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    Tackling Stress And Anxiety, For Today & Tomorrow

    Over the course of the last year or so I’ve been focusing a lot more of my attention and energy on myself, specifically looking after myself. After years of self neglect and overwhelming volumes of stress as a result of my career, it’s fair to say my health had never been worse.

    I talked a little about this here and here, but looking back I can see I suffered for 6 years with rather chronic stress and anxiety that I didn’t really acknowledge let alone do anything about (I still suffer now but am becoming much more aware and conscious of it). The tail tail sign was weekly debilitating bed bounding migraines, every single week, for years, yet even then I didn’t really stop and consider that this was my body trying to make me stop, let alone realise the stress that was causing them.

    As a confident, high achieving person, you wouldn’t really think on the surface there was anxiety and stress riddling away from the inside out. It was only really when I reached peak ‘unwell’ and finally got diagnosed with auto immune (Colitis) that I started to think about my health and started to realise the level of stress and anxiety I was dealing with. And sadly probably another year again until I was compelled into making some lifestyle changes and to re-frame my priorities – my migraines, skin problems and colitis reached peak, and I couldn’t continue with the constant battle of trying to feel well. It was only really this moment (a mere matter of months ago) that something clicked and I decided it was time to put myself first, over my job, and get a handle on my health properly.

    Anxiety and stress affects everyone differently, it’s personal, it’s scary and it’s often invisible. Looking back, suffering with stress and anxiety isn’t new for me, I spent my late teens pretty unwell and had three years of therapy to help me through it. And here I was again in my late twenties, with a completely different manifestation of my anxiety – auto immune disease, but ultimately being driven by the same underlying issues – stress and anxiety.

    Perhaps it was turning 30 or perhaps it was just feeling utterly fed up with living in such an unwell state, but in the last 6 months or so I’ve made a serious concerted effort to adjust my lifestyle to start living WELL. Finally making a commitment to myself above my commitment to my work. Seeing a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) doctor has really helped, of course western doctors have too and I am on treatment for life for my colitis, but the TCM approach helped open my eyes to self healing and the real importance of looking after yourself, from the food you put in, to the management of stress to simply taking some time out each week for treatment. It also opened my eyes to how interlinked my migraines, skin and colitis is, and critically how stress terribly impacts them all. I’m now dairy and gluten free, I obviously have medicine for my colitis, as well as supplements (tumeric, fish oil, digestive enzymes & probiotics) for overall inflammation, I am having weekly acupuncture, I’ve restarted Pilates and yoga, and am working much more consciously at managing stress, dealing with anxiety and ultimately trying to create more CALM in my life everyday.

    It’s funny, as I’ve written SO many posts about managing stress and living more mindfully in the past – and whilst I still stand by those tips now, in reality they were my own cries for help and advice to myself, and as with most things you never really take your own advise. But this time it’s different, I am practicing a more mindful approach, there’s tons more I need to do, but for the first time in years I am looking after myself and I am seeing health improvements.

    So whatever your situation, however stress and / or anxiety manifests for you – it might be one off bursts of stress, constant anxiety, IBS, IBD, migraines, panic attacks, a general feeling of depression, fatigue … whatever it is – taking some super simple steps to calm down is really important, and HELPS.

    And not just calm down in the moment, but create more calm in your life so the impact of stress and anxiety doesn’t happen so often and so intensely. So today I wanted to share a few of the ways I am trying to be more mindful and some of the techniques I am finding are helping me be more calm.

    Lets talk: Tackling Stress, Being More Mindful, Creating Inner Calm

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    Tackling Stress, Being More Mindful, Creating Inner Calm



    There are so many mindfulness journals available on the market that there really is something for everyone. I am quite particular about the sorts of journals I enjoy and would use, anything too laborious just doesn’t work for me, but journals that offer quick tasks that can be done without any effort are exactly what I need. I recently bought two 5 minute journals from Anthropologie (one is mindfulness and one is for the morning) and these are pitched at exactly the right level for me, 5 minute mindfulness activities that can be done anywhere, at anytime, and don’t require anything more than a few minutes of brain power.


    Apps like Calm and Headspace are absolutely brilliant ways of adding a touch of mindfulness and calm to your day everyday, both offer free or paid for services and have such a great array of tools at your disposal. I love both for different reasons, and regardless of what you’re feeling or struggling with each day, they have an activity, meditation or calming story for you. I highly recommend both of these apps for a super simple but effective way of practicing well being and re-balancing yourself.

    At it’s most basic, spending 10 minute simply ‘being’, with no phone, no TV, no computer, no noise, no anything … sitting for 10 minutes doing nothing is enough to achieve a little bit of mindfulness everyday. When was the last time you did nothing?


    Another very simple practice is taking some time each morning or evening, just a few minutes is required, to set your intentions, think about some things your grateful for, or simply framing your day positively. Often starting the day or ending the day on the right note can make a big impact on how your day actually goes (it impacts your ability to deal with situations, and therefore manage stressful situations more positively). Intention setting is a really easy but positive tool for embracing calm, feeling hopeful and generally getting yourself into the right state to handle the day (and whatever it throws at you). State management is a super important part of mindfulness.



    Regular practices such as Pilates and yoga are fantastic tools for mindfulness, they are great for breathing, releasing muscle tension, generally clearing your mind and relieving stress within your body and mind. I find when I do regular Pilates and yoga I  feel much better both mentally and physically. It doesn’t have to be expensive classes, even doing a 40 minute yoga session from home is incredibly positive, or if those activities aren’t for you simply running or getting active is often a great release for people. The key is finding an activity that allows you to clear your mind, move your body and focus on proper breathing – you’d be amazed how bad many of us are at breathing properly.


