If you remember right back to one of my very first ‘how to’ features, I wrote a whole post on how I juggle my time to write a daily blog as well as have a successful full time career. If you missed the original feature then you can check it out here! Given for many tomorrow indicates the last day of the Christmas holidays before we return to work (or for others uni, college, school etc) I thought now would be a better time than ever to get ourselves ready for the return to some serious balancing acts, juggling work & blogging!
Juggling a work and a blog is no easy feat, especially when you throw in family, boyfriends, friends and fitness etc too. But I have 5 tips for getting yourself ready, and preparing to get ahead!

The key to juggling both a blog and work is clearly keeping organised, it’s not the easiest thing to master, but my biggest tip for keeping organised is pre planning. I talk about this a lot in all my features but it truly is the number one piece of advice I can give to helping you manage blogging and working!
Pre-planning covers a few key things at this time, number one, pre plan some content, have a think about your posts for the next week, two weeks, month & start to make a plan for content development. Whether it’s just developing your content schedule, or actually starting to produce the content too! Every little thing will help!
Check out this post for more advice on keeping organised!
Now is the opportunity to block out a little bit of time to start getting prepared, your content written & posts scheduled. Whilst the Christmas break is meant to be about relaxing, seeing friends & family and taking some time out of work, it’s also a great time to start getting ahead on the blog front. For me tomorrow (Sunday before work) is going to be a big ‘blog day’, from shooting some new looks to scheduling posts for the coming week, tomorrow is a day blocked out for getting my blog ready for the busy time that is no doubt to come!
You don’t need a whole day, if you’re travelling back to uni or back to the city by train, use your train journey to start working up some ideas or posts, if you have a spare hour in the morning before a day out, then use that to get things prepared. If you have the time then blocking out a good two hours could really help you get ahead!
Generally blocking out time is a really key way for making sure you have time to develop your blog content, without interrupting your work time! Whether it’s an hour each evening, a few hours at the weekend or dedicating a whole day every now and then, marking out time in your diary will really help you ensure you have time to produce your blog content & keep things a little more manageable!

This is more of a general tip, but weekends are a key time for me when it comes to blogging. Working in London and having quite a demanding career means that week days and evenings are not a good time for me to blog, whether it’s late nights in the office, catching up with friends, or simply wanting an evening to relax, it’s not always the best time for me to try and get my blog work done.
Saturday & Sunday mornings on the other hand are perfect! A leisurely morning blogging, shooting some outfit pics if the weather is good enough & generally preparing a few posts for the week ahead. It’s the perfect time for me to do some blog work, and usually doesn’t interrupt our weekend plans too much as I try and only use a couple of hours on both mornings!
Using this time to write up posts, shoot my imagery & work on my upcoming blog schedule is my trick to blogging daily plus of course working full time!
The dream would of course be to shoot daily looks, in beautiful new locations as you spend your days exploring new villages, counties or countries, but when you’re working full time that’s obviously not an option! So whilst it’s not the dream scenario, shooting your blog photography in bulk is actually the most practical, productive & helpful way of doing things. It takes the pressure off for the week ahead & also means your guaranteed to get some great shots in daylight hours (there’s no guarantees what time i’ll make it home from work and winter nights aren’t the most helpful to shoot in).
I always try to plan a week ahead of myself, and so try and use Saturday or Sunday mornings to shoot my imagery for the week aheads posts, whether that be outfit posts or general lifestyle posts, I always try and make the most of the natural daylight hours when I can!

