I’ve always loved designer bags. Always. As a toddler my mum called my the bag lady, as I’d walk around with all the hand bags I could find draped across my shoulders, as a teen I covered my walls in Chanel and Chloe adverts, admiring the iconic designer bags & it bags alike. One day owning my own Chanel has always been my dream.
My first designer bag was a Mulberry bag on my 18th birthday, and Mulberry became my designer of choice for the next few years (I now have a few in my collection – The Emmy, The Bayswater, The Holly, The Charlie clutch & of course my first ever bag The Brooke), as I embarked on my 20’s I ventured out more with the infamous Phillip Lim Pashli, the Aspinal Buckle Bag & my partner in crime, the Celine Nano. My collection is special to me, because not only do I love the bags I’ve invested in, they’ve also been treats and rewards to myself for hard work & achievements. I’m a big fan of rewarding yourself when you achieve things in life. And that’s why I’m currently debating my next buy …


Last year was quite a big year career wise, a promotion to start 2015 with, and by the end of the year an entirely new role to embrace and some incredible job offers to choose between. Last year was hard, but I achieved so much, and so as a reward i’ve decided to treat myself to a new designer bag. Of course the Chanel Boy (previously the timeless) is top of my list, but with a house deposit being saved, i’m not sure the price tag is all that sensible. So instead I’m going for one of my other favourite designers, and a brand i’ve loved since I covered my walls with the Chloe Paddington all those years ago, Chloe.
Chloe’s current bag collection is off the scale and incredibly popular. I’ve narrowed my choice down to 4 bags, The Hayley, The Faye Shoulder bag, The Hudson & The Marcie.
Currently fighting for the buy is the Hayley & The Faye Shoulder bag. Which do you prefer?
I think I prefer the Hayley! I can’t wait to see which one you went for!
Shot From The Street
I love this jumper and skirt combo!
Jenn | Jennifer Jayne