In my post on Monday (all about seriously clearing out your wardrobe and creating your own capsule collection) I talked about my newly streamlined wardrobe. Whilst it’s not limited to 37 items and colour coordinated, it’s capsule in my own style – streamlined to my most worn, loved and fititng garments, and far less cluttered than it’s pre Christmas state. A few items which are most certainly staple are my straight leg jeans (i’m obsessed), classic leather loafers and of course the long wool coat. Their items you’ve seen here before, and that’s because they truly are a few of my own personal wardrobe staples.


I’ve been thinking a lot about my blog lately (you might have caught my instagram rambles last night). I say my blog, but I mean everything to do with blogging really, social media, goals, work, followers. I’ve been a little down and hard on myself (it happens occasionally). I have so much passion and motivation when it comes to blogging, and a determination to push my blog as far as I can (from creating quality content, to working hard so my followers and traffic grows in turn, to focusing on the more business side of running collaborations and partnerships). I put so much time and energy into this space, that sometimes I just wish I could get more back. That lucky break if there even is such a thing? I wonder sometimes if I’m doing something wrong, or if maybe I’m not good enough, and if so why? But I suppose if there’s one comfort in the whirlwind of self doubt its you guys. You amazing people who come here daily and read my features, share them sometimes too, leave me comments & even tell others to come and check it out. It’s not often you take the time to say it, but thank you. You really do make it all worthwhile.
What do you think of my ‘capsule wardrobe’ ensemble? And my blogging musing too?
Looking absolutely perfect in this combo! Your bag and coat are major!!
Love this look! So chic and cute!
The Style Scribe
Please don’t be so hard on yourself! I know the feeling you have, too often I fall into the trap of comparing myself to others and trying to work out what I could do differently to have my big moment! I think your doing everything perfectly and your big break will come!!!
Shot From The Street
Don’t be so hard on yourself – you’re doing a great job!! Gorgeous outfit. xx
I’ve been admiring your bag all the week on Instagram… looks so fabulous in your outfit!
Just love your style so much! <3
xx Caroline Madmoisell
The content on both your blog and your website is amazing and I remember when I first come across you I thought why I haven’t I come across this girl before and why aren’t her figures through the roof – her work is sooo good!! I think your already very successful and the hard work, and the quality of content you produce from your images to your writing shows consistently throughout this blog. So through your reflections I hope your also very proud of yourself. And I really hope you get all you want out of blogging as you deserve it x
Awwe, I think you are doing a wonderful job <3 It will pay off in the end, sometimes things just take time ! Keep going though because you really are amazing <3
This is a post I can whole heartedly relate too. Sometimes it’s really hard to keep pushing yourself foward – I know the hardest thing for me is when you don’t get the kind of response to a post that you were hoping/ thought you might. It’s always worth carrying on though! And it’s such an achievement for you to blog everyday as well as work full time! :)
Love this coat , color and this look ! Stunning ^^
Sarah xxxx
What size are you in the farleigh mom jeans? Are they true to size? I’m so unsure about what size to order, would really help to know.
Tina x
Hi Tina. I picked these up in a UK 10, they’re a little loose but comfy fit, at my current weight i’d say they’re probably true to size :) x