Confidence is a funny old thing, it’s one of those personality traits that typically people either have or they don’t, like extrovert and introverts, but even the most confident of people despite the exterior, can have moments of self doubt, suffer from anxiety or feel awkward in certain situations. Confidence of course is something you can’t force, but there are definitely some little tricks and trips that you can do everyday to help build your confidence, change your attitude from ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can’, and help you feel a little more empowered to take on the world one day at a time.
Confidence doesn’t just make you feel more comfortable and empowered, it also is visible to others too … the more confident you feel, naturally the more confident you will look, and in turn that’ll no doubt bring you far more opportunities than if you were to shy away through a lack of self confidence. So it’s about time we all paid a little attention to ourselves, and our confidence levels, and put a little energy into bringing ourselves up & empowering ourselves to have a little more self assurance … confidence.
In my opinion confidence can be built through doing and achieving, setting out to work on something and seeing yourself succeed and learn as you go. Even simple tasks like completing a 5k run (I say simple, but that would be a big challenge for me) can boost your confidence. But the important facto is in celebrating these acts and successes … so many of us shy away from celebrating our hard work and achievements through either a lack of self confidence or because they’re shy to show off (‘oh, it’s nothing’), but actually being sure to celebrate yourself everyday is really brilliant way of gradually boosting your confidence. It can be a personal little goal you give yourself, to everyday say ‘well done’ to yourself for something you’ve achieved, no matter how big or small.
For the bigger achievements like promotions, business successes or life wins … go all out, treat yourself to a nice reward. Hard work pays off, and so be sure to celebrate how much you’ve done, it’ll only make you feel more confident and empowered to do it again in the future.
#2 ‘I CAN’
One thing I learnt at quite a young age was the importance of saying ‘I can’ rather than ‘I can’t’ … I only really proved to myself that I could do something when I passed and excelled in my GCSE’s all those years ago, before that point I genuinely believed I couldn’t do it, I wasn’t good enough, I could never achieve X,Y,Z. As much as I hated my dad for always saying ‘YOU CAN’ … he was right. And actually that simple mental adjustment from doubting your ability, to just giving it your best shot is one of the most impactful things you can do in boosting your confidence. The more you do, the more you’ll grow, and that’ll just keep reinforcing all those achievements, and in turn your confidence.
In fact, even saying ‘YES’ rather than ‘NO’ all the time can help too! It opens you up to opportunities, people & self confidence.
Whenever I feel unconfident, or a little self doubt creeps in, I realise it’s a sign that i’m not prepared enough as I could be. Confidence comes from knowing, experience & trust (in yourself and the tasks in hand). So whenever I feel myself a little unsure, especially for situations like interviews, exams, pitches etc, I just dedicate some serious effort and time to preparing, building up my knowledge, making myself feel comfortable that I know what I need to … and before long you realise that with that knowledge comes power and confidence.
Whenever you feel a little self doubt, work out why, and work our what you can do to make yourself feel that little bit more comfortable, and confident.
This is a silly one, but such an easy trick that I couldn’t not share. You know those times, whether it be social or work situations, where you have to show up and you feel nervous or a little self conscious … just pop on your favourite red lip and within a swipe of your lips you’ll have an instant boost of confidence. I’m sure there must be some science behind it, but for me, a little lip stick goes a long way into making me feel confident and in control. It’s a simple trick that works wonders, the same as a power suit (another favourite trick of mine to boost my confidence before a big meeting … dressing the part makes you feel the part).
As much as power dressing is a tactic I love and think works wonders, the more important tip is to be comfortable. Feeling comfortable not only in your own skin, but your own clothes. We’ve all been there where we’ve dressed up to try and fit an occasion or to make us feel better about ourselves, but how many times have you been to a party and spend the whole event pulling down your skirt or rubbing your feet because you simple don’t feel comfortable. TONS right? Well a really easy way to feel more confident, is to make sure you feel more comfortable.
Work out the things that make you feel relaxed and comfortable, style yourself in your way, and don’t feel pressurised into becoming someone you’re not. Confident people show up as themselves, without feeling the need to impress or pretend to be someone else. Take a few tips from their book and you’ll instantly feel more relaxed and confident yourself too.
Confidence isn’t easy, even those of us who feel confident in ourselves and situations will have been through times of self doubt and anxiety … but it’s in helping yourself and making yourself feel more empowered and comfortable that you’ll begin to see your confidence boost and feel more confident in turn.
What do you think of these 5 little tips, will you be trying them out?
Such a perfect post, just what I needed :)
Great Read. Just goes to show that you can do a little each day to boost your confidence and make you feel so much better in the future.
Great article!
Great list, will try to apply some of it!
This was a great post. Love the tips. :)
I would also like to add ‘stand up straight’