2017 Time To Get More Active.
New Year New You n all that! If you’re anything like me then starting the new year with a promise to get more healthy is a little bit like ground hog day, the year starts with high ambitions and commitments to finally get that body I had 10 years ago and the health I want to stay strong and well.
The reality is that life takes over like always and 12 months goes by and I realize I’m still putting my health and fitness last and discontent with the way I look and feel. I admire those who’s commitment to healthy living is strong day in and day out, whilst I ace the food side of things it’s the exercise side I’m less strong willed on.
And that’s why this year, my health and fitness ambitions aren’t focused on hitting x gym classes a week and getting my 21 year old body back … they’re simply to get more active.
Because its amazing how getting active can make a world of difference, even just simple things like walking to the next bus stop, or taking the stairs at work. Simple, quick yet effective ways of getting healthy, without actually having to commit to an hours gym class everyday.

With fast paced lives getting from a to be as quickly as possible is number one priority, and often that means jumping on a tube to get to work, grabbing taxi’s to take you to your next meeting, and falling onto the bus to get back home again. Public transport is easy, available and the biggest barrier to you getting more active. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise for your overall metabolism and core strength, so trying to do a little more of it by relying less on transport links is a no brainer. Jump off a tube stop earlier and walk the rest, or find the more scenic route to walk. It may mean setting your alarm 30 minutes earlier, but you’ll see the results in no time if you’re walking 30 minutes a day.
Hiking is one of those LA trends that for many years I didn’t quite get, but having hiked a fair bit on my recent travels around ASIA, I now totally get it. Hiking raises the blood, works the muscles and requires stamina to keep going. During our trip to Hong Kong we hiked 25,000 steps whilst visiting the PEAK and eploring the city. I was with friends, having fun, exploring and making a day out of it, which made it feel far less like exercise and far more like catching up with my friends whilst actually seeing the sites at the same time. Why not catch up with friends over a walk to a local pub or for a dog walking session, rather than simply popping to your local coffee shop?
Stairs are made for good bums. Yes they’re hellish, but take the stairs everyday and you’ll be amazed at the toning potential for your thighs and derriere. Not only that, the burst of high impact cardio does wonders for fat burning. It adds no time to your day but will have a big impact on your body tone.
Yes cleaning is a bitch, but my god does a good hoover and changing of the sheets get the blood flowing and sweat dripping. I know it’s a rotten chore, but there’s a silver lining my friends, so every now and then embrace the spring clean with some good tunes and a 70’s inspired sweat band.
And finally, even simply getting up to go to the toilet, make a cup of tea, of pop out to get some lunch helps towards a more active lifestyle. I admit I easily spend 9am-8pm sat at my desk with barely any movement in busy times, but not only is this unhealthy, it’s entirely unproductive too. So not only will a few extra breaks help get you up and about and keeping that metabolism going, it’ll also help your productivity.

How do you keep active and healthy in your everyday? Do you take the active route or find yourself taking the easy option like me more often than not? I’d love to know if any of these tips has inspired you to get a little more active? I’ve certainly felt better already even just walking more than normal.
Taking the stairs and walking a bit extra are def. something I have been doing and what made a big difference for me.
You are on a great path, so keep it going girl!
Love these tips, i’m definitely trying to be a little more active in 2017.
Rachael xx.
These are great tips! Little changes can make a huge difference x
Sick Chick Chic
Getting active right now is so difficult because of the weather. I have managed to get out and run on days when the temps are a little bit more bearable. These winter months are always the worst for me. I try to combat it by doing like squats or lunges when I’m waiting for food to cook or when I’m brushing my teeth. Some sit ups when I’m watching TV…it’s the little things I guess. Great post, thanks for sharing!
Ashley | Sunday Brunch
Loved these tips! I am really trying to get more healthy this year and this totally has inspired me
One thing i’ve been trying to do is to exercise everyday. Some days I’ve got more energy and less things to do, and I do a full 45min workout – running or cardio. But of course I have days where I’m too tired or don’t have enough time, but I still try to squeeze in a bit of workout – a 20min ab exercise or 20min run. Alternating between these options is a nice balance and I don’t have to fulfil the unrealistic expectation of exercising fully everyday :)
stairs are always the good way!! still i found to time to work out when working full time! but i would give it a go to exercise in the morning!!
xx from italy
Cate ღ 35mm in Style
I love to walk everywhere, that’s got to be my number one way to keep active/fit. I’ve been loving long hikes too recently and it’s actually been nice getting some fresh air, even when the weather has been rather crisp! I also enjoy doing Youtube video workouts in the morning. I like fun ones where I can dance about a bit. Anything that isn’t too serious always tends to work best for me…Also, yup, I’ve got to agree, you can’t beat a bit of cleaning to work up a sweat and get the blood pumping haha.
I much prefer walking everywhere. Makes me feel more alive!
I love your suggestions, I’ve committed to walking with my furry friends more, it’s not half as lazy as letting them in the backyard, which I’ve done way too much!
I personally love hoovering and changing the bedding. I always set a little challenge for myself and seeing how quick I can be. Like you said, really gets the blood flowing x