The realities of travel blogging
Travel blogging is something I’ve done a fair bit throughout the years, whether that’s maintaining my blog whilst being abroad or blogging about my travels whilst I’m away, I’ve done both and it’s something I hope to do more of in the future too. With my own travel increasing every year as a result of work and my personal travel plans, and the rise of travel blogging in the last 12 months, travel blogging is something of a zeitgeist for me & the blogging industry right now. I’ve written a couple of tips posts about blogging abroad or maintaining your blog whilst you’re away before on my blog (starting back in 2014 in fact) but today I thought I’d share something a little more raw … Breakdown the glossy highlight real of travel posts and share some humorous and stressful realities about travel blogging.

That perfect shot
One of the best things about travel is the beautiful and new surroundings to shoot in. When I travel I see it as a huge opportunity to shoot new outfit editorials, create travel guides or photo diaries, and generally to share some new content on my blog. And whilst the features might capture the perfect moment, picture perfect surroundings and the best of what there is to offer … What you don’t see is all the preparation, the organisation and the time spent creating, discovering and capturing the perfect series of images.
Much like propaganda in the old days, what you see is what travel bloggers want to show you (the highlight real), not the likely hoards of tourists around the carefully cropped shot, the dodgy streets that really aren’t Instagram worthy, or the god awful outfit you wore that day. I was talking to a friend the other day and we were laughing about the Instagram portrayal of Santorini, versus the real deal. The realities of travel blogging are that capturing that perfect shot is often slightly more challenging than you might think.
Tackling the climate
Sunset and sunrise make the perfect time of day to shoot pictures on summer holidays in my opinion. Not just for the golden hour sun, they are also the least hot, least sweat inducing and generally the quietest times of day to try and concoct a photo shoot in a foreign country. Because let’s face it, shooting in a hot location looks beautiful, but my GOD the heat!
Sleep? What’s that?
From getting up early to try and shoot features before the day’s activities commence, to staying up late to write editorials in the only spare moment of time you get. The reality of travel blogging isn’t all luxe and fun, it’s tiring and takes some serious organisation and time management. Unless you’re on a trip dedicated to creating blog content (one day), you’re constantly having to squeeze blog work in around your holiday or work plans, and that can be slightly more difficult than you think. In Cannes earlier this year I only managed the time to shoot and create one editorial in the whole week and spent until 2am trying to get it live before travelling to Paris the next morning for work (which inevitably ended up me falling asleep with my laptop on my lap).
The 40 tonne camera
Do you know how heavy a DSLR, laptop, lenses and 25 outfits is. Talk about a pre holiday work out. The reality of my blogging kit is that it can’t be packed in a suitcase, which means juggling a suitcase, laptop case, handbag and camera case on most trips, and carrying a hefty DSLR round all day ready for that perfect shoot. The Olympus pen really is the silver lining to travel blogging, but i still end up carrying my 5D because I mean the photos …
The Instagram husband.
And finally. Talk about friends and family wanting to ditch you after the first 24 hours, ‘oh wait a minute I just want to capture that’, ‘oooh would you mind taking a picture of me here’, ‘oh and again here’, ‘not like that’, ‘try this angle’ … And it goes on. Unless you have the worlds most willing Instagram husband, incredibly patient friends or something seriously good to barter, the reality of getting all those incredible shots is that some poor sod, who is at the point of murder by the end of it, is on the other end of the camera cursing at the bloody blogger who just. won’t. stop. taking. pictures.
Let’s not even talk about breakfast flat lays …

With my work meaning I’m abroad a fair bit for meetings, and my love for travel meaning holidays are a regular occurrence, finding my own travel blogging routine, establishing how to juggle writing my blog with the actual trip I’ve made and generally just working out how to fit everything on is something I’ve had to think about. Over time I’ve managed to find a sweet spot of juggling travel (whether that’s meetings, adventure, or chill time) with maintaining and creating features for my blog and not entirely pissing off my travel buddy’s along the way. It’s by no means easy to juggle, despite how glamorous I know it can look, but I have a few tricks I rely on every trip to help me out which you can read here & here.
Have you travel blogged; what are your tips and tricks & can you relate to these travel blogging realities?
Beautiful photos, love the photos!
Blonde in Cashmere
I haven’t touched much on travel blogging (not yet at least ;)) but I can still relate to some of these points! Really enjoyed reading this one, it’s good to share the reality behind the ‘blogging glamour’ from time to time haha :D xx
I’ve done a bit of travel blogging so far. I’m going to be doing some more in the next week. My key tip, is to find off-beat areas that tourists don’t normally go to.
To be honest, even though it takes a lot of work and less hours of sleep than any average person, I wish I could relate to this post. Hopefully one day!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
It’s nice to know it’s not all dreamy when it comes to travel blogging! I still would love to do it though.
Ella xx
I haven’t really done much travel blogging in a while, but I did a few bits and pieces in Tenerife last year and it drove my boyfriend mad! After a week I think he was glad to go home and now have to wait for me to photograph our food before eating, have to take 1000 photos of me in various locations, and stop every two minutes for the ‘perfect’ shot of scenery!
Steph – http://www.nourishmeblog.co.uk
THIS THIS THIS! Ugh, my recent city hopping trip did not culminate in all of the beautiful blog content I’d hoped for because of ALL of these reasons! Got to laugh about it though haha x
Martha Jane | http://www.marthajaneedwards.com
Yes it’s true! You end up planning the features pre travel and shooting and try doing that with a baby too…not as easy as it looks! There needs to be some sort of balance between having a lovely holiday (and not missing out on memories) and also realism for the reader. X
Really enjoyed this post. Truth is, curated content is hard and while traveling–that adds another level. Do you think they sell Instagram husband’s on Amazon? I need one ;)
xoxo – Kelly
I haven’t written travel content on the blog though it is definitely something I’m interested in including. Have bookmarked your other advisory posts as they are super helpful.
Haha, I am still shocked my bf has not left me yet because of all the photo taking he needs to endure ;)
Beautiful photos and a really interesting read! After starting my own blog I have realised how much hard work and time goes into creating content…
The Leach Life | theleachlife.com
I haven’t done much travel content on my blog, but in the next week or so I’m going on a big family trip and these tips will really come in handy!
Great post!
my boyfriend takes a lot of pictures for me and we have little fights every single time…we are both such perfectionists.
I love this! It’s so true! We went on a cruise around the Med last year, and one of the stops was Santorini – all the photos I’ve seen on blogs makes it look so quiet and that is definitely not the case. And mykonos – I had to wait a few minutes to get that perfect shot of the ‘quiet’ street. And the instagram husband – my family totally just walk away and leave me when I’m taking too long – to the point that I almost got lost in Pompeii last year taking photos and almost split up from our tour group!
xo April | April Everyday
I’ve dabbled in travel blogging before and it was so much more difficult than I thought it would be. I think it’s quite hard to find a nice balance between actually enjoying your holiday and just relaxing/letting go, and creating some amazing blog content. I’ve got a big trip coming up so hopefully I manage to juggle everything while I’m travelling…
Totally the truth! The attempt is endless and the effort is beyond words! I rather blog about it than blog while traveling ! So difficult to do it on your own!
xx Margaret
It was so much harder travel blogging than I thought! Especially when you are with a group of people who don’t blog!
Nice post. I’m definitely not a fashionista, but I am always behind the lens.
This was a fun post to read, I can imagine how hard it is… When I’m travelling I think I tend to annoy those around me to take the perfect shots too.