If you follow me on Instagram then this news will be old hat by now, because as I share our special news, my little baby is already 9 months old. No longer the tiny weeny 5lb 2oz little button she was, but a thriving, funny, cheeky, affectionate, smart, curious and determined little girl.
Our daughter was born on 15th May 2021, 15:25pm weighing 5lb 2oz, and stole our hearts from the second we met her.
I had lots of grand plans to share our journey and document each of the incredible phases we’re going through, but the truth is being a mum is absolutely all consuming. There’s little time for a cup of tea let alone taking photos and writing a blog. So i’m well over due on my 3rd and 4th trimester posts, and of course sharing some of our life with Willow, but i’m sure as time goes on i’ll try and catch up with myself.

For now I thought i’d finally push publish on these photos I took when Willow was a newborn, that have been sat on here in my drafts for the last 9 months. Of course I now have millions more to share, and so much of our journey i’d love to write up. It’s incredible how fast the time has flown, how much she’s grown, blossomed and developed, and also how much I as a new mum, have grown, blossomed and developed too.
This journey is so magical, and I hope to share more reflections with you all soon (as well as that very belated 3rd trimester post at some point – if I can wrack my brain back to that time).
I have a little post with some pictures we took on our first outing to Richmond park i’ll also share soon too, but for more live updates, I’ve been sharing daily snippets on my instagram
Dont follow you on social, only via a feed reader, so: Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl! Hope you enjoyed every second with her so far and will do forever ;)
But Mama, don’t forget to focus on yourself from time to time – only a happy and healthy mummy can be a good mummy :)