    Whilst walking has never been a big love of mind, a good hike does wonders for the body and mind. If you’re lucky enough to live somewhere with great scenic hiking routes, creating a regular time to get out and walk is incredibly powerful. But if you don’t live in the beautiful countryside, by the sea or in great hiking spots, it doesn’t mean walking can’t be done. A simple stroll during your lunch break, walking to work or jumping off the tube a stop early, or just ditching the car can be a great way to add some calm into your everyday – walking is a great tool for calming down and getting into the right ‘mental state’. The important thing is to be aware of what is going on around you, take in nature, breathe, appreciate the little things you observe and generally be present in the moment.


    I am a big investor in both massage and more recently acupuncture. I find massage a really important part of my ‘de-stress’ routine and it does wonders for both my physical tension in my neck and shoulders which happens more when I am stressed, but also it forces me to take a mental break too.  Whenever I can i’ll book a 60 or 90  minute massage (usually once every month or two), but I also schedule bi weekly 30 minute chair massages at work too. More recently I’ve embraced TCM and have acupuncture each week – i’m really finding this process is helping me heal – addressing the levels of cortisol in my body, healing the ‘damp heat’ I have, but also forcing me to take an hour out of my day each week for self care. Both massage and acupuncture can be  expensive, and it’s an investment I am consciously making – but if budget doesn’t allow for this, don’t let it stop you taking an hour out for some self care each week, even a regular time for a bath & face mask can do wonders.



    I find ‘getting away’ from everyday routines and stresses a really important part of my wellness. Weekends at home, spa breaks, holidays, city breaks, anything that involves getting away from the day to day stresses of life, an opportunity to engage with something completely different and a chance to be more engaged in the ‘present’. There is nothing more mindful and calming to me, than exploring a new city, embracing the culture, architecture and food. Of course these things can cost a lot of money if you’re travelling afar, but even a trip ‘home’ or to stay with friends can work wonders. For me these are really important and something I aim to schedule for every other month or so throughout the year.


    Assuming you’re not reading a stressful thriller or horror novel, reading is another great way of having some ‘me time’ and escapism from everyday stresses. Making time to read, investing in books that bring you joy and calm, and indulging in a few hours of reading each week or day even, is another very simple but often incredible effective way of generating some inner peace and tranquility. Both of which are really important when you’re trying to de-stress and manage anxiety.

    It doesn’t just have to be reading though, really it’s about finding activities and hobbies that offer you calm and a chance to unwind – art, gardening, cooking, surfing … whatever the activity if it allows you to relax, and not feel stressed, embrace it.


    What it really all comes down to is creating new healthy habits in your life to reduce stress, help you establish time for self care and creating calm, and ultimately establishing positive new routines and rituals that help ease anxiety overall.

    The techniques and tools are endless really, but working out what works for you is key – anything that helps you live in the present, be more ‘aware’ of yourself and what is going on around you, and helping you find practices that release stress and help you maintain a calm and positive mental state (rather than adrenaline fueled for example).

    Paying more attention to the food you consume and actively fueling yourself with better more wholesome food, ensuring you get a solid night sleep (sleep is so much more important than we realise and it’s become a hugely important part of my daily routine now), getting a coach to help you build self esteem and confidence so those stressful situations become less daunting, or filling your home and garden with plants to grow and care for, taking up a regular art class or simply spending 5 minutes writing down your thoughts of the day – there are so many small and big practices you can embrace to help relieve your stress, calm your mind and relax your body, all of which help gradually ease anxiety, stress and increase your ability to live more mindfully (and ultimately, WELL).

    They just require a commitment from you, to practice them regularly, to help achieve an overall state of calm, positivity and strong physical and mental health.

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    At it’s most basic mindful practice is as simple as focusing on the present, focusing on your body, paying attention to your breathing, appreciating and being grateful for what you have, finding things that bring you peace and calm (a stroll in the garden, drawing, writing, listening to music), and setting an intention of positivity for your day. It can be done in a few minutes each day, from anywhere at anytime, and the impact will be far greater than the effort involved in finding calm.



    Time To Sort Your Shit Out & Start Living A Little More Mindfully.

    After writing this post last week I had so many lovely messages, email and calls from readers, friends, family and fellow bloggers, sharing their love and support and generally just giving me a little virtual hug. It was lovely to have so much kind and genuine support, and it was lovely to hear your words and advice too.

    Off the back of my realisation that it was time I sorted my shit out I decided it was time to act. It was time to live more mindfully.

    Firstly I picked back up my latest Sarah Knight Book ironically called ‘Sort Your Shit Out’ (my sister knows me well, a Christmas present put to good use already) and secondly, I decided it was time I started to live a little more mindfully. Mental health after all is just as important as our physical health, and mindfulness is one way to help keep that mental health in tact.

    Being mindful and well is something I have strived hard to achieve in theory, but not tried hard enough to practice in reality. But in my quest to get my life and health in a stable position, I’ve decided to take the practice of mindfulness a little more seriously, and that means not just buying the book, but reading it and actually acting on it too. It doesn’t have to require big, timely and life altering actions, in fact I’ve realised its often the small, quick and simple things that over time, can have the biggest impact.

    And so today I thought i’d share five of the very simple things I’m doing to help me live my life a little more mindfully, and hopefully inspire you a little too.

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    mindfulness | ˈmʌɪn(d)f(ʊ)lnəs/ | noun

    a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.






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    Have A Hard Cut Off

    It’s easy to let work trickle into life, to let life slip away into promises of ‘tomorrow’ and it’s easy to forget to prioritise the things that you should be demanding for your health and happiness when you have work demands that eat all your time and energy. I get it. But truth be told working this way isn’t only unhealthy but its also unproductive in the long run, because burn out (whether its motivation or health) happens.

