After yesterdays post all about setting better and achievable New Years resolutions, i’ve taken my own advice and had a jolly good think about what 2016 means for me, what I want to achieve, when I want to achieve it by, and also taken a little reality filter too … just to make sure i’m not dreaming of things i’ll never quite be able to stick to. So in the spirit of starting the new year fresh, here are my resolutions for the year ahead.

MY BIG 5 FOR 2016
If there’s one thing that 2015 has taught me, it’s how important work life balance is. With a demanding career, a driven personality and a full time blog, I can often find myself working into the ground, and 2015 was the worst yet. With a crazy work schedule, I found myself spending all day & night at work, and weekends either in the office, flying or just scrabbling to catch up on life. It wasn’t healthy & it certainly wasn’t sustainable. My New Years break was just what I needed, a full three weeks off to shut off from work entirely, and i’ll be starting the New Year with a new role, a new challenge, and a much better perspective on my work life balance priorities. A clear work / life split is a top priority for 2016, there’s no deadline or timeline on this, its a lifestyle shift I plan to make immediately.
I’ve spoken a little bit about wellbeing and mindfulness on my blog before (see my edits here & here), and much like my work life balance resolution, it’s something I need to master a little more in the year to come. From living in the moment, ensuring my stress levels are kept in tact, and genuinely looking after my health a little more … i’ll be giving mindfulness a big embrace in 2016, starting with my new Mindfulness colouring book which I’ll start Jan 1st.
This last two years i’ve really let myself down when it comes to health and fitness, having been a committed netball player (playing club & county, running a team in my previous job & being captain for my uni team before leaving uni), a pilates & spin frequenter, and generally living an active life style, the last two years has seen all my healthy living fade away (sadly in replace for work – see point 1). 2016 is the year to kick start my healthy living again, not least because I want to shift the excess weight i’ve gained (i’m not in a happy place figure wise) but also because I want to ensure i’m living out my 20’s in the best health possible. This year I want to join a netball team again, and sign up to a regular spin or pilates class which i’ll attend each week. I don’t want to over commit or scare myself silly with a weight loss diet, for me this is about shifting my lifestyle back into a more healthy place. Permanently.
I’ve blogged everyday since October 30th 2011. That’s 1,587 posts since I launched it. I’ve not missed a single day.
I love blogging and I genuinely invest everything into this little space. I’m so proud of what i’ve achieved, i’m proud of my re-design & move to a self hosted site which happened at the beginning of 2015 (and in reality has taken the entire year to perfect), my improved & increased focus on photography, the incredible partnerships I’ve been fortunate to have with some of my favourite brands (and being signed to an agency network) & generally just the fact i’ve managed to juggle both my blog and work throughout what has been quite a tough year. And most importantly that you all come along to read & follow the journey (Thank you) …
But if i’m honest I can’t help but feel that despite my efforts, passion and dedication, my little blog hasn’t grown or blossomed as I had hoped it would in 2015. Whether that’s my high expectations or driven nature, or a reality, this year has felt hard and slow success wise for me. Perhaps it was my time being limited so much by work that I couldn’t attend events, or perhaps my lack of proactive business proposing to brands & companies, or perhaps my content (i hope not), but regardless of the ‘why’, 2015 hasn’t felt like the success I could have wished for. And so I hope 2016 will be …
And to help focus my attentions & ensure i’m not just being hard on myself (I have a habit of this), I’ll be setting myself some specific blog goals to help me get the time I want to focus on my content, and hopefully to help grow my blog and the traffic it gets again in 2016, and generally to help me be able to take the leap one day of making this my sole business. I might share my goals with you in a separate post if you’re interested?
I have a wonderful life, a gorgeous flat & so many lovely belongings which i’ve invested in over time. But the one investment I feel is missing, is investment in the property ladder. This year I hope Jase and I will be able to invest our money to either part own our wonderful West London home, or perhaps by our own little place to do up.
In the meantime, it’s about time I finally gave in and bought myself my Chanel Boy bag. A reward I promised myself for my hard work over a year ago now.

So there you have it, my 5 resolutions for 2016. In reality they’re all quite big lifestyle shifts, but to ensure I can finish 2016 and say i’ve ticked them all off, i’ll be breaking them down and tackling each one little bit at a time.
