I’ve been blogging for over four and a half years now, and i’ve been working as a strategic planner and consultant for brands in the UK and Northern Europe for going on double that. Helping clients achieve their goals is an innate part of my job, and actually something I try and do within the blogging world too, using my blog to help other bloggers improve and grow their own brands (or careers) by sharing my tips and advice. So needless to say, strategic consultancy is a passion and that leads me onto my post today …
I spend a lot of time telling others how to get what they want, sometimes even helping define what it even is they want in the first place, I provide them with recommendations to get there, monitoring the success and generally guiding the whole process. I like to think I can help turn an idea into a reality.
So today I wanted to share a few tips that might help YOU turn that little idea you have into a reality, maybe a business idea, into a career. And the reason I wanted to write this today is because I myself have developed a huge idea of my own … which I want to turn into a reality this year. So this post is as much to guide you, as it is to guide me.

#1 Define your idea
Firstly if you want to make your idea into a reality, you need to flesh it out a little, define the idea itself, work out the details of your offering & the market for it. There’s a huge difference between an idea and a thought, so before you get carried away, focus on developing the idea from a thought into a fully fleshed out opportunity. Articulate it succinctly … it should be easily and quickly explainable (think about the elevator pitch – how you’d sell your business idea to someone in a quick lift journey).
#2 Know the opportunity
Once you’ve clearly defined your business idea and articulated it on paper … you need to suss out whether there is genuinely a market for you and your business idea? Is there a need, a want or opportunity to create need or want. Would it offer value to your desired customer? Could it makes you money …
#3 Confirm the commercials
A pretty important factor in turning a business idea into your actual career is not only knowing the idea, and the opportunity for it, but also knowing how valuable it is. It’s commercial value or the commercial opportunity. How will it make you money? What is a fair and relevant pricing point for your offering or your business? Do you need ‘start up’ capital, is this attainable, do you need an office space, how much profit do you need to make to out weight the outgoings … etc etc etc. Basically could this successfully work?
#4 Seek advice
Seek advice … I think advice is valuable throughout the whole process, from finessing and developing your idea, to understanding the opportunity and if there’s a market for your business idea, and equally seeking financial guidance from a professional (or someone with experience) to help you get started. There’s no harm in asking for help, especially if it can help take your business further.
It’s important to know that your business idea could be a reality and a success at that … so seeking as much advice & support throughout the whole process is really important.
#5 Create your step by step plan
And when you’ve got it all there … get started. Create a business plan, and more than that a step by step breakdown of the tasks and goals to be delivered on. Think about timings, resources and all the knitty gritty details of what is required to make this happen. All the details can be overwhelming, so make sure you break things down into manageable chunks with realistic timings, it’ll help you focus and always know what you’re working towards.


Have you turned a business idea into your reality? I’d love to know if you have any other advice or tips for me, or anyone else wanting to start a new business. Do you have a business idea you’d like to turn into a reality?
and if you’re intrigued about my own business idea … stay tuned :)
You look absolutely gorgeous!! I’m loving your coat and bag!
Thanks for the tips! I always seem to find my way to your blog for your awesome advice! I’m currently trying to turn my idea into reality and as hard as it is I know it’ll be worth it!
Love your look.