A Personal Visual Diary From March – June 2020
Hi everyone, i hope you’ve all been keeping well. It’s been a while since my last post, sorry about that, there’s no real reason except i’d been delaying going through the mammoth task of organising this film into a blog post. Often it’s the bit I enjoy the least – formatting all the images into one little story. I take far too many images and struggle to cut them down into something that’s not a dissertation. Anyway, I finally got round to pulling together my lockdown film to share with you all – and so that’s really what this post is. A little visual diary of my lockdown from a couple of days prior to the offices closing, at Soho Farmhouse, to the days spent inside our home during the ‘stay home’ period, to some moments spent outside, walking in the park and getting out and about in the local area. I’ve been meaning to share this for sometime, but I captured a good 4 or 5 films, and just hadn’t got around to editing the collection down for a post.

I finally had a week off work last week though, my first of the year which is mad for me, and i’ve got a renewed energy which i’m putting to good use. I’ve also got a couple of more film posts to share with you all from my weekend a few weeks ago, and most recent week in Cornwall (i went to St Agnes for four days last week). So I’ll have a couple more (or one big bumper) posts to share with you all soon.
I’ve also got some big ideas that I am working through in my mind, and i think and hope that a bit of that will come through over here on mediamarmalade.com in the coming weeks – a big focus on wellbeing and the ongoing struggle of finding life, work and health balance. I’ve been thinking about a big opportunity / new business / platform centred in this space – i’ve got so many ideas for the various ways it can manifest, and I think it’ll start with more regular content from me over here, on the topic of wellbeing. To start things off i’ve added a little wellbeing section to the home page too and a dedicated section of this site for all my wellbeing posts. :)
I’d love to also hear from you what you enjoy seeing on the blog, and the sorts of content you’re enjoying reading lately? I’d love to get back into the rhythm of writing and sharing with you more – i realise more and more how therapeutic I find it once i’m in the rhythm and through the ‘backlog’ of images.
Beautiful photos! Film photos are so incredible! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Oh these are such gorgeous shots.. you are so talented x
Lisa | lisaautumn.com
I have been contemplating getting a film camera, but your post makes me want to pick up a new hobby.