    Learning to work smart is key, and for me that means committing to a hard cut off everyday.  If I don’t I can work until 11pm and be back on emails at 7am. But the more this happens, the more it comes to be expected, and that is really no good for my mindfulness let alone overall wellness. So in order to free time for other things … i’m trying to commit to a hard ‘work’ cut off. You know, leave the office on time, stop checking emails after 7pm, saying No to extra or unnecessary work, and most importantly stop picking up other peoples slack.

    Make More ‘Me Time’

    And what this hard cut off means, is that everyday I get a little more ‘me time’.

    Me time that I can fill with the things I love, the things that make me feel content and the things that I know help me relax, unwind and feel positive. Reading, blogging, taking a bath, watching a movie, grabbing a coffee, taking pictures, visiting my favourite cafes and restaurants, going to the cinema, listening to music … simple ‘everyday’ things that boost my positivity, give me a feeling of content and overall help me live a more mindful life everyday.

    It’s incredible how different you can feel when you just spend 30 minutes doing something you enjoy throughout the day, whether it’s reading a book on your commute rather than checking your phone, listening to music whilst you walk to work, popping to your favourite coffee shop for lunch, and making time to enjoy an evening, even if that evening is simply sat on the couch watching that infamous box set.

    Don’t Get So Busy Making A Living, That You Forget To Make A Life.

    Go To Bed On Time

    There’s a viscous cycle that it’s too easy to fall into, I for one am only just crawling back out of the terrible habit. Up Early, Work Late, Eat Late, Sleep Late, Up Early, Work Late, Eat Late, Sleep Late … zzz. Makes me exhausted thinking about it and how I’ve been living.

    It’s too easy for work to fill your waking hours and sleep to become the only way to relax. So as part of my hard cut off commitment, the plan is to have an actual evening everyday, an evening to relax, enjoy dinner, unwind and have time to myself all the while still managing to get to bed at a much earlier time than normal. The older I get the more I realise how much my body needs 8 hours sleep … so it’s about time I gave it 8 hours.

    Talk About It

    I mentioned lots of people got in contact after my post last week, and it reminded me how important it is to talk to people, about anything and everything. It’s amazing how much you lock up inside of you, worries, concerns, stresses and strains, and sometimes simply talking about it can lift a whole load off your shoulders.

    And if it isn’t talking about it, writing it. Writing is an incredibly effective therapy (it’s why I own 4,000 note pads), to do lists, bullet journals, 5 things your grateful for everyday, a daily diary or even just drawings, scribble & doodles can have an incredibly positive impact on your life. I always carry a note pad with me to capture ideas, make ‘to do’ lists so things can stop buzzing around my head like flies, and write my goals and ambitions out. Invest in a journal and simply jot down things that come into mind …

    Get More Active 

    Being active forces you to breathe, to fight, to be strong. It’s an incredible therapy and one I used to rely on heavily to help me feel well and strong in the past, but one in recent years i’ve neglected due to a lack of time and all the other workaholic excuses I have mustered up. But getting active; walking, running, cycling, going to the gym, truly does wonders for you, your mindfulness and your overall health.

    Whilst my new years resolution of getting to the gym more hasn’t happened (what a surprise), what I have tried to do is walk more, get outside, into the air, into nature and just walk, even if it’s from one meeting to the next. In London it often takes the same or less time as a taxi to walk, but does so much more for your mindfulness than back to back traffic.

    I find being outside, and walking, taking in your surrounding even if it’s for 10 or 20 minutes, is often all you need to clear your head, regain some perspective and find some inner peace and positivity.

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    So there you have it, five very simply ways to help you live more mindfully  and the five things I personally will be doing to help my own everyday mindfulness. I’d love to know how (and if you) practice mindfulness and the things you do in your life to bring that feeling of everyday content and positivity?





    This weekend i’ve escaped the city for a weekend back home in the south of England. I love taking weekends out of London, especially when it’s to head home for a serious break. There’s something about being home that immediately relaxes me and adjusts my pace of life, in fact so much so that a Friday night post dinner snooze on the sofa is always guaranteed when I get home.

    A few years ago I used to work, work and work some more. In many days I still do that now, but what I’ve learnt (the hard way) is that actually sometimes you need some serious time off to be able to be more productive, more efficient and more enthusiastic when you’re ‘on’. Good work is best done when you’re physically and mentally in a good place.

    When we’re stressed and busy, we tend to just put our heads down, skip breaks, work late and simply don’t stop to breathe for a minute. Whilst at the time we feel it’s the only way, it’s actually the worst way. Taking breaks is more important than we all care to accept (find our why here), whether it’s a 5 minute tea break, an hour out at lunch or even a weekend or week away.

    In the last 6 months I’ve been making a real effort to live more mindfully, to focus on my wellness and most important to create some serious balance. And so I thought today I’d share my favourite ways to destress, unwind and be more mindful, perhaps they’ll inspire you to take a proper break this weekend. And to be #NotSorry about it.

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    Leaving London

    As I mentioned, one of my favourite ways to really give my mind a break is to escape for the weekend, and one of the easiest ways to do this is to head home, to visit Jase’s family, or if we’re feeling a little more plush a spa weekend or a city break. Physically getting away from your day to day routine is a really simple but effective way to clear your mind of the day to day pressures and a real excuse just to stop, put your feet up and enjoy some time doing, well, not that much.

