For todays ‘how to’ blog feature I actually thought i’d write something a little different, less focussed on a specific topic and more about blogging in general. Whilst I love writing my blog features about all the various blogging topics, I actually thought it would be a fun idea to share my top 10 tips for blogging in general. I’d love to know your top 10 tips and if there are any i’ve not included which you think are helpful?
. #1 BE YOU .
I really don’t mean to be a broken record, but as I always harp on about, my biggest piece of advice is to just be you. A blog is a personal diary, an online space created by you, for you, any readers is a bonus. Whatever you do, stay true to yourself, it’s your personality and integrity which engages people, so don’t lose that.
Of course, being you also means making your blog your own, creating your own design, your own style, having your own tone and your own identity. It’s easy in this age of blogging to buy some copycat theme, but why not make it a little more personal and if you can’t learn the HTML yourself, brief a designer on your own blog style.
On the topic of coding & html, when I started my blog I never for the life of me thought i’d know a thing about html or CSS, but three years later i’m quite the master of basic html (relatively speaking that is). It’s easy these days to go your whole ‘blogging life’ without having to know html, but I can assure you that knowing the basics will really help, not only giving you the opportunity to design your own site as I have, but also to make tweaks, adjustments or upgrades as you and your blog grow. You don’t have to be a pro, but knowing a little can go a long way. I learnt everything I know watching youtube tutorials and reading tips on various websites and blogs.
Most bloggers these days are investing in DSLR’s or high end point and shoots, top notch computer software and editing tools rivalling that of the best design companies, so lets not invest in all this high quality tech and not learn how to use it. Whether it’s learning the balance between ISO, Aperture and Shutter speed or getting the basic skills on photoshop, take a little time out to master how to use your kit properly. You’ll get the most out of your tech if you learn how to use it, once again I relied on youtube tutorials and website articles to learn the basics, but the real mastering comes with trial & error.
I wrote a little post on learning ‘how to use your DSLR’ here which you may find helpful!
The blogging industry is now absolutely huge, long gone are the days of anonymously blogging from your bedroom, blogs are now rivalling the reach of the worlds finest magazines, offering more quality and genuine endorsement than most celebrity signings and as a result offering huge opportunities for success and entrepreneurs to run their own little blog business. With boundless opportunities for success it’s important that we each take a look at our own blogs, ambition and goals and keep focussed on our own achievements (and not compare our ‘successes’ to others). Make your goals your own.
I wrote a post about making your blog a business & a a post on keeping your blog morale high which you may find helpful.
. #5 PRE PLAN .
When it comes to blogging, pre planning and staying ahead is crucial, with everyday meaning a new blog post (at least for me it does) it means there’s no time to lag behind or forgetting to write content. With a busy social and work life, theres only one way to manage this, and it’s to plan ahead, whether that’s content, events, partnership or photoshoot’s, pre planning everything is key.
I’ve written a few posts on keeping organised, juggling a full time job & a blog, being productive, keeping your content flowing, turning your ideas into live features & writing good features which you may find helpful to read.
Scheduled posts can be your absolute best friends, so lean on them. I schedule posts all the time on my blog, whether its for the morning after i’ve written up a feature or for a week full of posts (I wish, i’m not that organised), scheduling is really helpful when managing a super busy schedule, and to the point above, can really help you stay ahead!
If there’s one thing about blogging it’s that you get a lot of emails, even when I started my blog and had one reader a day (thanks mum) I still received a ton of emails, whether it’s collaboration proposals, PR’s, brand introductions, readers saying hello or notifications for comments on my social channels / blog, the emails are endless. I can’t even begin to imagine or count how many I get in a day, but the only way to cope is to keep on top of it all. I tend to reply to the easy ones at my earliest convenience, mark the big ones which need a little more time and concentration and skim read those which are a little less relevant! I always like to try and reply to every email, even if if it’s a proposal I can’t proceed with, it’s only polite to try and get back to people!
When it comes to blogging and youtube, social media and the community are key. That’s not only just for sharing your blog content but it’s also for engaging with other bloggers, making friends and supporting the rest of the community. I work across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, and often also share my outfits across a number of style sites too. Every week there are tons of blogger chats (too many to even keep track of) but when I started my blog I always tried to take part on a Sunday night to debate the latest ‘hot topic’ and of course meet other like minded bloggers. Nowadays I tend to be too tight on time to join every blog chat, but I always keep in touch with other bloggers and brands via twitter and instagram!
Back to point one, personality is what makes a blog, so it’s important that in whatever you do, you keep that integrity. With blogging becoming an ever commercialised industry there’s plenty of opportunity to sell out in exchange for a bit of cash here or there, but in my opinion it’s so important to not sell out at the expense of your blog integrity. Don’t forget your readers come for you, your content, opinions and personality, so whenever you work with a brand, include advertising, work with affiliates or even agree to sponsored posts, make sure they’re in keeping with your blog, style, identity & personality.
I wrote a post on keeping your blog integrity here if you fancy reading more.
. #10 HAVE FUN .
Most importantly, have fun. However stressed, busy, tired or exhausted you get, don’t forget the reason you started and that in most cases blogging is just a hobby. Take a step back, a deep breathe and have a little fun with it!
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These are really good. Should take up some of your suggestions!
When You Dream Big
Love all these posts! They’ve been so helpful in starting my blog. Thankyou :) x
-lana (Lana-sultana.blogspot.com)
Really like these type of posts! Thanks for the tips! :)
Colorful Closets
I always love these posts so so much!! So informative!
Shot From The Street | Fashion Blog
Love this post :) Great tips x
Paloma in Disguise x
Fabulous tips! Personality and personal goals are so key, and I’m trying to learn more html and use my photography knowledge more and more each time I post
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty – http://www.brittonloves.blogspot.co.uk
Great tips ;)
For me pre-planning is totally crucial! I need to make sure that I know what is coming up for the week so I can get all my posts out on time.
Thank you for your tips. enjoyed reading it! i agree with all your points too.
Awesome tips thank you so much!
I just want to say thank you for all your posts, I’m just starting and it help me a lot! Thank you very much!
Great tips! Especially #1; it’s easy to compare yourself to other bloggers and what they’re doing. I have to remind myself sometimes to just do and write what makes me happy!
Sunday Brunch
Love this series of posts!
Thanks for the tips. They’re really helpfull
Love this post! Love your post on how to balance a full time job and a blog!! So helpful!
Great tips!
xo T.