Todays post is rather pertinent, and if anything i’m writing it for myself more than anything, but I hope it helps you too! It’s all well and good me sharing posts about upping your blogging game, but in reality writing a blog and having a full time career is bloody hard work and sometimes being organised, productive and full of inspiration simply isn’t enough … time is what we need! I for one have really struggled this January, not only has work been extremely busy, my social life has been too, and i’ve found myself struggling for time to blog, spend with Jase & see my family, not to mention of course, just be on my own relaxing!
I think one of the hardest, but most essential skills to manage when working is to master your work life balance. It’s actually very very difficult to do, as often when we strive for success or are driven characters it’s hard to know when to stop, cut off & just take some time to relax.
Despite the last 3 weeks being very hard to deal with, 15 hour working days, high pressure deliverables, daily blogging, a blog relaunch, fitting in friends, family & rest etc, I have come out the other side. So I thought i’d share my tips, they by no means will solve your problems, but they may just help a little!
When I say commit, I don’t just mean to work. I mean to your friends, to yourself, to your hobbies. I think it’s really important to make plans and stick to them, it’s really hard to do this, especially when one part of your life (usually work) becomes increasingly demanding of your time, and importantly your energy, but by making and sticking to your plans, you will force yourself into creating more of a balance and hopefully in turn improve your wellbeing too! There’s nothing like spending time with friends, or just with yourself to boost your happiness.

This is actually very linked to ‘committing’ but if you’re anything like me, then you’ll know that having something penned into your diary or your work calendar, is a sure fire way to make sure you actually do it!
When I met Arianna Huffington, she talked about adding ‘bedtime’ to her work diary, just to make sure she did cut off at some point in the day! It may sound silly, but committing to yourself, to your diary or calendar all of your plans, you’ll be more forced to keep to them! Whether or not that’s bed time, or simply just ‘evening in, to chill’ … commit to it!
It’s all well and good splitting your time between work and socialising, but don’t forget about time just for you too! In creating the perfect balance between work and life, it’s really important to make sure you factor YOU into this mix. It’s not just friends & family, or the gym or commuting … ‘you time’ is also really key in creating the best emotional work life balance. Burning the candle at both ends is something i’m definitely guilty of, but in the last two years as my work has become ever more demanding, i’ve really had to think about myself, and ensuring I have time for myself just to relax, wash my hair, sit on the sofa, drink a cup of tea. It sounds silly, but your mental wellbeing will be significantly aided by making sure you look after yourself!
. SAY NO .
So committing is key, but so is ensuring you don’t over commit. Whether that be in relation to client demands, or pressures at work, or just sheer volume of party and dinner invites from your friends. before you accept anything, truly have a think about whether that date, time, duration works for you! It’s really easy to say yes to everything, particularly in work when you probably attribute taking on more and saying yes to success, but it’s not always the case, I assure you! Managing expectations, whether that be work, boss, friends, boyfriend, is a really important way in you managing your time & of course your work life balance. It’s genuinely okay to say no, just do so in a polite way, and offer a compromise. ‘I’m unfortunately unable to deliver that piece of work by EOP today, as I have other deliverables & commitments which I’m unable to move, would 12pm tomorrow work for you?’. No one will ever be pissed off with you for being honest & managing their expectations, they’d rather receive a good piece of work than have to deal with a stressed, overworked employee delivering below average projects. Equally, your friends would rather spend quality time with you, rather than a rushed dinner or drink when you spend your whole time on your emails or stressing about where you have to be next. Say no, and make plans which work for you, it’ll benefit everyone in the long run!
It’s easy to become stressed, and start burning out the candle without even realising it! I’ve done it many a time before, and it’s only when i’m in bed being sick from a migraine that I realise I was working too hard, or taking on too much! It’s not easy to please everyone, including yourself, so make sure you regularly check in on yourself. How are you doing, how are you coping, are you working hard enough, are you spending enough time relaxing, have you seen your friends recently? Genuinely have a think about things, what is making you happy, and what is not making you happy. Once you know how you feel, and where there’s potential inbalances, you can start to sort them out a little. It may be that you’ve been working late & your boyfriend is feeling unloved (ahem, sorry Jase) … if so then dedicate some time out together (Bruges this weekend, tick). Are you doing well at work, or do you need to put a bit more effort in & start turning up a little more on time? Have you had time to wash your hair this week, if not, why not, book yourself some me time one evening!
I once read a quote that said look after yourself, like you would your own child. it really stuck with me, i think it’s a really good mantra to live by. All too often we can forget to look after ourselves, and starting to manage your work life balance is one step in really starting to look after yourself, and your wellbeing!
I’d love to hear your tips on mastering work life balance, and of course here how you find trying to manage this yourself. Do you struggle like me?
Thanks for the tips! I’m starting my blog and January was really intense because I had to deal with the full time job and the all process of creating a blog (design and everything). It is hard to relax at the end of the day but I just keep remind myself that everything is going to be OK if I do want I want to do and if I enjoy it. All the efforts worth it!
Great tips! I especially love the point on ‘saying no’. I’m the worst at over doing it and over committing to too many things! This definitely helped, thanks!
Ah such great tips, I’m so obsessed with your blog lately such amazing content and your images are on point!
Liza | Glambeautys | YouTube
I’m glad I’m not the only one that has had a rough January. I agree that it’s so important to prioritize time for yourself. There’s nothing more reinvigorating than a pamper day!
Silly Medley: Lifestyle and Travel
I definitely try to see friends once a week, and to finish all my work by 6, and off the computer by 8:30 – it can take over but finding the balance really helps!
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty – http://www.brittonloves.blogspot.co.uk
These are so helpful! Thanks for sharing! x
Blog | Marjorie
this post came at the right time! i definitely needed it, figuring out how to make time for everything is quite stressful!
Great tips ! thanks for sharing
These are great tips, definitely can relate. I find that diarising and writing down everything really helps.
There are some lovely tips – very helpful in keeping a good mental mind when working and social time x
This post was so helpful. Lovely, relevant tips x
I really need this post in my life right now (which I think I say about a lot of your posts, but it’s true!). I juggle a masters and my blog, and I’m hoping to add an internship into the mix! It’s time consuming but I love all of my commitments so it’s difficult to cut back on anything. Having said that, I do think I need to say ‘no’ a little bit more. It’s just hard to because I want to seise every opportunity that comes my way!
i started blogging just over 6 months ago, whilst working full time, running a house and family. I started out posting every day but needless to say it just took over everything and became all consuming, at the expense of everything else. I now blog every other day but on the days I don’t blog, I completely cut myself off from blogging, social media etc and make sure my family is feeling loved. This is proving to be a happy balance for me and my partner and I don’t feel so overwhelmed! Xx
Brenda BusyBee
Wow! You really rock it!! Managing a blog an a full time career is sooo much work!! And wow, how you handle it is great. I’m having a tiny little blog and due to my full time job, friends and family i sometimes only manage to blog once a month
I love this. It is a good reminder for those who are blogging and might get tied up in one part of their life. I am working on saying no to brands and people who just don’t fit in my life journey.
So true…it’s all about balance. And actually when you take a step back you often feel more relaxed and do better at work and write more natural blog posts rather than forced reviews because you feel guilty! Definitely all about the balance x