    The seaside

    For me, there’s nothing more tranquil and relaxing than the seaside. If I need to destress or get a little more mindful, then a trip to the seaside is the easiest way to do this. A walk along the beach with a nice tea and cake at the other end (just like I did today) or even a day spent soaking up the sunshine, just takes me away to another place immediately. The fresh sea air, the relaxing tones of the sea splashing against the shore and just the happy buzz of people playing or pottering around. It slows you down & brings you back.

    Practicing pilates

    Taking a lunch break is a really good way of ensuring you get a chance to clear your mind, re-energise and reinvigorate yourself during a working day. A lunch break is easy to sacrifice, but I really find that taking the time out to do a 45 minute pilates class is unbelievably good for my stress levels and my productivity too. Not to mention it’s exercise & it properly helps relieve any muscle tension I have from sitting at a desk all day. And of course it doesn’t need to be at lunch time (although it’s a good way to force yourself to take a break), signing up to an evening class, or finding another way to feed some exercise into your day (cycling to work, a morning jog, taking the stairs etc) is just as effective.

    Running my blog

    My most asked question when it comes to my blog is ‘how on earth do you blog daily and have a career’ … hard work and passion is the honest answer, but it also comes down to the fact that for me, my blog is super therapeutic, I find it relaxing, fun, and it really helps shift my mind from work and into a more creative place. And it’s not just writing my blog each day, it’s the creativity and planning my features, it’s the photography and shooting concepts, its the community and engaging with other bloggers. The whole blogging world for me is an effective way of relaxing, distressing and feeling a little more mindful.

    Ditching tech

    Sometimes you just need to physically switch off to be able to mentally switch off. I have found turning off all my mobile notifications such a simple but effective way of helping me relax a little (it’s surprising how stressful a constantly buzzing phone is), more than that trying to leave your emails alone after 8pm in the week (when work allows), and even just turning your phone off at night. We live an ‘always on’ life these days, restaurants, work and people are on 24/7, and whilst there’s definitely positives to this, it does make turning off that little bit harder. Making a concerted effort to live in ‘reality’ rather than through your tech is a really good way of relaxing your mind but also being far more mindful. For me sitting down to a good magazine or committing to a new novel, cooking up a delicious meal, going to the movies or catching up on my favourite new series (this is my latest way to switch off after work – i’m addicted to ‘Orange is the New Black’) are really simple ‘tech’ free ways to unwind.

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    If you enjoyed today’s post & fancy getting a little more relaxed & mindful you should also check out these features i’ve written: how to make your daily commute more mindfulhow to be more mindful in 20165 inspiring quotes to help you lead a happy and successful life5 everyday escapismshow to have a digital detox5 tips to help you have a positive day5 times when you know its time to take a breakwhy you need a break.

    How do you unwind, destress and live a little more mindful? Do you have any simple tricks that help switch off?





    2016 has been a bit of a revolution for me so far. I’ve got my work life balance back in check after a rather difficult 2015, I’ve created a fitness habit which I so desperately needed (currently using my Monday & Tuesday lunch times for a regular Pilates & body pump class, but hoping to get my weekly netball back on the schedule too), I seem to have tackled my weekly migraines and reduced these down to one a month (probably thanks to less stress & looking after myself better), and more than that I’ve started to take back control of my life and my time by practising #NotSorry religiously. These changes are not fads, they’re lifestyle changes which I promised myself at the end of 2015 that I would put in motion. I wanted to get my wellness back in line, and in turn become a little more mindful (I even wrote a feature on how to be more mindful).

    Mindfulness and wellness are two things that really hit the Zeitgeist radar in 2015, and for good reason. As a career driven, time limited, always busy, perfection seeking female, I often find myself overworked, overwhelmed with stress & with no time to spend properly looking after myself … and so the rise in awareness of well-being and mindfulness is something I have really welcomed, can appreciate and want to strive towards.

    But I get it, time isn’t limitless, and so finding time to practice mindfulness and live a well life can be tricky. But I’ve found an easy way to dedicate 20-40 minutes twice a day to being a little more mindful. And that’s your commute. It’s typically the least peaceful and relaxing part of most commuters day, but actually it has the potential to be a little sanctuary time. So today I thought I’d share how …

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    Mindfulness (NOUN): a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

    #1 POD CASTS

    The hustle and bustle of a packed train, tube or bus can be a little stress inducing I know, but finding a way to escape on that journey, and potentially learn something at the same time is not a bad way to maximise your time, and practice a little mindfulness on route. There are tons of podcasts available out there, and tons designed to aid mindfulness too … as a starter for 10 why not try the TED talks as a way to inspire you on your commute?

    #2 READ

    My favourite way to relax & focus on my inner ‘calm’ on my commute is to read. Currently I’m reading all about Sarah Knights #NotSorry theory which I absolutely love (and am practising religiously in 2016 as I mentioned), but a good chic lit or even a motivational novel like Arianna Huffington Thrive, or a mindfulness journal which you can write on your way to work (try the Kikki.K mindfulness journal) is a great way to practice mindfulness on your otherwise hot, sweaty, stressful commute.


    Have you tried Headspace yet? If not, get it. 10, 15, 20, 60 minute meditation pod casts to help you practice mindfulness in a really simple, easy to use app. It’s genius. When I was suffering badly from my migraines last year I started using the app to try and help me relax my mind. But it’s a great way to get some good use out of your commute (and don’t worry there’s no Buddha posing required, you can simply listen along sitting or standing).


    Whilst women eating on the tube is clearly a huge social issue (jeez guys), I suggest we ignore the haters and start using our commute to fuel our body (and our minds) ready for the day ahead! Prepare yourself a fresh, energy boosting juice, a healthy breaky and savour every minute of the tasty experience. Rather than rush it all before leaving the house, use that 40 minutes on the train to start your day properly. And if possible … don’t multi task. Simply focus on eating & enjoying your meal.


