Confidence is one of those annoying traits that often feels like it comes natural to some people, and not to others, it’s also somewhat genetic too. But regardless of whether your super confident 99% of the time often when thrown into a high pressured situation, everyone needs a little confidence boost and suffers from a mix of anxiety, nerves, self doubt or just total panic. But guess what, it’s normal. Some people hide it well, others don’t. But regardless of which camp you sit in, there are a few tricks I’ve mastered over the years which I really help boost your confidence, particularly at work or ahead of a big meeting or pressured situation which I thought I’d share today.
First of all, with any high pressured or stressful situation, you need a little pep talk. I’m sure you pep talk others all the time when their having their own moments of need … But don’t forget you can pep talk yourself too. Get yourself in a good positive state of mind, let your brain have some clarity, pipe your cave man down (read more on the caveman here) and generally just take back a little mental and emotional control.
You can do this.
If you want to feel confident, and confident you won’t fail, then you must prepare. Yes some people can wing it in the moment, but often it’s luck, you can never be prepared enough, especially for when it’s a situation you’re feeling a little nervous or stressed about.
The more prepared you, the more confident you will feel.
Get some perspective, In reality I suspect the situation we’re stressed about is not life or death, it’s not going to affect some life changing situation, so let’s get a little perspective. Is this worth me feeling broken, panicked, stressed and self doubting … Chances are the answers no.
Also by putting the job in hand into some real perspective you often realise how much simpler the task is and you take a little pressure off your shoulders.
Pantomime. Treat your meeting, the situation or the project a little like a pantomime, before any pantomime there’s script writing, creative direction, not to mention rehearsals. Why not treat work situations in this way too … Back to preparation, the more you do before hand to make you feel comfortable about the situation, naturally the more confident you will feel.
Practice speeches in front of the mirror or friends / family.
Most of all focus on positives, keep channeling your inner positivity, keep an open mind and try to banish any negatives as soon as they enter your mind. If you’re truly worried, write down your concerns and focus on addressing them one by one.
The key is to clear your mind of doubt and negativity, the more positive energy you’re able to channel, the more adaptable, prepared and focussed you will be.
And of course that means you’ll look and feel a whole load more confident!
I’d love to know if you have any tips to help you feel more confident at work or pressured situations? Did you find my little tricks helpful?
Great tips and ideas. Time to go kick some work’s ass! xx
I love this post. I really need to work on my confidence and stop beating myself up all the time. Thank u xx
Great tips — preparing always helps me. I also like your point about rehearsing in front of the mirror. Thanks for sharing!
Prepping and rehearsing are definitely tips I use – they really help!
NINEGRANDSTUDENT: A Student Lifestyle Blog
I definitely think preparing what you want to say and put across helps, deep breaths and the worst that could happen is you get a no and then you can re-evalutate your goals and desires in the workplace to suit you better.
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Beauty
Great tips! You look amazing in the photos. I love your outfit x
Abi | abistreetx.blogspot.co.uk
Thank you for the ideas, it’s easy to lose confidence at work, that is why I have posted a few sticky notes around my work station, which remind me to be positive. :)