And Why You Should Bring Them Home With You
I long for holidays, the chance to explore new places, return to places I’ve fallen in love with a time before, and a chance to unwind, relax and focus our energy on something else, me!
It’s fair to say most holidays I go on I leave feeling rejuvenated, re-motivated and most definitely more rested! Even trips that include adventure, lots of traveling around or little time sat on a beach leave me feeling better. There’s something about fresh air, vitamin D, time away from work and the new habits and routines you form while away that help your body and mind replenish.
Some routines like the daily sea swim, or coastal walks are a little harder to bring home with you into daily city life, but others, the more simple daily habits you form while away are easy enough to bring home with you. Naturally the pressures of daily life make them slightly trickier to continue and prioritise but I believe there are 5 healthy holiday habits that we should all try and bring back home with us.

When I’m away on holiday, my water consumption rockets! Not to an excessive amount relatively speaking, it’s probably a good reflection of what we should drink each day, but by my standards this is a lot more than the usual poor performance. When I get busy I simply forget to hydrate. I’ll go a day without drinking water when I’m at work and it’s a terrible lack of self care and busy-ness is a lazy excuse for not drinking enough. When I’m on holiday this completely changes, with more time, more sunshine and therefore more natural thirst, and just simply more self awareness of myself I know when I’m thirsty and i spend a lot more time hydrating. Of course it makes you feel so much healthier … such a simple healthy habit to take home with me.
Much like water, when I’m away on holiday I tend to eat a lot more regularly. Whereas at home I could go half a day without little more than a coffee if I’m busy, on holiday breakfasts and lunch become an event and something you plan your day around (at least I do haha).
The regular eating is so much better for your metabolism and I know how important breakfast is – when I’m on holiday a lovely hotel breakfast becomes a staple. The same goes for snacking on fruit, especially when you’re on a summer holiday, a couple of pieces of fruit every day becomess routine, it’s not unusual to pack a few snacks in your bag in case hunger strikes. It’s a simple habit that when I’m at home I just forget to prepare for and I know blood sugar is a trigger for my migraines so this is yet another healthy holiday that really is worth bringing home with me.
During a two week holiday Ive been known to get lost in a good 7 or 8 books. I say get lost because I do truly get lost in reading and become somewhat of a recluse. I love reading, I find it exceptionally relaxing and enjoy a great story for a touch of escapism. Yet once again when I’m back home in my usual daily work routine, I just don’t make time, I don’t have the mental space or energy to dedicate to reading. I’ve had six books sat waiting to be read since the beginning of this year, and despite packing them in my bag each day to read on my commute or during some non existent lunch break, I’ve not opened one of them until I’ve got away on holiday.
It’s really something I want to prioritise more when I’m home from this years summer holiday. It’s so good for my mind I need to make sure it’s not just a habit that forms for just a couple of weeks a year, but one I stick to all year around.
I’ve never really been one to spend too much time getting ready, least not doing my hair. I’ve always admired those that do, but my gosh the time isn’t worth it to me. But despite that more often than not I will dry my hair post washing, and maybe curl it on a weekend or for a special occasion. On holiday all care goes out the window, especially on a summer holiday when the heat of the air drys my hair in an instant, the salt in the sea gives it a natural wave and the sweat endured from a hairdryer is an unbearable thought. Despite the drying effects of a summer break, my hair often gets to be entirely natural which actually means I come with soft and naturally lightened locks, rather than a frazzled affair from too much styling!
And whilst my hair styling and beauty focus goes out the window while I’m away, with au natural the preferred hair and beauty approach. My skincare routine goes the opposite way. You’ll be disgusted to know I am a non moisturiser 90% of the year, but that 10% of time when I’m away on holiday I moisturise like a goddess. With sun tan lotion top ups all day long on the beach and post shower and pre bed moisture smothering, my skin has never been so looked nourished than when I’m away on holiday. Not just my body skincare routine, my facial skincare routine is also heightened as I spend more time using all my lotions and potions day and night, not to mention ditching makeup for SPF tinged moisturiser!
Whilst I can’t promise to bear a makeup free look everyday at work, the daily moisturising and religious daily skincare routine is one I definitely need to embrace, simply dedicating a little more time in the morning and evening so that I can commit to a little more routine with my skincare.

It’s all to easy to fall back into the work regime and forget about the healthy, happy you from holidays! But these five simple routines are so easy to bring back into daily life they just need a little bit of effort and commitment but can make all the difference to your wellbeing! I for one am going to be trying to bring these back with me after my holidays in Greece, plus the ‘scenic route’ approach you always have on holiday! Getting out more, walking more, and generally being more active. Here’s hoping it sticks back in the UK.
You always take the best photos! Love the red tints! ❤️❤️
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
YES Couldn’t agree more.. I drink so much more water on holiday and should really work on that at home!
x Lisa | lisaautumn.com