I’d love to hear what your New Years Resolutions are?
I love this post. You can tell by the way you write so passionately about blogging that you’re clearly so driven, I wish to be like you this year! In the summer I’d love to start daily blogging when I free up the time post-exams. Your blog is one of my favourites and I hope that this year it blossoms like you’d hoped!
Isabelle | http://www.isabellekategm.co.uk ♡
Wow that’s such a lovely message, thank you so much, it really means a lot to get such incredible support and I’m so glad you enjoy my blog. Hopefully I can bring even more in 2016.
Happy new year and thank you again xx
I wholeheartedly concur with Resolution 5 – you most definitely deserve some Boy action ;) And owning your own home is the most fulfilling experience one can have! Here’s to making all your resolutions happen. Happy New Year Melissa! x
Jasiminne: Posh, Broke, & Bored
Thanks lovely. I’ll keep you posted on the Boy. Too exciting ;)
Happy new year xx
Wonderful goals, you should be so proud of what you have achieved!
Thanks so much Hannah, really means a lot :) I hope 2016 will be even better too.
Happy new year xx
Those are all great resolutions. That is incredible that you have blogged every single day for that long. Happy New Year!
xo, Scarlett
Thanks Scarlett, I can barely believe it myself :) have a fab Sunday and happy new year xx
I stumbled across your blog this past year looking for tips and help as I kicked my own blog off. While you may not have seen the growth you anticipated, you have been successful in that you’ve inspired at least one person, and continue to do so. I truly enjoy your blog, and your photography is something I aspire to, the images are so beautiful. Have a great 2016, I’m sure you’ll hit your goals!
Thanks so much for your lovely message Oralia, it’s so great to know I’ve inspired someone and it means so much to hear that :) thank you so much and I really hope I can keep inspiring into 2016 too.
Happy new year, thank you again and here’s to your blog flourishing too :) xx
Happy new year! I hope you achieve all your goals. Congrats on the new role at work, and I hope it does encourage you to have a better balance.
Thank you lovely :) happy new year to you too & I hope it’s a gooden for the both of us xx
Love that you understand the importance of investing!
Check out our Free New Year’s Resolutions Printable| Daily Opulence | http://www.dailyopulence.com
Great goals and good luck with them! I cannot believe you’ve blogged everyday! You are so driven, on top of a full time job as well! Wow!
Anna – http://annasreflection.blogspot.co.uk
Thanks Anna. Let’s hope 2016 is a good one! And I can barely believe myself I’ve managed to blog everyday. I hope I can keep it up :)
Happy new year xx
I would love to see a blogging goals post from you! Great post and although you may have not achieved what you wanted you should be proud of what you have done :)!! x
Ah thanks so much Lauren, that’s really lovely and means a lot. You’ll be pleased to know I did the blogging goals feature – I hope you enjoy it.
Happy new year xx
The reason you haven’t seen your blog grow dramatically is because I know I can look at your blog on any day any it will be the same. It will be you in hat and 15 photos in the same stance and then a photo of a carefully placed cup of coffee & you really milked your Babbington & Soho House trips, yes the cups are beautiful! I love following you and don’t mean to offend but as an observer I think it’s great you interact more now with people who comment on your posts I think that is what has made your blog grow if anything, being nicer and answering their questions.
Hi Samantha, thanks so much for taking the time to comment and for being so brutally honest with your feedback too. I’ll take it all on board and the 15 pictures point is something my family constantly tell me too – I’ve tried to make a real effort in the last few months to change this so hopefully you’ve noticed a little difference and less photos already :) I think the similar style of photography is probably down to me juggling a full time job and full time blog, so I’ve definitely looked to maximise my free time to create content, but it’s good to know you thought it was a bit too much of the same stuff, I’ll be sure to try and keep it more fresh in 2016, im planning on my content being a little less formulaic in 2016, so hopefully every time you visit there’ll be something new or unexpected. Thanks so much for sticking along for the journey even though you haven’t enjoyed the content this year as much :) hopefully this year it’ll be better xx
I found this in 2016, starting my blog in a months time, I hope it grows like yours especially on photography
I hope you are achieving your 2016 goals already