Evolving your Style With Your Age; Body, Style & Taste
When I was younger people always told me that as you got holder it was harder to stay slim, difficult to keep in shape and generally more of a challenge to find clothes that look great on you. My reaction back then (as a size 6, active person) was ‘yeah yeah yeah, you probably eat too much & don’t exercise enough’ (clearly I never said that out loud) … but here I am, getting older, and finding karma ready and waiting to bite me in the butt. Because let me tell you … it really is true that your shape changes, that it’s harder to stay in shape and that generally it is harder to get an outfit that just looks ‘great’. I didn’t believe the realities of aging, until I experienced it myself. And the sad fact is my body has changed without me realising soon enough, my ass is bigger than ever before, and getting my body into a state I would like it is so much harder, not just because of age, but because of the realities of adult life – demanding job, busy social life, friends, family & partner to juggle. It’s no excuse, I could definitely be more active (and I am working on that I promise), but the reality is my body has changed as I have got older, and as I reach a new century (scary), my style is evolving, adapting and changing to fit my lifestyle, my shape and my tastes too. And not to mention my wallet.
Today I thought I’d share a few of the ways my style has and will continue to evolve, perhaps you can relate, or perhaps they’ll inspire you to try something new as you turn a year or decade older. No matter what you’re age, your style, taste & shape evolves, and what’s important is that you continue to dress in a way that makes you feel happy, confident and beautiful.

Forget Uber Mini
Wow I used to love a mini. I didn’t even realise how short I used to go until I tried back on some old clothes recently and was mortified how much thigh was on show. Now I’m not saying I don’t still love and embrace a short dress or skirts, I do, but I have to say my ‘cut off’ length has definitely dropped a few inches versus my early twenties. The reality is that my legs aren’t what they once were and my job and lifestyle means a slightly longer length is more flattering, feels more suitable and looks more modest. Whilst I do love a midi, it’s not all about ankle grazing lengths, it’s simply finding lengths & styles that give you that modesty you’re looking for to feel comfortable in. I personally love an a-line cut (it doesn’t cling to me, it flatters my waist line, and looks longer than a fitted mini skirt), I have embraced the midi A LOT lately, and the other style trick I’ve started to embrace is buying ‘tall’ sizes. As a 5ft 5″ woman I’m most certainly not tall, but it’s fair to say that the Topshop size 8 skirt that does not even cover my butt cheek, looks a whole lot better in a tall version – It gives me the length I want, in the styles I adore. There are definitely ways to still wear the styles and trends you want, without having to buy ‘tween’ lengths.
Know Your Shape
You think as I have got older I would have learnt to know, love and cater for my shape, but I haven’t. This point is definitely as much advice for myself as it is for you too. The reality of getting older is that knowing your shape, what fits and what flatters becomes a little more pertinent versus when you’re young (or a model) and everything looks fabulous regardless. A friend of mine visited a stylist last year and has absolutely revolutionised and streamlined her style as a result of a proper consultation; she knows what works, what flatters and what suits, and she fills her wardrobe with all the right things. Me? I buy what I love regardless of whether it flatters my bum or tailors to my own physique, but the reality is I can end up feeling (and probably looking) rubbish as a result. One thing I really want to start doing is finding the tailoring and sartorial ques which are made for my hour glass (turning slightly pear) body shape …
Invest in Accessories
This I live and breathe by, and always have …. accessories are the make or break of a look. You can transfer a high street outfit with a designer bag, or a classic shoe, or even some simple accessories. As you get older, finding ways to upgrade or ‘boost’ your wardrobe without constantly buying new clothes (which are hard to come by) is a saviour, and for me, the perfect answer is investment accessories. It doesnt matter what your shape, your mood or your style, an accessory will make you look and feel a million dollars. Designer of course is the dream, but it doesn’t have to be that £3k Chanel bag, a classic, good quality high street shoulder bag can look just as good. The key is to think classic, quality & statement.
Think Capsule, Not Trends
And on that point, when you’re investing in items for your wardrobe, try not to haul the high street, think about creating and carving your perfect capsule wardrobe, packed with items you know fit, flatter and that you love, that also have the versatility to be styled for various occasions and seasons. Whilst I don’t have a wardrobe full of Marant & Saint Laurent, I do try and invest in quality over quantity, and I personally find stores like Whistles, Cos & Banana Republic to be that perfect premium yet attainable luxury (that fits and flatters my figure especially).
Confidence Shines
And most of all, and most importantly, learn to love your body no matter what it’s shape, height or colour. Don’t try to fit into a ‘norm’, copy a trend or look like someone else, you’ll look your best when you’re dressing for you, in clothes that make you feel confident and beautiful. And yes there will be days where you sit looking at outfits you wore just a year ago longing for them to still fit, to still look as good, or to still be suitable, but reflect with positivity, and focus on finding new ways to style the looks or pieces you adore, that work for you now (even if it does mean going up a size).


And as a general tip, sometimes inspiration is all you need to feel better about your own style and feel inspired by things you could wear. Why not make a pinterest board like mine here, with all the looks you admire and love, ideally try to pin people with your shape and your style so you can turn to the images in moments of need. For me, my outfits archive is always a fail safe way to inspire ensembles, I can reflect on the looks that worked and those that didn’t and carve out a look or wardrobe that I know works for me.
Have you found your shape, style and wardrobe evolving as you’ve got older, turned 20, 40 or even started working? I’d love to hear about your own style evolution & whether these tips were helpful for you?
this is so lovely, love your striped shirt!
Fash ‘n’ fudge
Fash ‘n’ fudge
Love the blouse!
Great blog!
Great article Mel. Love the styling Mx
Great outfit! Every 5 years or so I feel my style changes and evolves with me! I definitely wouldn’t wear what I use to when I was 18 years old!
Tamra – loveofMode.com
I cannot do midi. Maybe one day I will, but for now it is either short short or long. Nothing in between :)
Excellent post and very true. x
Really good tips, I especially agree with accessorizes. I always make sure to get my hands on nice ones :)
Loving this look! And these are such great tips!
I learned to not do all the trends… some of them are not good for my body, age and style :)
Novelstyle Blog
This are wonderful tips! I tend to just wear whatever I feel comfortable in as opposed to what is trending. I’m quite a lazy dresser in all honesty. I just want to get stuff done rather than worry too much about what I’m wearing. But as soon as life stops getting in the way of everything so much I think I will make more of an effort to think of what I’m wearing.
I love all of those stores too (well, the ones we have in Australia) and I agree that your style really develops as you get older. I’m in my early twenties and already I’m finding my style evolving and changing with age. I’m quite curious to see how I’ll dress a few years from now actually!
Love your style! <3