    For me the best way to ‘be in the moment’, feel calm & relaxed and also to connect with my mind & work through all the thoughts that are buzzing around is to be out in the open … whether that’s running, cycling, scooting (I can’t believe how many middle age Londoners scoot to work these days – YOLO) or simply walking. Being in the fresh air and physically active is a great way of feeling connected and in turn a great way to boost your mindfulness.

    Mindfulness doesn’t have to be a big thing, nor a thing that takes tons of time from your life, it’s just about allowing yourself moments to stop, breathe, reconnect & embrace the moment.





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    Oh … as for the look. A classic trench will never go out of fashion, this Zara one is a firm staple the third year running. Don’t you agree?

    How do you maximise your commute to work? Are you a believer in mindfulness, how do you practice being mindful in your day to day life? 





     Mindfulness has been a hot topic in 2015, it’s not a new phenomena or way of living, but it’s something that’s certainly become more prevalent in recent months. And for good reason too.

    With our lives becoming ever more demanding, stressful and busy, often we can forget to be mindful, live in the moment and be in tune with ourselves. I for one can admit to this and so for me, 2016 is set to be a year of mindfulness and wellbeing. Simply, I want to start taking more care of myself mentally and physically … and i’ve set out 5 key ways I can start to become more mindful which I thought i’d share with you today too.




    One of the wonderful elements of mindfulness is focusing on the present moment, too often we live in the past or the future, and we forget to stop and simply enjoy life right now. With busy lives and busy brains, we forget to stop & smell the roses. Literally we do. So in 2016, I’m going to make a concerted effort to truly live for today, appreciate each moment by moment (in real life, not just virtually) and take the time to really embrace life around me. It’s not hard, it just takes commitment.


    I’ve been thinking more and more about ‘life KPI’s’ lately, they sound overwhelming, but really it’s just about knowing what you want, what makes you happy & what you want to achieve in life, and ensuring everything you do is working towards these goals. In many ways, defining your life KPI’s will help you focus, eliminate the bad stuff & generally help you live a happier life everyday. What’s the point of stressing about something, if ultimately it’s not important, and probably needs to be changed anyway? Define your life KPI’s, and do what you need to, to help you start achieving that life happiness.


    Mindfulness isn’t something you do one day, and then your mindful forever. It’s a way of living, of being, and therefore it takes practice and dedication. Of course some days you’ll be swept up in the challenges life throws, but the important thing is to come back to your self when you can, and start a fresh, tune into your mind and your body & get yourself back into a good state of mind. Practice makes perfect, and so taking up some hobbies which will give you a defined time to be mindful is a great idea, I want to take up Pilates again in the new year & also try some meditation on my commute.


    A good day is all about your mental state of mind. So starting the day in a good place is always a good idea. Spend 5 minutes when you wake up to think of 5 things you’re grateful for or 5 things you’re looking forward to for the day ahead … big or small, it doesn’t matter. But the process will set you in a positive mindset for the day ahead.


    It’s not just about mentally being present & well, it’s also about being in tune with your body, and keeping your body healthy too. My health and fitness is something i’ve really not prioritised this last year, and I have to say it’s noticeable. 2016 for me, is all about putting my wellbeing first, and so dedicating some time each week to hit the gym in my lunch break is going to be non negotiable. Even a simple pilates and spin class each week will make the world of difference, not just to my body, but my mind too.


    Do you practice mindfulness? I’d love to hear your lifestyle for healthy and happy living? 




    A Welcomed Slow Start To The New Year & My Plans To Keep It Up

    Happy New Year everyone, a year i’m sure many were wishfully and hopefully awaiting, given all of the challenges of 2020. Although with everything going on in the US right now and globally with the continued spread and fight against Covid, you’d be forgiven for wanting to start things again already!

    I personally, aside from the societal challenges around us all, have had a very welcomed slow start to 2021, with a leisurely first week or so of living slow.

    One of my favourite new habits I’ve gotten into in the last few years is booking the first week of January off. The end of the year from a work point of view always ends up being exceptionally busy and hard work, and even though I also booked the week before Christmas off, I ended up working, emailing and dealing with things regardless … but fast forward to the first week of January and it’s the peace and quiet you wish for on your annual leave (and very nearly email free). Everyone else has paused, no ones manically trying to wrap things up before the Christmas break – spamming you 247, and my leave always feels actually restful. It’s perhaps the only holiday in the year where I feel like I get a real closure from work. So over the last few years I’ve really made a point to book the first week off and give myself a slow and restful start to the year, i’d highly recommend it.

    Given the UK is in tier 5, an effective national lockdown, and I am still home following my return in December for the holidays, there’s not been much to do except stay home and chill out. It’s not like I needed much excuse anyway, but the new year so far has consisted almost solely of Netflix binge watching and spending time with my family at home. I have a knack for being able to do little without much boredom or itchy feet to get out, sometimes I feel a little guilty i’m not capitalising on the ability to go for walks with Ruby, exercise or read my mountain of half read books, but at the same time, my lazy bottom is very happy laying on the sofa in front of a log fire in my comfy clothes. So the latter is what i’ve been doing.

    It’s a luxury that’s rarely afforded in everyday life, and so rather than beat myself up, i’m enjoying the time I have to do this.

    Whilst a whole year of this type of slow living is nigh on impossible given the need and demands of working life (and perhaps this much slothing would lose it’s novelty after a few weeks anyway, not to mention mean my physical health would take an unhealthy drop – i’m probably averaging 94 steps a day), there are a few takeaways for me, and perhaps you, that I would like to carry ahead into 2021 and beyond.

