you or what you feel right then and there. My most favourite reads and most visited blogs are all those which are unique, have tons of personality and stay true to their integrity.Don’t try and change, be yourself, that’s what people come to see / read / look at!

Whilst imagery is a really important factor for me (in fact, i’d call it obsessed – every image I look at I want to know what it was shot using, the light settings, aperture, lens etc) actually I think a little bit of editorial alongside it is also key.
I know they say a picture says 1000 words (which I fully agree with), but a little writing can only add to this story!
I don’t really think it matters how much or what you write, but it’s always nice to have some context to the images you’re sharing / the look you’re wearing or the product you’re reviewing. It’s also important to tell your readers where they might be able to find the things you’re talking about, so it’s always good to share these and provide links to other relevant websites. The volume of my text varies post by post, my style posts tend to be quite short and punch whereas my lifestyle and ‘how to’ posts are often slightly more lengthy. When i’m writing a lot, I always try and make sure it’s not one huge chunk of text and break things out to make it reader friendly. I also usually read my own blog posts a few times before I set them live to makes sure the writing is ‘quality’ and that there are no real spelling clangers or glaring mistakes.

Going back to my ever harped on about point, ‘integrity’, staying true to yourself and being consistent will also make for a really engaging post and blog overall. People will come back because they know you, they know your style, they like your writing tone, you’re personality or you make them laugh. Don’t try and change yourself for the sake of trying to fit a model of what you think is ‘successful’ … when it comes to blogging it really is all about personality and being consistently authentic and true to yourself.
Consistency also has another meaning too … not just being consistent with yourself, but being consistent with when you blog too. I don’t think this is ‘make or break’ (after all there is no right and wrong), but if you’re a daily blog people probably expect your post around the same time each day. If you keep to a regular day / time, you’re readers will keep coming back and know what to expect and when. I personally blog every day and set my posts live at the same time every morning, as this works around my personal and work life. I don’t believe there’s any right or wrong time to blog, nor a right or wrong frequency of posts, but a little bit of consistency works I think.
Well there you go, the 5 things which I think make a blog post, or at least, the 5 things I try to achieve on my blog and within every blog post. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic – what do you think makes for a great post? Do you agree or disagree with any of my points?
Nice tips
nice tips. I love all your posts about blogging!
Thanks for the tips! I am about to start righting my next post so this was helpful!
Great tips, love this, I have just started doing the being yourself one, and it really does work, my views are going up and I think the content is WAY better!!
Really enjoying these Saturday posts :) Great advice :)
Paloma in Disguise xx
Really good tips here, a lot I need to take on! The only problem is with a full time job, it’s often very hard to keep up. But if you can do it, I have no excuse!
Em | Hmm maybe…
This is really good advice, especially for new bloggers like myself! I’ll definitely be keeping it in mind for my next post, thank you:)
Hi, great tips! I feel the same about blogs that use other people’s images…it is so frustrating to click on them to see they are just stealing other people’s work.
Out of interest, how do you manage working full time and blogging so often? I work full time, and try to get between 1-3 posts out a week but I really struggle to do more and live my life as well (i.e the washing, family). Tips on that appreciated! Claire x http://www.thegreeneyedgirl.co.uk
great tips…
Valentina Duracinsky Blog
This is a really helpful post – thank you
Justine | Beauty Toolkit
Another fab post! So many good tips, and so many i agree with (especially the importance of using your own images!!)
Shot From The Street | Fashion Blog
I totally agree with you! Great post and beautiful pictures! <3 All the best from Munich,
I found this really useful! thanks x
I think photography and a cared for design draws me in a lot – personality in a blog and what’s being written also captures me! You have to be able to show the love with what you publish
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty – http://www.brittonloves.blogspot.co.uk
Great tips! I like your blog :)
Check out my blog about lifestyle, fashion and music http://www.onlineimperfections.blogspot.co.uk
I absolutely share your frustration for people who don’t use their own images, trumped only by people who think that ‘pinterest’ is a legitimate source for these images… Oh well, live and let live, blog and let blog I guess…
This is a great post and really encouraging to be honest. I’m still a teeny tiny blog right now, but I’d really like to grow my readership and blog more frequently, and this post is a big help! :)
Owl Girl | A London lifestyle blog
I love these tips, so helpful! Thank-you :)
I love all of these tips, they are so helpful.
Jess x
Really nice post and helpful for me as I just started blogging! :)
Much love from http://devilreturnsprada.wordpress.com/
Great post!
xo T.
Wow, thanks for all these tips! I absolutely love your blog :)
Marissa Jamie : Faithfully, Marissa ♡
Awesome tips! The one that I struggle with the most is writing posts with personality! But I feel like I’m already getting better at it, so lots of parctise is the key!
Evelin Kivi blog
Awesome awesome and well thought out post. Personally, i would agree that imagery plays a big role in the quality of the post
Totally agree on these tips.
Stop by http://www.thechiffondiary.com and say hello! Xo
Great post, xx
Thank you for these tips!
How do you get inspiration for your pictures? I find it challenging to come up with new, original pictures for each blogpost.
x Rachel
Posts like this are always so helpful! Love your layout btw :)
I feel you about the whole taking your own pictures thing. I don’t mind it when it’s on an online magazine (like Nouvelle Daily or something) and it’s intermingled with mostly their own photography, but too much of that stuff on personal blogs makes it seem… impersonal. Nicely written post :)
Bloomin’ Rouge