One thing’s for sure, and that’s whilst Fashion Week and the jam packed days and nights that come with it are super fun and exciting, the schedule does make blogging super hard. And it’s not just true to Fashion Week, weekends away, holidays, time visiting friends, these periods require a mastering of blogging on the go. Given i’m quite frequently travelling at weekends, blogging on the go (or away from home) is something i’ve come to try and master.
Seeing as no doubt quite a few people will be spending some time attending Fashion Week here in London or even in Paris and Milan to come, I thought i’d share my 5 tips for blogging whilst your juggling the wonders of FW with trying to keep your blog updated & readers satisfied.
If you’re truly struggling for time, can’t fit a DSLR in your designer clutch, let alone a laptop and are spending the day running from show to show, then just go social. Blogging, if we’re honest is almost second to the likes of Instagram during Fashion Week, instagramers are raking in hundreds of thousands of fans simply by posting simple square images of daily life, no editorial & no kit required. Social media, even more so during Fashion Week, is the place to be. So rather than stress yourself out trying to blog, simply keep readers busy with instagrams and tweets throughout the day. Bring the shows, street style and experience to them live, and leave the detailed editorial for when Fashion Week is over.
If like me and cutting off your blog is not an option, then blogging in your down time will be the answer (bed time usually). I always like to take my laptop with me whilst i’m away from home, but for fashion week you need something a little more ‘mobile’ to allow you to keep on top of things throughout the day, before doing the full blog edit before bed.
I personally find it quite hard to do a ‘whole’ blog post on my iPad, but what it is great for is starting to draft up features, catch up on social media, and check in on your blog throughout the day. It’s light enough to not give you shoulder ache, and small enough so that it should fit inside your designer clutch, without looking like you’re a back packer. Even if you can’t set your post live until you’re home that night, having an iPad (or tablet / phone) etc on you throughout the day will allow you to keep in touch & start preparing your blog posts when you get 5 minutes off.
If theres one time when you’re no doubt going to snap too many photos it’s fashion week, whether thats during shows, at Somerset House or just your own outfit pictures, make sure you get yourself a big memory card to house them all, this way you can keep going without having to constantly stop, get your laptop out and offload images. Not only this, the more you can snap the more editorial opportunity you’ll have later, whether that be a review of a show, a street style edit or again just your own personal style each day. Take the opportunity to capture the moment, as it’ll only give you tons to write about once the Fashion Week buzz is over.
The same goes for chargers, don’t be caught out with 8% phone charge, or no camera battery to shoot Miss Palermo as she totters by. No no no. Not only make sure everything is charged before you leave the house, if at all possible also bring back up. Whether thats a remote phone charger or just a charger itself, squeeze in whatever you can so that you’re not left with a black out.
. WIFI .
We all know that life without the internet is, well, incomprehensible, so make sure you’re wifi prepared during Fashion Week too. Whether thats 3G via your mobile phone, a dongle for plugging into your laptop when you need to, or just sussing out the local area for wifi hot spots. Most cafes have wifi these days, as will hotels, but if worst comes to worst then don’t forget you can tether your phone 3G onto a computer or iPad devise to get you back online. I’ve had to do this a couple of times in the past, and it really can be a saving grace if you need to get a post live.
Another little tip, and something which will really help you blog whilst at Fashion Week, is to take advantage of Fashion Week retreats, sanctuaries or bases which brands provide. These are great little hubs to call base for the day, and will have all the facilities you need to blog, rest & recoup in between shows. Many brands do these each year, so if you know you’re going to Fashion Week and a few shows, then why not try and find a ‘base’ to call home during FW, as this will make blogging so much easier for you.
So there you have it, 5 very simple tips to help you keep blogging throughout Fashion Week. But most importantly of all, make sure you enjoy yourself rather than stress about blogging.
This was such a great post! I only made it to Fashion Week yesterday as unfortunately today I am back up North but the atmosphere was just so infectious. As it was an impromptu visit, I hadn’t even planned an outfit let alone grabbed my DSLR to capture the day so instead had to use my little vlogging camera which hardly gave me the results I wanted but I still had a lot of fun and it’s shown me how much I need to prepare ready for next season! I hope you have a great time if you’re heading down this week xo
LJLV | UK Personal Style
Even visiting London for the day, always take back up portable chargers! True saviour, and I’m definitely thinking of investing in some WIFI to take around with me for blogging etc
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty – http://www.brittonloves.blogspot.co.uk
Hi, Nice tips! I really enjoy reading posts like this!
Maybe can you give some tips about HTML and CSS? ;-)
Hi, Nice post! I love reading posts like this!
Maybe can you share some tips about HTML and CSS? :)
Great post! I didn’t get to go to fashion week but these tips are great for general on the go blogging!
This is so beautiful! Thanks so much! Have a lovely weekend gorgeous! xo Nicole Evolution of Glam
Love these tips! I’m sad I’m not there at Fashion Week!
Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Bloglovin’
Stunnning tips! Thanks for sharing Miss!
Interesting post!
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