    Time to do nothing. Slowing Down. Living Slow. 

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    The last decade has felt consistently and increasingly fast, pacey and demanding, and 2020 was the first moment the rat race has been slowed down for me and it certainly has made me realise how I need those pauses and that generally slower pace – spending time where it matters, not just where’s shouting loudest. And not relying solely on holidays and weekends for slowing down, but setting boundaries and better prioritising so life more generally is calmer, more considered and less stressful. Of course you can’t rely on a global pandemic to give you those rest bites, reminders and to force you to ‘stay home’ (and nor would I want more of them either), but it’s become much clearer to me as a result of the last year that I want to live more slowly, to stop rushing, and sometimes to do nothing at all.

    Slow Living. On Purpose.

    I want weekends with no plan so that we simply can wake up and … just be. Time off work without a packed social agenda or exhausting travel plans, time to sit on the sofa, read a book, go for a walk, sit in the garden, bake a banana bread, do some yoga. Do something or do nothing, it doesn’t matter, there is no plan or expectation. Just time, to enjoy, to appreciate, to soak up and appreciate the mundane.

    Aside from last year, when we had no choice but to slow down and spend our weekends and annual leave finding joy in doing little and living slowly, when was the last time you took time away from work to simply do nothing? When was the last time you weren’t rushing, cramming and speeding through the day, week, month year?

    I appreciate for many the thought of more of ‘this’ probably fills you with dread and fear given we’re locked in and have been for so long (and I imagine more so if you’ve not been able to work too – for me nothing changed here, my job and week was just as demanding if not more but I got to lose the commute, the lack of self care and had the comfort of working from my own home), but to be honest it’s the thought of returning to the pace, demands and stress of life before that fills me with dread. I’m not sure I could physically keep up with my old self anymore.

    “The great benefit of slowing down is reclaiming the time and tranquility to make meaningful connections–with people, with culture, with work, with nature, with our own bodies and minds”  Carl Honoré

    Of course it’s not ‘doing nothing’, theres a beauty to living slowly and wonder to be found in slow living that is far more than doing nothing. It’s about finding an appreciation in the small things, not packing life to the brim in the search of ‘more’, ‘next’, or ‘purpose’. Finding joy in the smallest of everyday moments when we give it the time and appreciation it deserves. Taking time to cook and prepare your food, having dinner together, talking, and enjoying the food rather than rushing & watching the clock as it’s already 9pm and you’ve got more work to get back to. It’s enjoying a mindful slow start to the morning, a cup of tea in bed for me, rather than the usual panicked race to not be late in the office. It’s making a point of going outside for a walk and having an appreciation for nature because it’s a luxury to be able to get out, breathe in the air, and soak up the wildlife. It’s not rushing, not doing too much, not over committing, not over filling, not over pressurising yourself everyday. It’s not taking for granted the simple, yet often overlooked, moments and wonder in life. And critically, it’s not filling your time with things that don’t add any value to YOU, your happiness, your health and your life.

    I saw something recently on instagram which read something along the lines of ‘productivity is not about getting all my work done, it’s about balancing all the things I need to be healthy, happy and live’ – which really hit home to me. Slow living to me isn’t just about living slowly, it’s about boundaries, balance and prioritisation – allowing the important things time.

    ” …slow living is not about living your life in slow motion; it’s about doing everything at the right speed and pacing instead of rushing. By that same logic, slow living is not about losing time by going slowly; it’s about gaining time by doing the things that are most important to you.” Kayleigh Dray

    If you haven’t watched Disney’s Soul yet, then I also recommend a weekend movie afternoon to watch it. We can waste so much time chasing a future life we think we need or want (perhaps it’s work, money, finding a purpose or our spark, or living for ‘when we have X we can be happy’), when in reality finding beauty and appreciation in every day moments, living for today, and having gratitude for what we do have, is what ultimately makes our life fulfilling and wonderful.

    The long and short of it is, whilst I’ll never stop work, travel and socialising (they are all things I love and miss dearly), I will ensure I spread things out in my diary, make time for nothingness and slowing down, protect and prioritise my time to ensure that each day reflects all that is important to me (including my health and my mind, not just a work to do list) and perhaps just stop squeezing so much in, stressing about things that aren’t important to me and rushing to do everything right now.

    I want to maintain some of this slow living i’ve discovered, and continue to reap the many benefits of living slowly, mindfully, and consciously.




    The Overwhelming Nature Of Choice & Why Going With The Flow Is Sometimes Better For Mental And Physical Health

    I’ve been reading a lot lately. i’ve always been a fan of a good wellness or philosophical book – in fact, its a weakness of mine. My regular amazon drip of mindful living, beautifully illustrated, self help books is a deeply embedded addiction. It’s less about ‘finding answers’ and more about self exploration and general understanding … and a pathological need to buy things.

    Anyway, my latest reads (and still to read book pile) covers everything from The School Of Life: An Emotional Education, The Power Of Now, Miracle Mornings and The Secret, to Yoga: The Mantra For Life, Mindfulness Journals and every book on Zen living ever made.

    I love the practices they preach, I love understanding more about human behaviour and psychology, and mostly I love the positive intent towards creating a life of better balance.  The possibility and power to design your life and create a 10/10 design in all areas – health, love, career, wellness etc.

    During lockdown i’ve been reading more and more, and as you well know by now, have been thoroughly thriving in the work from home set up – so much so, i’ve been thinking about how to design a life that facilitates the balance we’re getting a taster for now, permanently.