As mentioned, the key to being able to blog daily & succeed at your full time job is of course keeping organised, and one key element of organisation for me is scheduling content. Where at all possible I will write features at the weekend to go live Monday – Friday when I know I will have limited time to dedicate to writing. Sometimes producing a full post (e.g. images & editorial) for every day of the week isn’t quite possible, so at a minimum i’ll make sure all my images are shot & loaded into draft posts ready for me to write when I get a spare hour or so! Even pre-prearing that much is the hugest help during the week!So there you go, my 5 top tips for helping you juggle a full time job & a pretty much full time blog! Pre plan your content, block out time to work, use your weekends, shoot your imagery in bulk when you have time to & schedule your posts for the week ahead … they’re not ground breaking tips, but these 5 things are what enables me to keep me sharing content on mediamarmalade.com daily, but also have a successful full time career too! A balancing act which takes years to master, but once you do, life’s made just that little bit easier!
I’d love to hear of your tips & advice for juggling both work and blogging & know if any of my tips help you?
Great tips. With you on the bulk photography. Although changing looks can get a bit frantic in the AM. Love your blog. Happy new year!
Great tips
really helpful tips, wish it was easier to juggle a blog and a life at the same time!
Rachel // Style Soup
Great post and advice
Great tips and advice,very useful for 2015
Wonderful advice, I will be utilizing the time blocking method more in 2015 as I have been finding it difficult to stay organized and plan ahead recently.
Happy New Year!
Miss Beauty Saver / Instagram
Lovely tips, always stay ahead x
I love this! You’re always so helpful, and I really think these can be applied to any side projects we might have going on!
Amazing tips! I’ve been reading your previous how-to posts and feel so much more prepared for 2015 now :) xx
I envy how good you are at this!
Great tips and I totally agree with the bulk photography! I do this every weekend like yourself and it’s so much less hassle!
Love these tips, and bookmarking this post so I can refer back to it when I’m feeling overwhelmed!
I always intend to photograph in bulk but somehow get distracted/run out of time, so I’m left panicking and leaving it til the following weekend as I also work long days (and annoyingly, it’s dark by 4pm now!)
Would love for you to enter my Urban Decay giveaway! – URBAN DECAY GIVEAWAY
Daniela xo | danielascribbles ♥
Oh Melissa, these are great tips as always and I have to say, you are one of my biggest inspirations. Bloggers like you just go to show that blogging daily whilst maintaining a career and social life is possible! I’ve made a pact this year to publish content daily and I’m already really excited to get going with it all. Like your tips, I’ve taken photography in bulk and scheduling is my life saver!
Thanks for the tips and I can’t wait to see what you bring to your blog in 2015 :)
Holly xx | http://abranchofholly.blogspot.co.uk/
great tips!! appreciated them so much
xo joselovincolors
Great tips…..happy new year…lots of love
These are some really good tips, thanks for sharing! x
I try to use my weekends to schedule and photograph and even write a post or two since I’m working all week long, great tips
Wishing you the best in 2015 x
Stefanie | Casualllyawkward | Bloglovin
These tips are awesome! I tend to write several posts on the weekend as well, and it definitely makes life easier!
These are great tips! Especially about photographing in bulk!
She Likes to Shop
Bulk photography is still something I’m getting the hang of! Great tips will definitely be checking back on this one :)
Kat x
Great tips!!
Great tips. I swear by photographing in bulk and scheduling x
Such great tips here.
Jess x
Hi! Thank you for the post, those are really greats tips
Great post. And if the winter taught me anything, it was to bulk photograph!
Annabel ♥
Mascara & Maltesers
I work full time and try to blog when I can but like you say it’s tough, I am def the same and always use my weekends to the max! Good tips! :-) xx
fabulous tips x
I use many of these tips myself especially photography in bulk and scheduling! I think not feel forced to post yet not slacking is important! x
Blog | Marjorie
Thank you for the tipss, they’re really helpful <3
Those are really great and helpfull tips.
Amazing and helpful tips! Thanks for sharing them! <3
super helpful! x
Nice post! Thank you!
Happy New Year!
Welcome to: beautymarklady.com :-)
I definitely think scheduling time to sit and write/photograph/bake is key – I really need to work on this in 2015!
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty – http://www.brittonloves.blogspot.co.uk
As a new blogger this is really helpful! Thanks!
Thank you for sharing, these will come in handy 2015.
LindaLibraLoca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking
Great tips…but…how to stick to being organised? It’s like budgeting on a piece of paper. Everything looks perfect and then…damn! Don’t I have enough for this pair of shoes? ;) I’ll try to follow (try is the key word) to follow your advice!
I am going to try really hard to take photograph in bulk this year, great post x
What a great article! THANKS FOR SHARING!
I always do my photos in bulk and make sure my post are scheduled in advance. Great post :)
So helpful! Thank you
Very helpful tips! I’ll definitely need them this year, thanks! x
Natalie | The Floral Republic
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Super tips!
I completely agree with these tips!! I run a book blog, have just started a lifestyle blog and also have school to keep up with. I sometimes wander what on earth am I doing!? I have a set schedule for my book blog, and it is a lifesaver. If I didn’t schedule my posts, I’d be lost! With the new blog, I’m just posting twice a week, and taking into mind that school and my other blog have to have priority. Nevertheless, it’s a lot of fun experimenting with outfit shoots and make-up looks! Great tips!
Rita xx
I love these tips~ Honestly, I find it so hard to juggle my current temporary full time work with my blog writing (newbie), my own interests and looking for a proper job! There’s so much to do! But I believe enjoying every moment of it and posting these enjoyable moments every now and then onto social media accounts rather than huge long posts is also a good way to be optimistic about it!!! Many thanks for the great post!! x
AMAZING tips! :) I find it so hard to work full time and blog too but with scheduling and blocking out time totally changed the way it works – I’m so much happier too!
Best wishes x
The Fairytale Pretty Picture
So great tips!I kind of stress out when i think about how i will do it now that i will go back to work….I probably need to work on that schedule think from now ^_^
I absolutely love your blog this post is great as I have just started blogging and feel very disorganised with working as you say 8-8. Some advice on how to layout a blog the easy way would be so good too…if you get time :) xx