I’ve been blogging for a long time now, and with the highs and great achievements of course comes moments of lows and a feeling of self depreciation. Whilst most the time I am really positive and proud of what I’ve achieved, there can be days where I sit and feel a little low about my blog, usually relating to how much hard work I put in, and sometimes feeling like I am missing out on some of the ‘reward’ which I may see others achieving.
I’ve written a whole ton of blog tips posts over the last 12 months, and within all of them I talk about how important it is not to compare yourself to others (and it’s very true), but regardless of whether it’s the ambition for success, sheer exhaustion from producing daily content or just a slight lack of confidence, sometimes blog morale can take a little hit, and so I wanted to dedicate todays post to sharing 5 ways you can help boost your blog morale, keep positive and of course in turn give yourself a well needed confidence boost.
The most important thing when blogging, and really life generally, is to focus on yourself. I often find that lack of morale or feeling negative is triggered when I start comparing myself and my achievements to others. It’s really important to ensure that you focus on yourself, your blog and your achievements, relative to your goals and ambitions, by keeping focus on you, you’ll find yourself keeping more positive & able to keep your morale high.
As with most ambitious people, we’re always striving to achieve our best and be successful, but with that can be a constant pressure to achieve and unless you set yourself milestones to take check at, can be a never ending and potentially demoralising pursuit. The best thing to do with blogging to keep your morale high is to set yourself mini goals, maybe annually or even monthly to make them a little more achievable. That way you’ll find yourself constantly working towards something specific and celebrating the little milestones that you might otherwise miss.
As with setting goals, it’s a really great thing to also count your achievements. Don’t always strive for more more more, take a moment to think about all that you have achieved. This is also a really good way of boosting your morale if you are feeling a little down or self depreciative. Take a moment to think about all that you’ve done, the great work you’ve achieved and maybe even the great partnerships or milestones you’ve hit! Taking a moment to appreciate yourself is a really easy way to give your morale a little boost.
Much like listing your achievements, just taking a moment to see how far you’ve come since you started your blog is always a good way of taking a moment to appreciate whats been achieved. Whether thats looking at your first post, reading through some old content or looking at your blog stats and seeing how they’ve grown since day one. Everyone starts with zero page views, so even if that’s grown to 10 page views, that’s worth celebrating :)
My last tip is a little more drastic, but sometimes simply taking a break can be really beneficial in getting yourself back on track. Taking some time out away from blogging can help you get fresh perspective & a more positive outlook on things. Whether its one day, one month or just a few hours. Stepping away, focussing on something else for a while and coming back fresh is always really helpful.
So there you have it, 5 ways you can just take a moment to reflect and hopefully keep your morale high and a more positive outlook. I find myself having to do a couple of these a few times a month, just to stop myself being self depreciative of all my work or hard on myself for what i’ve achieved.
If you found this post helpful, you may also want to check out my other tips posts on the topic: How to Set Goals, What Is Blog Success, 5 tips to up your motivation, How to Run a Blog & Keep Morale High & tons more blog tips here.
Did you find these 5 tips helpful? How do you keep positive & keep your blogging morale high?
SO many useful tips – taking a break and reflecting can really make you stop and appreciate whet you’re achieving, and keep you pushing yourself forward!
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty – http://www.brittonloves.blogspot.co.uk
Thanks for sharing these positive tips! Two things that I’ve found which help keep my morale up are focusing on the hobby aspect of blogging. We have hobbies because we enjoy them, right? Even if I’d like for my blog to grow beyond that, it helps on a daily basis to look at it as something I do for fun. Another thing is to think about the relationships built with other bloggers. Even if it’s just reading each others’ content every week and leaving encouraging comments, it’s cool to think about this worldwide community we’re a part of.
Silly Medley: Lifestyle and Travel
Great tips! I love the “take a break” tip. It is absolutely necessary to take breaks. No creativity or morale comes from sitting at a computer all day.
Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Bloglovin’
Very useful tips! I think setting mini goals is definitely curcial – especially mini AND realistic goals. It’s all about focussing on what makes you happy and writing about things that are fun to you. The enthusiasm will come across and posts will be a lot more enjoyable to read :)
x Ilia from Ilia’s Cup of Tea
Great tips – thanks for sharing! Definitely keeping in mind where I started, and realizing how much more I have to come!
I can totally relate when you say you feel down about not getting the rewards some other people get despite putting in a lot of effort. It just shows that more successful bloggers like you face the same insecurities and newbie bloggers <3
Listing achèvements is such a great way to self motivate. I've never thought of it, but I think I should start doing it! :) Thanks for the tips!
X, Carina
Running White Horses | Fashion + Travel
It’s difficult to stay excited about it when progress is slow (especially that some weeks I just cant blog because of University) so those are good things to think of :D Thanks!!
SJay // The Chronic Dreamer | A Lifestyle Blog
Some great, helpful tips! Taking a break sometimes can be very beneficial with any task
Alisha x
These tips were just what I needed to read this week. Thank you! I love blogging but some days I do wonder what I’m doing it all for and why I’m putting in so much time- especially as I see what other people’s stats are. But you’re right- focus on me. Remember why I started in the first place and it wasn’t to get as many views as so-and-so’s blog. It was simply to share my love of travel so I’m back to focusing on only that now. :-)
This is such a great post!! Thank you so much for sharing. I need to re-read this when I am in a slump or have writers block!
Thank you for this post! It was very inspiring as I have been feeling this way for quite some time now, it was refreshing to read that someone else goes through this at times too :)
The main thing that helped me to not get stressed out about blogging is avoiding strict schedules, I don’t publish posts because It’s ”blogging day”, I do so whenever I have something interesting to share & that’s another important booster right there, sharing. I started blogging & vlogging exclusively to share things I keep learning, that alone is satisfying enough for me, so whatever comes along is a bonus, not a goal.
Thanks for sharing your interesting insight about your blogging journey, it’s so kind & generous when bloggers help each other out ♡
Such a useful post for every blogger to read! x
Losing blogging morale is always a problem for me. I think all these tips really explain why. Thank you for sharing all the great tips.