    But what I’ve come to realise in the last week or so, is how overwhelming ‘choice’, ‘purpose’ and designing a dream life without limitation can be. It sadly forces you to be dissatisfied with what you have, to focus on ‘more’ and to believe deep down you can have anything you want – which I don’t disagree with (PMA all the way), but, innately throwing everything open to choice and decisions can actually be quite overwhelming. What if it’s the wrong choice, what is the right path? I’m an over-thinker, worrier and stress head by nature and what i’ve realised, is that whilst I love the premise of many of the books I’ve read lately, and I of course would love to maintain some level of flexibility and have more of the things I love in my daily life (yoga, time out, travel etc), ripping up what you have now and have worked so hard to achieve, isn’t always the right answer.

    If you’re happy – you don’t need to rethink everything. Instead of paralysing yourself with choice and a million alternative lives you could lead (because if anything is possible, then anything is a go-er), simply think about doing more of the things you already love doing.

    Design Your Life, but perhaps with some parameters.

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    For me, this means alongside my thriving in my job and career that I truly do love (and wouldn’t want to leave despite the standard working hour restrictions), finding better balance and making time for the other things I love – blogging, reading, yoga, travel, relaxation. Yes maybe one day i’ll own a wellness store (packed with the books, journals, stationary, wellness products & mindful living tools for others to buy) and even have my own coastal retreat for others to use, to spend time unwinding and re-finding their own balance (putting it out there, might help it become a reality); for now simply finding my own utopia (balancing  my career, my health, my happiness, my passions) and sharing my learnings on my blog with you, is absolutely perfection.

    Choice and unlimited access can be really quite stressful if you’re not clear on what your ‘purpose is in life’ or perhaps you’re actually happy and don’t need a total 180 or a life purpose to give you joy. From my experience, simply going with the flow has bought me tons of joy and success.

    I realise now my ‘Human Design‘ strategy and ‘not self’ themes are undeniably true – for me, waiting to ‘respond’ to opportunity has always been my opportunity driver, not seeking and forcing things to happen, and when i’m not in a good place, and trying to force things I end up over thinking, fixating and causing myself stress. NB: If you haven’t discovered Human Design, it’s another mind blower – combining astrology and chakras, it’s like horoscopes on steroids, but I’ve found it quite reassuring and a good guide for when I do start to overthink of worry (and freakily accurate).

    So for anyone else on the ‘design your life’ bandwagon – don’t over think it. Sometimes gratitude, taking time to reflect and focus on some small tweaks to your life is really all you need … and those big things might just flow in time.





    Proactively Creating Your New Normal – for now, and the future

    Firstly, it feels so funny to finally be sharing these old pictures I took in my old lounge now, when we’re so close to moving into our new space and our lounge will be (aside from furniture) utterly unrecognisable. I often do this, take photos, and have them in my wordpress drafts for years before finally deciding ‘nows the time’ to share them. In fact i’ve even had this post half written for two weeks, which means I keep having to update it as everyday the situation evolves.

    As it happens, i’ve not had the mental space to post much these last few months, but with the current state of global affairs, the health warnings around Coronavirus, and of course the move to self isolation / staying home in the UK, it sparked an idea and got me to finally put ‘pen to paper’ as it were.

    Given where we are now in the UK (and given my own health situation, living with auto immune disease), i’m fully resided to the idea of being house bound  and in self isolation, and in fact finding so many positives in it – a forced moment to stop living 120mph and actually rest, be slow and enjoy some of those things I just never have time for. In fact i’m slowing so much, i’ve not even done any exercise yet – that is definitely one to change when I get the energy back. On top of the general slow living, hopefully we will also be back in our flat soon (assuming contractors are able to finish jobs given the shut down), so if anything it’ll also allow us to settle in and enjoy the space a bit more when we do get in.

    On top of my own health, I’m also really aware of other people in my life who are at risk due to health and age, but also friends who are really struggling mentally due to being truly isolated alone (especially those living abroad on their own). It made me think about the importance of staying healthy, but also sane during this time … and I had a few ideas I thought I’d share to help us actually make the most of the time living a little more slowly.

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    Overall, whist I know that ultimately there is a lot of bad to come of this situation and many individuals work and companies ability to continue will be challenged, what I do hope is that it allows us all the chance to re-set a little.

    The rat race has been forced to stop whilst we’re in self isolation, and so where we can make a positive from this we should.  Here are five tips to staying sane, staying healthy and making the most of this time off the hamster wheel, to create positive changes in your life.


    A big learning for me almost immediately was the need to still maintain a routine. Yes I sleep an extra 30 minutes every morning, because I now can, but I am still getting up, getting dressed, doing my makeup as I would normally for work (it really didn’t work for me not doing this, and I felt it made my skin get bad too) and having my morning brew before heading to my ‘office’ (the lounge coffee table). I’m also now actually taking a lunch break – a new routine I hope will stick when we go back to work in the office, and i’ve been very strict on closing my laptop after work and transitioning to the evening.

    Whatever your day entails, and especially if you’re not working right now, a routine can help with stability, a sense of security and consistency and help you make the most of your day within your new confines.


    Some of the biggest shifts i’ve seen already is a change in our culture around work / life balance, a respect for the need to prioritise family & health, a forced change in pace to how we normally live, more time spent connecting with family and friends, and without a commute more time to spend doing all the things we enjoy but don’t get time for … reading, painting, doodling, journalling, watching movies etc.

    Whilst I need to get better at making time for this and actually start my book pile, I’m already starting to feel that I have more mental space for these types of activities.

