Every now and then we all suffer with a bad day, whether it’s due to tiredness, a rotten hangover, or simply things just not going your way (train delays, spilt coffee, a mammoth to do list, or just things going wrong & out your control etc – we’ve all been there). But the important thing to remember is that your day can turn around, and often you just need to acknowledge the situation and do a few small things to pick yourself up.
Today I’m sharing 5 super simple tips to help you pick yourself up when you’re having a bad day, they certainly help me and my girlfriends and colleagues, and I hope they help you too!
Sometimes, when you’re having a slow day and feeling a little down in the dumps, simply getting out for some air is enough to reinvigorate you. When you find yourself struggling through a slow or bad simply day, pop out for a coffee and a stroll and before you know it the fresh air will have given you an energy boost.
More often than not work takes over and we’ll simply skip our lunch breaks through lack of time. Even more often, this becomes a habit & a regular occurrence. Sometimes when you’re having a bad day, actually taking back your lunch break to do something for you – the gym, some shopping, a catch up with friends, is a really easy and great way of picking yourself up!
Using your lunch break to take a gym class is a really good way to re energise yourself, take some time to yourself & generally a great way to get some endorphins flowing around!
Who’s better to pick you up than your loved ones, a good old chin wag, a rant or even a laugh with your friends can turn your day around before you know it. Often in the week I’ll call my sister or go and grab a coffee with my friends from work just to let off steam and put my mind onto something else. Without me consciously realising, often I find it can turn around my day & mood without any effort at all.
If you’re having a bad day, then make sure you make some plans for the evening that deliver on exactly what you need. An impromptu date night, a movie night on the sofa, drinks with pals. Not only will it give you something to look forward to, it’ll also ensure by the time you’ve hit the hay that night, you’re day will have ended on a high, not a low.
Any excuse to treat myself. But genuinely, when i’m having a poop day, more often than not I’ll buy myself a little treat to pick myself up. Anything from my favourite coffee, to a book on Amazon I’ve been looking at, to a wild shopping spree online. Treats don’t have to be massive, but giving yourself a little something you like is a sure fire way to help pick yourself up.
“If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” ― Roald Dahl
So there you have it, 5 really simple ways to pick yourself up when you’re having a bit of a rubbish day. I’d love to know if you have any other tips or advice & if you’ve found these tips helpful?
If I’m super stressed or having a bad day I call my mom. She’s honest with me and will give me feedback. My friends typically just listen and I like someone to talk back at me so I go to her.
Ashley | Sunday Brunch
Love this so much!
Great tips; so simple and yet so helpful. It’s hard to pull yourself out of a funk, but I think doing any one of these things is as good as acknowledging that you’re wanting to feel better. xx Thanks for sharing x
What a great post! This post came a the right time as I needed a pick me up. I also love the new header, looks great :)
Love Charlotte Elizabeth xo
Great post…unfortunately those days do happen but you’re so right, knowing how to pick yourself up is the important bit!
This came at just the right time! I finished work on such a bad note, and then the moment I came home, there was a big Feel Unique order from my Mum as a surprise (their Beauty Advent calendar – omg!). I had to give her a call after just to vent and cheer myself up, so I’d certainly say just chatting to someone who’s willing to listen is always a good place to start. I think you just have to try and distract yourself for a little while, end eventually, it all just blows over and you can shrug off the bad vibes a little.
She’s So lucy
Great tips! I always try to make sure I step outside every once in awhile. It’s a great way to cool/calm down.
Amber | y a c h t s m a a n
Great tips! When I am in shizzy mood and things just seems to be not right [even when it is], I’ll force myself to take a nap :)
Real Life Nerd // http://www.vivienekok.com