    My urge to you all is to use this time to start new hobbies, practice mindful living and generally embrace that little bit of extra time we now have to feed your inner child / have a bit of me time. That’s assuming you’re not juggling children’s home schooling, work, and everything else – I appreciate you guys probably don’t have more time, if anything less, BUT there’s still an opportunity to get creative and spend time away from ‘work’ and get in touch with your inner child again.

    Not only will it be beneficial to your happiness to spend a little time doing what you truly love, it’s also good for easing anxiety and keeping your mind positive.


    I’m totally ‘pot calling kettle black’ here as I am yet to get a good routine in place – but now is definitely the time to embed healthy habits including regular exercise. For me this should be daily or bi daily yoga (I will start soon), but it could be Joe Wicks morning work outs, walks in the garden, i’ve personally even considered taking up running given how quiet and beautiful it is outside (i’m a team sports kinda gal, never enjoyed a run as they’re so boring to me haha).

    Anyway, as part of your new normal & your new home routine, this perfect opportunity to prioritise your health and fitness, so why not put those healthy habits firmly in place now. It’s also, not to mention, incredibly good for your mental health to keep active during this time.


    Again, I know for some this won’t be easy, but with less time commuting, more time together as families, and so much time at home, this is the perfect moment to capitalise on ‘me time’. More sleep, a long bath, meditation to keep you calm and positive.

    We all know how much we need this for our happiness, mental health and general wellbeing.


    One of the loveliest things we’re seeing globally is so much care and love for others. Whilst we can’t go out and about to see each other while we’re in self isolation, staying connected with video calls, whatsapp, house party apps, virtual drinks, even a simple phone call is incredibly important.

    When we get busy things like this slip to the wayside for long days in the office, but right now being connected has never been more important and if anything,  feasible – everyone is embracing video calls and more regular check ins with loves ones … even neighbours or the elderly you’ve not met.

    Take this time to catch up with all those people you might have neglected over the years due to those demanding days & work commitments.

    And when it all goes back to normal …. take these things with you. Use this time to create your new normal. Generally speaking, whilst there are terrible things happening, there has never been a better moment to re-set your life if you felt you needed to. I did, and for me this time is providing me the time to restore, get off the hamster wheel and actually prioritise living well, speaking with my friends and family more, spending time resting and making moments for ‘me’.




    Why Shooting Film Is My New Favourite Things

    You’ll have no doubt noticed a lot more film over here and on my instagram. It’s a really interesting evolution, as a few years back i’d see peoples less than perfectly focused and clear film photos and wondered why they’d share something so sub standard (in my anal obsession), but here I am a few years on and I not only love that grainy ‘less than perfect’ feel but I’ve also started to pack my film camera on trips away over both my Canon and my Fuji. As I’ve got into the swing of it, I’ve fallen more and more in love with every roll of film I’ve got back and of course, more and more in love with the process of shooting film. For me, this ever growing love affair, seems to be driven by three key things:


    It’s fair to say that I’ve been known to be a pain in the butt with my camera. Consistent ‘one more photo’ requests resulting in hundreds of the same thing all because i’m obsessing over the image i’m getting back on the digital screen – let me try a different composition, different location, different pose, eyes are shut so let me go again … with digital you end up taking more and more photos, never quite satisfied and always seeking that ‘perfect’ one. It’s frustrating for the people i’m roping in to take photos, and in turn I get wound up because I worry I don’t have what I need. Film has completely revolutionized that agonising trap and inevitable argument.

    Firstly I can’t see what’s been taken, it is what it is. Secondly I don’t want to waste half a 36 film roll on the same thing, let alone a 120mm which only takes 16 on my medium format fuji. Thirdly, it’s often more fun to shoot than digital, the process of using an old film camera is somewhat charming and a novelty, making it enjoyable even for those who don’t really want to be stood there taking photos of me as I prance around. And finally … compared to my Canon 5Diii and prime lenses, my god is it light and easy to carry around.

    I’ve found myself seeking convenience a lot more lately, a blend of wanting to take more photos and wondering if something more light weight, smaller in size and without gigantic interchangeable lenses might help that. I’ve even been researching the Fuji X100F as a camera I can keep on me at all times becomes more appealing than scheduling a ‘shoot day’ with my canon – whenever I feel the urge to get creative, it often coincides with an urge to buy something new to try and facilitate what I want to be doing (my brain works in clever ways). Right now my film camera feels like the perfect balance between the two, and in part that’s made me opt for it more and more.


    The edit, or the lack their of, is another thing I love. I shoot entirely on Porta and the colour tones are always pure magic. The film and film process adds so much character, warmth and charm to each shot that you barely need to do a thing before sharing each snap. That character and vibe you work so hard to bring out in digital editing, is almost unnecessary on film, and the more I shoot the more I adore that warm, grainy somewhat soft focus visual my camera produces each time.


    Of course the other benefit of not taking 100 images of everything, is that you spend more time in the moment, more time simply enjoying what you’re doing and what you’re seeing. The film camera doesn’t take over the occasion, instead it provides a simple, subtle and enjoyable way to capture just one moment, you take time over that shot because it has to be the right one. Film is really expensive (I pay about £49 for a pack of 5 film and around £14 per film for development) and so you really do have to be choiceful, stop and think about what you want to capture, and really spend time in the moment appreciating every detail.

    Below you’ll find a whole host of film photos i’ve not shared with you yet, dating back to early summer. As they weren’t created with a blog post in mind, they’re random and they didn’t really have a ‘purpose’ in mind. I thought sharing them in a little diary format like this might be an enjoyable thing to look back on, and hopefully nice for you to see too?

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    I hope you enjoyed the film, I’ve got film from both Greece and Mallorca to share next. In fact some of my film from Mallorca is my favourite yet x